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At Least I Saw a Flag

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Everything posted by At Least I Saw a Flag

  1. https://www.google.com.au/search?q=youtube+the+drugs+dont+work&oq=youtube+the+drugs+dont+work&aqs=chrome..69i57j0l3.18152j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
  2. As good as Murphy was, he should have been pinged that time for running too far without bouncing the ball.
  3. They'll be going wild in western Sydney tonight!!
  4. Tim Watson. For some reason the word "simpering" immediately springs to mind.
  5. MFC had an unbelievably injury free run in 2016. Paying for it now.
  6. The more things change, the more they stay the same.
  7. Laugh, and the world laughs with you. Cry and you cry alone.
  8. I can tie this musical thing with this thread quite neatly. One of Bill's best mates was Mal Logan. (Oz music legend.) Mal is a good mate of mine, who now lives in Qld. He is flying down especially for this match!! (Unfortunately a Tigers supporter though.) How's that for quality name dropping!!
  9. I've had broken ribs (x 7). I would not wish that on anyone. I felt Cloke's pain watching that incident the other day.
  10. Posters tend to fall into 2 categories. Those who simply accept inept mediocre performances. Well done boys, you nearly got there. Another honourable loss. We're improving. Bad umpiring. Players out. We're a young side. And ""how many games have you played" directed to posters who dare criticise the team. Do those apologists have jobs where, if they perform badly, they face no adverse consequences or criticism? If so, they have dream jobs. The second category are those who don't accept inept performances. Who criticise the extremely well paid coaches/players who perform badly. I know which category I fall into.
  11. Is that what it's come to? The sole source of football enjoyment being watching other (hated) teams losing?
  12. I remember reading a post once "God must really hate me. I'm a Demons supporter." I feel like that now. Gutted. The players are on big money. They should do their jobs properly. I actually put $10 on Freo at $3.20. Ridiculous odds. I wish I'd lost my money.
  13. Giving up goals at the very end of quarters is also a problem. Q1 and end of Q3, 2 goals.
  14. I think someone once said bad kicking is bad football!!!
  15. I hate those Scott (Kray) twins. If asked to choose between them, it would be like choosing between typhoid and cholera.
  16. Cripps and Gibbs murdered us last time. George Santayana. Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it. George Santayana (16 December 1863 in Madrid, Spain – 26 September 1952 in Rome, Italy) was a philosopher, essayist, poet and novelist.
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