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Fork 'em

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Everything posted by Fork 'em

  1. Get Martin to kick it to Martin ... Duh.
  2. Lets see Dusty pull their arzes out've this one.
  3. They have the happy knack of getting hungry at the pointy end of the season. Hopefully they've got so arrogant they forget they have to make the finals 1st.
  4. Must be a sheet game. Neither club hardly scored in the 2nd. And no, I'm not watching.
  5. To be fair. ET needs abit of filling in.
  6. Always suspected you were sketchy ? You've been missing a pretty good season so far.
  7. Crowd numbers below 20K apparently. Wonder what Hardwicks excuse will be this week.
  8. Missed ya Ethan. Where ya been?
  9. Jones is done. And if he's getting a game we are done. Too old, too slow. And all this BS about subbing him on for the last few mins of the GF. Pretty sure even he'd find that insulting. There's a hell of a alot of water to pass under the bridge yet before we're thinking of any bloody GFs anyway. Let's just concentrate on getting over Essendon this week.
  10. Of course you should start one. Love those threads. A few opinion here we need to stamp out if we're serious. The oppositions supporters see it and so will the opposition players. We've gotta have these lower teams beaten mentally before we even run onto the ground. * We can win one, or even both [Ed other being Geelong next round]. Melbourne are more likely, and l see signs of the beginnings of their brittle self doubt emerging. It is a common affliction every season, and is very apparent when the ski season opens. * Melbourne still have it in them to completely Essington their season. I’d love for us to get the ball rolling. * Melbourne are slowly showing signs of going full Melbourne… it’s winnable but need to be cleaner than tonight. * We always think we’re a chance against the Dees.
  11. Must win game. If we get rolled by this mob I'm gettin' off the forken bandwagon. Must reassert ourselves pronto.
  12. Used to hope the MFC scouts would spot me doing the same after games at the 'G' as a young bloke ?
  13. Can't stand Duckwood but I often feel for the top players. Grow up dreaming of playing AFL footy and when they get there find themselves being assaulted by an opposition goon every week. I'm sure they learn a dirty little trick or 2 from being targeted by taggers throughout their careers. Can remember some of the sheet Aaron Davey used to cop for eg. Watched Baker from St.Kilda belting Davey from behind in the ribs everytime the umpire was bent over while bouncing the ball one game. Of course the ump saw nothing. And with no support form his teammates Davey lost interest in playing footy. And that wasn't the only time I saw Davey getting the treatment. In those days if you stopped Davey the opposition knew we had nothing else. Little wonder some others with a bit more aggression start repaying favours.
  14. Not gonna hold that against him. That's why you play AFL .... Isn't it?
  15. The absolutely must win game for the rest of the season as far as I'm concerned. At the very top of my hate list.
  16. With the standard of umpiring these days it'd be a slippery slope for the AFL to go dropping umps for incompetence. Some weeks they wouldn't have enough umpires to put on the field. And when it all boils down they are trying to enforce some stupid rules implemented by the AFL.
  17. It's time Weideman - Omitted Brown - IN
  18. Fish fingers in the George Foreman. Salad .... Pffft.
  19. Stand alone game on national TV. The boys will take this seriously regardless. They're enjoying making statements with the football world watching these days. I know I'm enjoying watching them do it.
  20. I'll take Wang over Melbourne any forken day.
  21. Good call ?
  22. Overrated according to Clarkson when they were winning flags too.
  23. That one still gives me the sheets. All the Hoo Ha about how they won it from 8th or whatever. Got lucky. They shoulda been out.
  24. Carlton must just bleed watching him.
  25. We shall see man. I do know what you mean about Dusty though. Reckon if he wasn't there they'd have none.
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