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Posts posted by Maldonboy38

  1. With Paddy Ryder back, Ben Long who is as tough (and sometimes brutal) as a cats head, and Zak Jones still to come back, the Saints will be ok. Too many soft-ish players at the moment who prefer an outside role. Fix that with some grunt and they could worry a few. I rate Ratten highly, and actually enjoy watching his team play. 

    • Like 1
  2. I watched more than half than game and it was a good win considering Weid playing AFL and M Brown going down.

    Bedford and Howes look next in line, with Rosman a possible option as a rebounding defender. None of them are getting huge stats, but more they play with vision, energy and reliable skills that look AFL ready. I also like Chandler and Laurie but didn't rate their game versus the Bummers. 

    • Like 1
  3. 5 minutes ago, dpositive said:

    MB I visited and was amazed at the separation in North South heritage and culture.

    South was the convict, North the free settlers. Ross in the centre was where the troops were stationed to respond to both ends.

    Should the AFL think of building a new facility to cater for both populations?

    I can't see a stadium in Oatlands or Ross!!! So no, they will need to play in both cities I would think. 

    York Park in Invermay (basically Launceston) is considered the best surface to play on in all of Australia and has shown that the crowds will go there. Not sure what they will do in Hobart: the North Hobart oval is good, but the facilities are rubbish and there is little room to develop. If a business model and government investment is available, they will build a new stadium in Hobart somewhere.

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  4. In some game soon, he will get beaten by his direct opponent for the first time, and (hopefully not) the Dees will lose one with him playing. These two things will be the making of him. Once he faces difficulty and emerges the other side, I see him as a 200+  gamer. His poise is so stabilising, and after watching 2 decades of a squad with poor disposal, it is pure joy to see him kicking so well, so easily, so often.

    The Brett Lovett comparison is interesting. Along with Gary Hardeman, Brett Lovett is the next best Dees defender I have seen. Bowey has a fair way to go to get into this rare air, but his kicking and reliability does remind of Lovett. And that is VERY pleasing.

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  5. I find it hard to watch non-Dees AFL as a neutral observer, I usually end up supporting one team, for various reasons. But I am finding the Pies v Cats game invokes no support for either, just a residue simmering dislike. 

    As for the Ginnavin kid, I went to school with his dad. If the son is anything like the dad, he will be a total [censored].  

    • Haha 4
  6. I thought the crowd at the Dees AFLW was a bit poor - how bad it as at Giants v Suns!! All you can see is a vast panorama of vacant orange seats, Giants players in orange difficult to make out because they blend in with the seats, and the Suns in an absolute shocker of an away guernsey. Abomination. Add to it Brereton bagging on about Preuss, and as bad as the commentary was in the Casey game, it was easier on the eyes than this. 

  7. Well done Dees. Some gutsy performances and some moments of brilliance.

    I have family members who are umpires, one might end up at AFL level, so I am hesitant to over-criticise. But the game was ruined by sub-par, very poor umpiring today. I am talking really, really poor. Clear free kicks to both sides missed by the umpire having a clear view but play on. Head high contact repeatedly missed, jumbled understanding of holding the ball or prior opportunity, and incorrect disposal. Sorry, but it really spoiled the game for me and I feel really annoyed. 

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  8. I lived in Tassie twice, and can tell you they love their footy. The north/south divide is very real, so I reckon they will need to play home games in both Hobart AND Launceston. Not sure how it would work but can't see a way around it.

    The main arguments against have always been around business model/finance/sponsors etc... - can Tassie sustain the huge financial beast that is an AFL club? Hopefully they have worked that out.

    As for the name, the Devils rings true, but there has always been conversation around giving due homage to their convict heritage.

  9. Just watched the highlights etc... of the Port v Crows game

    • Showdowns are great to watch, and this one looked like a great game of footy.
    • Some of the Crows young players really stepped up which might see them emerge from the bottom of the ladder. Might. At least they have a new benchmark. 
    • Power played some good footy but don't seem to have a match winner or big moment player. But they seem to lack passion and intent which are usually two of their strengths under Hinkley. 
    • That was a brutal incident, even though the contact was not head high. So unnecessary and could only end badly. I hope the young fella from the crows is OK. That was his first game back from neck surgery and he went off holding his neck. 
    • Like 1
  10. If Ben Brown not available, both TMac and and Weid stay in. TMac has had a really poor year so far and needs time at Casey, but he stays in until Ben Brown available. Mitch Brown will get seriously exposed at AFl level - he is injury cover now.

    AS I am typing, just now in the media conference, Goody just said both Brown and Lever are likely available for next week. 

    I actually think one of Spargo or Kozzie need a break - both have been ineffective for most of this year, but unlikely to happen.

    OUT: TMac, Smith

    IN: B Brown, Lever

    • Like 1
    • Facepalm 3
    • Thinking 2
    • Shocked 1
  11. 6 minutes ago, Nasher said:

    No way mate. You’ve just forgotten what losses feel like. 

    No I haven't, and never will. I have been following the Dees since the 70's. Trust me, I know what losing feels like!

    Our basic skills were so bad at times, I felt we deserved to lose. We are too good a team now to turnover the ball, and miss goals like tonight. Makes me squirm watching it.

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    • Facepalm 1
  12. So often, players like Harmes, ANB, Hunt, Sparrow, Rivers etc... don't get enough acclaim. Harmes was very good tonight, and Hunt had some moments, but the other three were poor. Twice, ANB did not commit when he should have and that is so unlike him. And Rivers' kicking has been a liability in the past 2 games.

    The team is winning but our basic skills over the first 3 games have been absolute junk. 

    • Like 3
    • Vomit 2
  13. A clear example of a win feeling like a loss. Our handball skills were atrocious. We made Essendon look OK and they are junk.

    Weid was great tonight which was a total surprise from me. His Casey game was very ordinary. I am a fan of him and therefore so glad for him.

    Brayshaw, Clarry, and Langdon - epic game (except for kicking skills)

    We have some players on notice now - TMac, Kozzie, Spargo, Fritsch, and Neal-Bullen were horrendous tonight. 

    • Like 2
  14. 1 minute ago, Action Jackson said:

    100%. But we seem to do that in every 2nd quarter we play.

    Stop over possessing and get the ball moving forward.

    Our 2nd quarters have been an issue through all of Goodwin's era. We are repeatedly lazy, sloppy, don't give first option, make simple handling errors, and do those frustrating little hollywood things that give away goals. Essendon are really, really poor and we are keeping them in it. 

    I FEEL like we are losing, but we are not. Can't we just annihilate these flogs?

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