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Everything posted by demon3165

  1. Good sides bury this mob with 7 out, it's all about percentage for this game.
  2. Lol surprised that got through the filter.
  3. I also followed up with when he takes the first option he's better, but to think his way through he is just not there.
  4. See if he doesn't think he does the right thing.
  5. Viney has to have the lowest football IQ brain that has ever played for Melbourne.
  6. Not doing to much, kicking against the wind and where do forwards start behind their man,that's junior football stuff stop all flying in packs.
  7. 5+ goals, if they are serious it should be at least 12+, no excuses for this one.
  8. Yeah I know roost it, brain got ahead of fingers, meant to say Jesus they have....
  9. Tmac is a backward step, going to the well again, Jesus are have so many injuries that kids from the under 10's will be filling in, use tommo as a spare ruck if you have to.
  10. In the second quarter they did what no one had done and that was regarding the Dacios boys it was not what they did with their first possession, but did not allow them free possession after that and that's the trick to it all. When McCray said I would tag them he knew these boys could run all day so going after them by tagging is a waste of time it's how you set up to stop them getting to the next contest to create the lose man.
  11. If the lions game had not been stopped do you really think we would have come back like that no way, so let's not get carried away with that one.
  12. Glad you watch with one eye shut, you are allowed to do that go watch the game again when the game was getting closer kickouts were down the line they got boxed in, it was only after they got back on top that free flowing football started to get going. I said in a post last year after round 9-10 that we were in trouble with the way we played, some here howled that down, guess what towards the end of the year other people picked up on it so yes I look at a game slightly different to you. I aslo said that they will work it out but hey you look at your way I will look at it my way no big deal.
  13. Gee I'm glad you don't see any faults, suppose last year was just fine, leading up to finals and finals themselves.
  14. No because at the time people post that's what's going on in their view how things end up is different.
  15. Mount Baw Baw, Toorak, Kew, all the elite suburbs, only joking mostly white affluent suburbs, not really mate, a long time ago clubs were aligned with suburbs because the used to get players from there area that played in the their thirds side the U19's.
  16. No the thing I can never understand when getting beaten in the midfield they leave the same set-up instead of stopping the bleeding change the match ups or stand in different positions just slow it down. The swans gave up the ghost in the last quarter but was happy they left JVR on the ground, fristch has to stop flying with everyone and do what he does best, lead and isolate his opponent to be one on one marking contest and was happy with Petty creating a contest to bring the ball to ground. They still have a problem with transferring the ball but I think that will take a bit of time because they have been used to playing one side of the ground and we saw that again Sunday when thing tightened up but what was positive was Chandler, McVee dishing it off as first option and making good decisions. Sparrow And Viney have to stop trying to take on their opposition all the time and running back into trouble dish it off for gods sake.
  17. There was two Melbourne sides out there today, one that went back to 2021 kick down the line and we got worked over for it, players like viney, Sparrow tried to take everyone one but then the good, getting the ball and dish it off, fritsch stop trying to fly with everyone he is better on the lead or stay on the ground, leaving JVR on the ground did well considering he rucked as well, quicker ball movement. The bad they still have trouble transferring the ball if you look at the last few minutes players were asking for ball but they just kicked down the line to a contest they just don't chip the ball around till they get an opening, I still cannot understand how coaches allow the opposition to dominate in an area and don't try to correct it but I guess that's modern day football. Now next week kozzie will come in so who goes out I think you take Brown out for him leave Petty and JVR there but who knows.
  18. He should go back to late season 21 where his first option was pass it off he has gone back to captain tackled he doesn't have good footy IQ.
  19. Leave him there it's just the way we brought it in that quarter, better if the just let JVRon the ground let him get into the flow of the game.
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