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Posts posted by nutbean

  1. youre rig tMick holds the cards.. He has trumps..Eddie has trumps.. Mick however holds the Joker.. Ediie knows this. Eddie knows he can attempt a rout but will be beaten in time..and wil lcost the club money..for all costs. and for what ??

    Mick will go when Mick wants to. Its not a franchise. He cant be made to not work. He walks on the filth. He simply isnt paid anymore. Eddie efffectively knows hes got an unenforcable bit of paper, one with so many "outs" they ought to be called Collanderwood !!! :)

    Yup - just depends if Mick worries about Eddies saber rattling which i would think not

  2. Why would Mick sit out ...if he doesnt need to. Hes already stated a year out is almost too long . Hes not silly. He wont sign anything thats limiting and he he wont position himself on the bench. Malthouse is an all in type of bloke.

    I imagine the scenario RPFC paints is quite close to the mark. Mick finishes his coaching commitements to Collingwood come 5 oclock or there about come Oct 1 .

    then ...it all changes.

    Eddie knows this

    Mick knows this

    all suitors know this :lol:

    Buckley's counting on this

    I think Mick holds the aces because no one wants a really unhappy camper - but Eddie may say - you have a contract - sit out for a year and all is good - go and coach somewhere else then we get ugly.

    I just think that Eddie would not see a year sit out as a big slap like jumping and coaching straight away

    Thats my gut feel.

  3. To clarify, of course I dont know what is in the contract other thatn it extends into next year if you take the public pronoucements at face value.

    My main point is this: MM cannot do anything that would put himself in a tricky legal situation at this stage. Yes he could go to Eddie and say "look i am bound to you but I want to coach the Dees and will do that in 2012 how about we talk about my current contract and a way out of it."

    And sure eddie could say 'Yep lets tear it up".

    But until then MM is no going to spoil his chances of a deal like that by doing anything prior to the GF this year nor is he going to put himself in a position where he might be said to be in breach of the current contract. To do so would be p*@sing it up against a wall.

    I agree nothing will happen until after the season. One thing is sure Buckley doesn't want him anywhere near the palce next year.

    If Mick is unhappy with the situation he will go with Eddies semi blessing - for club stability you couldn't have Buckley and MM locking horns - destabilising. I think the compromise Eddie might ask is for him to step away from coaching for year.

    I dont think he will be at Pies either. Buckleys very domineering personality would not allow for a MM looking over his shoulder.

  4. So the same Lyon was responsible therefore in some large way for Sydneys Premiership and nearly one for StKilda !!!

    Yay, lets get 'im !!

    Okay - call me Mr Rose Coloured Glasses.

    I look at StKilda's list and see the potential ( I know , I know - an ugly word) in our list and wonder to myself what would a Ross Lyon do with this list.

    His has honed some fairly ordinary footballers (Dawson, Blake, Dempster, Peake etc) into playing to team rules, team structures and with committment.

    He speaks plainly - doesnt gloat when he gets it right (63% of the time) and doesnt back away ( Luke Ball) when he gets it wrong.

    Talk to 99% of the Saints supporters about having to watch Saints footy - they are delighted - as would I be if he came to the Dees

  5. Unless you are relaying a direct quote from Scully, Stynes, Stynes, or Lyon... then really you could just be relaying information that is absolutely false.

    Ummm - if you follow everyone of RPFC's posts on the matter you will find the only quotes RPFC is relying on is from Scully himself and chosing to believe what he has said.

  6. I see a certain irony that we are all passionate and vocal ( and sometimes even reasoned and logically) about who should and shouldnt coach our team but criticise who is on the committee to make the recommendation.

    The only person missing from the committee is a panel of Demonland posters.

  7. Win the hardball you will get the frees.

    If only that was the case !

    With the interpretation of holding the ball law - it has bred a generation of lurkers - how may times do we now see players refusing to pick up the ball for fear of getting pinged. Getting second to the ball is not a bad thing now as the guy making the play is no longer at an advantage.

    I cant remember ever seeing umpires costing us a game so I dont whinge about "What they did to us"

    However - over the past two seasons the standard of umpiring and interpretation of rules is taking the fun out of the game for me. The amount of "guessing" they are doing is mind boggling - if you are not sure dont blow your whistle. If you pull the ball in it gives the opposition carte blanche to dive on your back. The umpires are usually on the blind side of the pack and have no idea if the ball is out or not and more often than not it is the opposition holding the ball under you so it is impossible to get it out. So yes - i will whinge about the umpires - period. They are ruining all football. All you need to do is take of the "bias hat" and watch non MFC games of football to see the depths that umpiring has sunk.

    What really upsets me is the umpiring during last years finals was fantastic - they only blew the whistle when an obvious free was there. I know it is the best umpires working together but why cant we get that standard the whole year.

  8. I think you will find that Green will be relieved of the Captaincy (more than likely with his own blessing) and that he will be offered a fair and reasonable contract (to compensate) that will see him play out his career at the Dees.

    fast forward to end 2011 early 2012 - he won't be relieved of the captaincy - he will relinquish it (behind closed doors pressure duly exerted)

    "I have found my form has suffered with the extra burden of the captaincy and with this bright brigade of well credentialled youngsters that ooze leadership, I have decided that is in the best interests of the club and getting myself back to my best form that I relinquish the captaincy and pass it onto .......(insert your favoured choice here). I am fully committed to this club and see our future blah blah ....."

  9. I agree with your point about making pronouncements on 20 year olds, ( and this is not directed at you because you are always balanced)but I find on this forum any critical analysis of Scully is shouted down. Scully seems to be the only player in the team that criticism can not be made. I'm not sure why there can't be debate on his ability like every other player in the league.

    At this stage, he has elite endurance and good speed. He finds a lot of the ball, so he must be a good reader of the play. Scullys disposal by foot and hand is poor (quick hands are not great hands if they miss targets), is not strong over head and does not kick enough goals. He is also short in comparison to most modern footballers, and has a serious knee problem.

    Hopefully he stays and his disposal and injuries improve. But he is far from guaranteed to be great.

    That's fair and reasonable (except for the short part - I dont see his height as a hinderance at all).

  10. I certainly think he'll be not as good as everyone..well , many here suppose he will be. Many seem only too happy to overlook his well, be incorrect to say shortcomings, but to overlook his , averageness ( sic) in many departments. So much is hype..so much is . "but he will become" .All the while he 'll be becoming this on someones watch whilst theyre paying well over the odds for such ability.

    I was always of the mind the talenbt and abiltiy of Watts would come to the fore..and it is. There was more to see in the first place. Scully has lightning hands..( often to no one) and a big tank...( on dodgy knees) His kicking is quite frankly average on a good day.

    My view is he's unlikely to become the player many suppose and that we as a club would garner better value by allowing him to move and take the picks.

    I have a different view - it is not that he will or wont be great. It is my steadfast refusal to make pronouncements on 20 year olds as these assessments more than often come back and bite you on the bum. Goddard certainly did and in the reverse, we were singing the praises of Morton in his first year and his development has stalled. The twin pillars of our resurrection - Miller at CHF and Rivers at CHB - how did that turn out ? Whilst you were seeing something in Watts many were writing him off. Call me a coward but crystal balling on sub 23 year olds is exactly that - crystal balling ( and no one truly believes in fortune tellers and crystal balls)

  11. They may have a similar BMI but Gysberts is bigger in any way you measure it and the extra 7kgs make him more able to currently hold his own in the midfield.

    I expect Scully to play at ~82kg and those 5kg will make a big difference. I expect Gysberts may ultimately play at Joel Corey size who is 191 x 89

    Look at the difference the extra kilo's on Marc Murphy that have turned into muscle have done for his game. I read he has only put on 4 kilo in the last two years - but what a difference it makes.

  12. Such succinrt clarity and considered acknowledgement is painfully lost on the many. So may , not just here , live in a world of if, what ifs and maybe's that they often cloud their ability to see reality for want of rosey dreaming.

    I would however say he IS a middle of the road footballer. Id be grabbing those two picks tightly.

    As in the Jack Watts thread, it never ceases to amaze me that people are so willing to mark the ticket of 20 year old footballers so early. 2nd season footballer with no preseason and carrying a knee - and you are ready to declare him a middle of the road footballer ?

  13. I have always been a Bennell fan but my major cross against him was not getting enough of the ball.

    Couldnt make it to the game yesterday and I see he had 8 possessions for the game ( and 6 tackles).

    Stats nowdays means zip but there seems to be a lot of love for an 8 possession game.

  14. that may be the theory old bean but is often not the practice

    i won't bother sending my resume, you couldn't afford me :)

    I know of a lot of business who act on instinct, experience and gut feel to make large decisions (without outside input) and I dont have a problem with that.

    But to suggest spending copious amounts of money on research/consultants to justify your position - bad business 101 UNLESS it is necessary to get consultants/research to give opinion etc which you already know the outcome to give a better understanding to people who dont have a thorough understanding.

    Consultants are frequently used in private equity world for the express purpose

  15. Exactly right. Most decisions in businesses, even big decisions, are essentially made on "gut feel", "experience" and "instinct". Getting the official research or expert consultant in is a way for a business to have a formal justification or research to back up the decision they were going to make anyway. Depending on the type of business and it's stakeholders it can be a necessity.

    Never read such a load of hooey in all my life.

    Recipe for failure - if a business needs research and consultants to justify predetermined decisions then there is fundamental flaws in the business and its management. ( and a huge waste of money)

    Management may have a "gut feel" or "instinct" but you would hope that a business would go to the expense of procuring what you call "official research" or "expert consultants" to get an unbiased and untainted view. Management should have no preconceptions that view will either solidify what you instinctively know or give you information and "expert" thoughts that may show that your instincts are just plain wrong.

    (Don't send me your resume ! :blink: )

  16. Would be great to have jnr back at the club. A heart as big as phar la, it would be great if his approach rubbed off on a few of the current players...

    I hope he would be a great asset to the club but I am becoming a sceptic regarding "rubbing off".

    We have one of the hardest players ever to pull on boots as our midfield coach ( West) and our head coach never took a backwards step. Even our head coach had little skill at his time at Essendon but was hard as nails at the ball.

    The question is whether or not there is "rubbing off". ( on the flip side is Paul Roos who I loved as a footballer but had his team playing the exact opposite of he used to play as footballer).

    The key is whether these coaches can motivate the players to play as they did.

  17. Simply yes.

    Have a look at West Coast - yes they have some really great kids coming on but the difference to last year is the likes of Cox, Glass, Embley, Nacoski ( yikes -cant be bothered looking up the spelling) and to a lesser extent Kerr ( some injuries) stepping back into good form and leading the way. Even Kennedy at 23 is now stepping into the more mature category.

    The great Hawthorn teams in 80's continually had great mature players that ushered in the kids - by the time the kids matured they had the next raft of great kids to learn from the now matured last lot of kids.

    We need our best players being our more mature players shouldering the responsibility so the younguns can come on. Unfortunately it is the exact opposite for us.

  18. I watch Jordie McKenzie play and his disposal by foot is just average however he seems to be aware of his limitations and places himself in the middle of the link and feeds out handballs over a short to middle distance. He rarely places himself on the end of the chain and if he does he limits himself to a 15-20m short kick that is safe. He is reliable over this distance and tends to find the low risk options.

    When Barty places himself in the middle of the link - there is no problem but lets himself down when he is the end "outlet" either with a shot at goal like last Sunday or on more than a few occasions in the backline.

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