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Posts posted by nutbean

  1. http://www.heraldsun.com.au/sport/afl/im-committed-to-saints-ross-lyon/story-e6frf9jf-1226130438303

    According to this article today, Lyon is "committed to the Saints."

    Whatever that means.

    He hasn't said "I'll be coaching at St Kilda next year."

    Some might see that as splitting hairs, but I think his wording is quite deliberate to leave an opening.

    In any case, the article goes on to say:

    Whatever you think of Lyon, I think this is the sort of attitude we need to bring to the club.

    I mentioned this on the new coach post - I for one will be dark on Scully is he leaves as I found his presser in March unambiguous - " i want to be a one club player and envisage that will be the case, can see where we are going," He even answered how he can turn down the money. I am not sure how he can turn his back on his statements in the press conference.

    On the other hand - look at what Ross Lyon has said - a complete "non denial" denial.

  2. Ross Lyons press conference today

    At the time Lyon categorically denied the speculation and he did so again on Tuesday morning when he spoke to reporters ahead of St Kilda's elimination final against Sydney on Saturday night.

    "Let me just clear it up for everyone in the room, my position hasn't changed, like (Collingwood coach) Mick Malthouse I don't deal in rumour and innuendo," Lyon said.

    "Certainly I'm as committed as I've ever been to my role and my status hasn't changed one iota, I think that just answers it for everybody."

    "I've answered everything to do with that topic so I'm not going to indulge any more."

    In the words of Jason Robards in "all the presidents men" - a "non denial" denial.

  3. I agree more or less NB. Just making a point that some of us apply a different lens to our specs when assessing other club's players and one of our own.

    It's as though when one straps on a red and blue guernsey they are incapable of even the remotest possibility of standard human folly/conduct/behaviour.

    It's beyond parochialism and I can't understand it to be honest.

    It doesn't make you 'more of a supporter' to think this way. But it does make you less intelligent.

    That's because our boys can do no wrong ( on the field excluded...)

    I have no doubt our boys like all others play games to increase their pay packet.

    I have no doubt that Sylvia's manager this year and Greens a few years ago ( to mention two) absolutely waved potential other offers in front of the club to raise the pay packet.

    I think what we all forget is there is no other game in town at the moment except GWS and GC17. Sylvia is a case in point - the only way he could get to the Swans ( who purportedly had a contract ready) is offer up a suitable trade. The next way is the national draft like Ball - wouldnt have got past GWS - or PSD with a price on his head and there is little chance of him getting past GC17 or at least still being there by Sydney's pick.

    The landscape will change with free agency though ...ewww

  4. It's interesting how you will acknowledge that it is possible for another player (Palmer) to use such tactics but not our very own beloved Demon.

    Nice one Crackers.

    The difference being that whilst Palmer may be wanted by the Giants - you would think that they are not going to have to pay much of a premium.

    Whether we like TS's performance or potential to date you would have to agree that TS has more currency than RP and doesnt need other parties outside MFC and GWS to push his price up. ( same goes for Ward and Davis - no need for third parties to be hovering to increase the $$ that GWS are offering)

  5. Yeah they said on mmm a few weeks ago that GWS could have someone right out of left field that no one has even thought about and when its revealed it will be suprising. I cant see Sam Mitchell going because he has 3 young children under 2. I reckon he & his wife would want the family support around them and he wouldnt want to leave hawthorn. Plus he is contracted next year.

    They just had Paul Conners on SEN with Harf and he said it wasnt all about the money, then harf said in all fairness if GWS only offered him abround 400,000 then he wouldnt have taken it. Conners said probably not but Ward was also excited about the people he would be playing with. Ward is doing a presser with GWS on wednesday where other team mates will be there.

    Apparently he told Paul last week he thought his mind was made up.

    Lets not kids ourselves - its about the money

  6. Stevie Johnson is the rumour but highly inlikely i would have thought.

    The talk has been Sam Mitchell who is contracted

    1/ For the first pick 17 year old - O'Meara

    2/ A guarantee of no Hawks next year ( because GWS still could as Mitchell is contracted as opposed to uncontracted)

  7. Unfortunately, Fitzpatrick's debut is one of the worst I have seem for many a year. And this is not a pot shot but an opinion - if that's alright by you and the other opinion-police?


    "Failpatrick. Where do we find these guys."

    Nah thats a pot shot at a first gamer.

    Then you havent been watching for many a year.

    More often than not debutants dont fare all that well..You have obviously Jack Watts debut. You have obviously forgotten Frawley and Garlands first 20 games.

    To say Fitpatrick had an ordinary debut - fair opinion - to make the comment made above - poor form.

  8. Can anyone explain how it became a ball up? If it's a mark then he gets a kick. If it's not a mark then the ball spilled free and play goes on. Why did the umpire bring it back and insist on a bounce?

    Because that dumbschmidt blew his whistle and then decided he got it wrong - you could hear him say - the ball came free when he hit the ground so he bounced it.

    Schmidt doesnt need a whistle - he should have a little hammer and hit himself on the head making that very noticeable coconut sound every time he wants to make a decision.

  9. dropping the ball is dropping the ball.. Simply should have kicked it,,,not that hard !!

    What he should have done, what he shouldnt done - you dont pay free kicks because Garland was dumb - the rule is clear - incorrect disposal in a tackle warrants a free kick - he wasnt tackled - he was knocked off the kick - should not have paid the free - that simple.

  10. Well, let's just hope that your predictions re Scully leaving, are as on the mark as your knowledge of American presidents... he was known as "Honest Abe", but I think you might find it was Washington who never told a lie ;-)

    And if my memory serves me right didnt he also chop down Neneh Cherry's tree ?

  11. Pick 12 or 18, we'd still let a Darling slide and pick a Cook. (Sorry Lucas, you may be a future star but where are you?)

    Look, up in the air, its a bird, its a plane - no its Retrospective man.

    And ably supported by writing-off-20-year-olds-like-cook-the-same-way-so-many-were-bagging-watts-have-we-learned-nothing boy

  12. I know my attitude is mercenary, but you cannot eat loyality.

    Loyality does not pay the bills when you are 40 and suffering body problems or concussion problems.

    maybe so but can you understand Daisy knocking back the big money to stay at the Pies - more premierships ( finals at least ) compared to years in the wilderness ?

    You will like this one Old Dee - the CFO of our group says " if you want loyalty - buy a dog"

  13. Now that you mention it that seems to ring a bell.

    So I will probably have to retract.

    Still think being offord an extra $4-500,000 PA with a time line of 4 -5 years would be very hard to pass up.

    I know I would take the money and run

    I addressed this elsewhere - some will go for money and some wont - the biggest difference is that at my work, i am not looking to hold a premiership cup aloft and whilst work is hard - i dont fight in the trenches with my workmates like footballers do...these are emotional values that dont exist in business.

    I would take 4-500K and shift jobs tomorrow.

    I'm not sure a Jack Trengove would.

  14. All very noble by Luke Darcy but I wonder if his loyality was ever put to the test?

    The contra view might be "one in the hand is worth two in the bush".

    In this occupation your next game could easily be your last.

    If my memory served me right he was offered big money from Adelaide ?

    Does anyone else recall that ? or am i making it up !

  15. Trengove decision certainly makes an argument that the club is a great place to stay for young players, so your point is taken.

    At the end of the day, we will never know the true motivation for Tom's decision (well, unlikely anyway). It is his decision though, and we must accept that. I have a feeling his bung knee might be playing a large part in his decision. If my knee was so suspect, it would be hard to turn down a long and well paying contract that guarantees financial security. He might only play 50 games for GWS before it gives way.

    None us know but what you said about his knee, again who knows - but in the land of 1001 theories - if the knee is so bad then your 1002nd theory makes sense.

  16. A fair point, but players like Brown and Ablett have given a lot to their club, whereas we have gotten bugger all from Scully. We could have picked Martin who also is loyal and willing to turn down better coin for his club. Let's not get into the hindsight debate though. It is what it is, and it is not the end of the world.

    Yep - but my point is that this is not an indictment on the club - Ablett is a case in point. He pointedly gave other reasons for leaving but did not back away from saying that money was a large part of it. Thats how he ticks so be it.

    An offer to good to refuse.

    So it is indictment on the club that Scully's goes but how does that fit in with Trengove staying and extending early ?

  17. Nutbean that there gold nugget was staring at you right in the face! :P

    chose to believe, chose not to believe.

    it will all be over soon.

    BTW - you are welcome to join BB and myself for a glass of milk of magnesia ( for our ulcers) when this is all over ! cheers !

  18. But I've already stated that I think Scully declared his hand to the club a good while ago. Therefore, the club knew a fair while back how much it was prepared to put on the table for Trenners. And Trenners management knew roughly how much extra there was in the kitty for their player.

    From my standpoint, I am actually lauding Scully for doing the right thing by the club and notifying them of his intentions early on.

    It's allowed us to sign Trengove (and a host of other young guns) early and make morale boosting announcements to that effect to the members.

    An each-way bet? Still don't understand what you're getting at :blink:

    *Adds - It's also benefited Trengove in the eyes of the Demon faithful by portraying him as a loyal, red-and-blue-bleeding fan of the footy club. That's great PR right there.

    ok - I will concede that if you believe the club already knew then you are 100% right - they would have been allocating the Scully money elsewhere. Didnt realise you had added this gem into the picture as well

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