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Everything posted by DemonWA

  1. Yes. In that I feel like replacing the KPF stocks is a bigger need than a mid sized utility. But over all its the delivery inside f50 which is as much of a problem for us as the aging personel. Ash Johnson would probably have struggled in our F50 over the last few weeks.
  2. Good young player, in a good team. Not sure we need him (if we're shopping for forwards) but I wouldn't say no either.
  3. Not surprised by the stat, but equally, it doesn't mean we're not a decent team either. As Trac said we finished tip 4 last year and are currently 4th. The competition is very even
  4. I agree, but I also think this should be used as an appropriate place for doomsday predictions and blue sky thinking about the H&A season, not the game day or preview threads haha
  5. I'd suspect Carlton fans are saying similar RE the attention were getting in the media too
  6. Starred* haha I went to pull out the stats and then I re-read my post haha
  7. Milkshake stared in our last gasp victory against the blues last year. Our form seemed better when he was in the side early in the year. I'm Sold. Milkshake is our Talisman haha
  8. It's hard not to feel a mixture of optimism and trepidation looking at the run home. PTSD of bring a dees fan.... I think we'll get top 6, likley top 4 but so many games will be close - even some of the lower placed teams like cats and tigers still have some fear factor on paper. Looking forward to hopefully a form line that is the opposite of 2022!
  9. Yes you are. But if its based on flawed logic and also shared on a forum you need to be able to take some banter too. Nothing personal intended, but come on mate.... Fremantle in the last month are a different proposition to the easy beats that wore Purple early in the season. This season is so even and teams are still finding their way. just looking at win/loss and who beat who is too simplistic if it's going to be used to make sweeping statements like your original post
  10. I knonestly think there was less hyperbole on demonland when we lost by 186 points....
  11. Lets try and pinpoint Nek minut: Scatter gun e-book
  12. Freo have got their game in shape since that loss. Do you watch the games at all or just look at the results and post trash?!
  13. Here here, couldn't agree more. It hurts to loose a couple of tight ones, but the season is only just warming up
  14. This is savage. Way over the top imo.
  15. Freshen up the forward line and backlines and we should win, although knowing our luck we'll get the blues at their save-the -coach best. In. BBB, Tommo, Hunter Out. Tmac, Chandler, McVee
  16. I seem to watch a different game to most. Thought both teams defended well and brought the contest. Dockers went inside 50 with a little more polish and snuck a win which we might have jagged if we took more of our opportunities (especially early on). Two weeks in a row it's felt like a final in terms of the way the game has been played. I don't think we're far off our best form, but would love to see BBBB get a run. Roo and Tmac just don't get involved enough when they're both in the side
  17. Enjoying the game. Can sense we will break them open in the 2nd half. Carn Dees
  18. It's an absolute [censored] hole of a location and not really anywhere near freo haha
  19. You've got about 20 years on me, but I don't think it changes my point all that much!
  20. Seems to be a common thought process. Sad to be so desperate that it sucks the enjoyment out of the home and away season though?!
  21. Lots of good discussion in here. But still blows my mind that so many people (dees fans too!) post about footy as if the only way any enjoyment can be taken from it is to see your team win a flag (and/or be the most inform team in the comp at any given point). This is the best Melbourne team I've seen in my lifetime. Generational players on every line. I've seen a flag. Might see another one, might not. Either way, stressing about it wont change a thing. Strap in and enjoy the highs AND lows imo.
  22. I agree. BUT this search for a pattern or a trend line to latch onto is similar to last year where the theory about loading being our silver bullet in 2021 was seen as a reason to accept our deficiencies etc. But yes, the takeaway is that the season is long and being the best team in May isn't the goal
  23. This. Bravo. People like to think we played like the prelim all year long
  24. I have grown to tolerate Robbo. Whatley on the other had is Smugness-incarnate
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