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Fork 'em

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Everything posted by Fork 'em

  1. That was brilliant. Pity they pretty much glossed over the 3qr comeback tho'.
  2. Another good injury run and it's Demons for the flag then daylight. Couldn't give a sheet what order the rest of them fall into. Jackson signs and we'll win the next 3 getting that 4peat we dropped in the fiddys.
  3. He kinda tripped over it and accidentally toe poked it out to Kozzie. Luck's a fortune at times.
  4. Don't think they'll wanna miss this. Be a lifetime experience.
  5. In the timeless classic movie 'Kung Fu Panda', Po the panda is training to be the Kung Fu Dragon Master. His final challenge is to earn the right to read the "Dragon Scroll" which will give him the final knowledge he needs to reach his goal. When he finally does so and opens the scroll it has no secret formula written on it but only shows his reflection. It confuses him for awhile until it dawns on him that he is already the Dragon Master and only needs to believe so. Well this years finals series and Premiership was our Dragon Scroll and I believe as good as this season was we're gonna go to another level again. The players now know they are the "Dragon Masters" and from now on they'll play with a freedom and confidence that knowledge brings. Reckon we're gonna be scary good and rip the competition apart at will.
  6. Only 30. They're rookie numbers.
  7. Yep. Reminds me of Todd Viney with better disposal. Give him #2 already.
  8. I remember watching his draft highlight reel and he reminded me alot of Flower then. Could take a big mark and skilled on the ground. Helped that he's about the same height, skinny and wore #2 in the clip as well. The club knew what they were doing when they flipped him #31.
  9. Of course you're worthy. The boys won that thing for us. Shoulda grabbed it with both hands.
  10. Hodge copped it for along time for not being as good as Chris Judd who went #3.
  11. Never paid much attention to him but I've watched those 3mins so often I've now got a crush on this girl. She's not happy either.
  12. Always dreamed of watching the Demons win a flag and wondered what it'd be like. Turns out it's even better than what I expected. Reckon it was worth the wait but geez we endured more than our share of horror while waiting.
  13. Our plan A is killer. It's up to the opposition to stop us executing it. Plan Bs are for them to worry about. As for next season. Reckon I'll be a hell of alot more relaxed about the whole thing than what I have been in the past. Fresh off a soul cleansing Grand Final win an' all. But I expect us to get even better with the monkey off our back. Reckon it'll free us right up, give the boys the flag winning confidence knowing they can get it done.
  14. Reckon we played better the prelim. The most dominant 4 quarters I've ever seen us play. GF we only played 2.5 quarters.
  15. Always wanted to win a GF like that. But we did it even better.
  16. It's cause of blokes like Clarry that we'll win more flags.
  17. Just been kickin' back listening to this. 2:35:00 for Baileys 3rd goal. 2:49:00 for the last 3 goals of the 3rd qtr.
  18. Over the last 4 games including rd23 we took on the next 3 top contenders, held 'em up infront of the AFL world and then ripped their heads off. They all got the message.
  19. Agree. Kid can do it all. In the air and on the ground. Can see him just dominating the game in a few years. Unstoppable.
  20. I've got the Dennis Cometti commentary of the grand final on USB in the car. Listened again to the last 7mins of the 3rd last night dropping my daughter off at dancing. I still smile, shake my head and shout "Go Demons" after those 3 goals everytime. Just devastating football. Daughter's over it tho' 😂
  21. Wouldn't quite go that far ...... Yet. He played well but he didn't exactly turn it on it's head. He was very influential in the rd23 comeback against Geelong too tho'. Going into the ruck in that game got us rolling then as well.
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