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Everything posted by DemonWA

  1. I don't think he jumped ship, he was forced to walk the plank! My view is that Neeld didn't like Alpha male types so they just never got on - Neeld pushed him out the door.
  2. I'd like to think that that view is 75% demonland group think, 25% reality
  3. Gut feel is that Viney could be a late withdrawal- time will tell
  4. Was the first real breakout game for Wattsy too, kicked 3 along with Trenners and Brad Green. One of Scully's best games too
  5. http://www.deespodcast.com/new-blog/2017/7/18/episode-64-july-18-2017-feat-brent-moloney Great interview with Beamer - what a legend!
  6. to be honest I'm glad to see Smith and Wagner out. provides a better balance to the side, and makes it more likely that they can fit T-Mac in the back half if required. Good to see ANB, Harmes and Hannan retained despite all the midfielders coming back too - they all have a bit of zip and grunt and I would prefer us to go in too heavy in that department than not! I'm dreaming of a 25+ 2 goal game from Tenners. He was an absolute Jet before his injury troubles.
  7. Buggs ban was probably worth contenting given Houli was only given 4 weeks, but in Vince's case the argument between how minor the intent and impact are is very difficult to argue, so for the sake of another week of suspension I think they made the right call.
  8. the AFL will never be held accountable for anything and that extends to their MRP and tribunal. remember this is the same AFL who tried to let Essendope off the hook and has a long history of giving high profile players in Brownlow contention a better rub of the green. In the case of the AFL MRP I don't think there is much point in complaining because they very rarely change their decision. Bernie's only chance of getting off would be the argument of 'others have done the same or worse and gotten off', but unfortunately the whole concept of precedence is null and void in the AFL thanks largley due to how often they chop and change their 'interpretation' of the rule book. Frustrating as hell, but I agree with the club on this one
  9. How good is it seeing photos of Jurrah, Aussie, flash and Jetta together!
  10. Buddys goal is an absolute ripper though. As good imo.
  11. This OP is a disaster after the first 1/2 sentence. I also love Jonesy though (FWIW)
  12. That has Richmond only dropping one game!? Carro must have had a say in this!
  13. Regardless, I find it very amusing that people care so much about what is essentially a trivial issue compared to the injury list.
  14. Demonland cracks me up. People ranting about Bernie being past it and no good, yet in the same breath crying and whinging about him being suspended. Bigger things in this world to worry about people, move on!
  15. Agree. Dead set [censored] / pseudo intellectual [censored] who speaks down to lots of journos (fair enough).
  16. Lewis has been a great pickup. Great game on the weekend too. Was never brought in to be our best player, but hes a wise hand and makes a valuable contribution on and off the field.
  17. Best thing about this season is that finals are still very much on the cards. I think we can make it BUT even of we dont its clear that the squad we have put together is going to hace a tilt over the coming years. So whether we make it this year or at dome time over the next few, im confident that when we do that we wont be making up numbers.
  18. The 2nd one was just two blokes going for the ball. Bernie had a good game imo
  19. Great goal, and somthing different to the typical miraculous dribblers. Still not sure it will win GOTH but great moment none the less
  20. The result i expected before the match, but dared to dream at 3/4 time. Last quarter disappointing. Bring on next week
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