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Everything posted by binman

  1. You're dead keen on the club is in crisis narrative aren't you Praha. And dead keen of helping drive it too i might add.
  2. Of course it is. Lets say rumours of players wanting out are true they are not going to learn that at meeting with the AFL. They might however learn that the AFL is not predisposed to giving us any financial help, which is no doubt what we are asking for.
  3. The problem is his technique is poor. Don't get me wrong - I agree about his class and was really impressed with how he ended the season. Never dropped his head.i also look forward to him having a great preseason and some luck with injury and he will be huge for us next year. Like a new recruit.
  4. I don't think the contract necessarily rules him out. Is he a Victorian?
  5. How many games has Daniels played? How is his kicking?
  6. One thing that gives me hope next year is the belief that surely our luck next year could not be as bad as it was this year. What could go wrong did go wrong. I sincerely hope lady luck smiles on from now until October 1 2020 (and beyond). Speaking of which i cannot wait unit this season is finished.
  7. Can't agree Smokey. We got May as a key defender and that's where we need him i reckon. May, Jetta and Omac were the only defenders this season i trusted not to turn the ball over by foot. And May is super important structurally down back and can also play big and small. Maybe he can go forward as swing man at times but i want him holding our back six together.
  8. Top post STMJ. i agree with much of it. In particular i 100% agree with how critical this off season and next season is. Whatever the cause of this year's horror show we cannot afford another like it. Agree also on who we should target for drafting and trading. We need skill. Have done for a decade. It is the key reason I was so annoyed we got rid of watts and why i was so perplexed with our drafting last year. Where was the silk? It is also a reason why I would not be opposed to trading Brayshaw. In normal circumstances I'd be dead against it. But he is on of the few players with real currency and if it were me I'd offer him for brad hill.
  9. Has to be the most liked post in the history of DL, surely.
  10. Yes. I'm going and will raise my concerns about the clubs comms (short version, they're rubbish). After attending the AGM a few years back I emailed the club with my concern that no-one acknowledged the traditional owners. To their credit they responded and committed to doing so at all future like events. Which they have (and also do a welcome to country).
  11. Agree. A quality read with some strong points and arguments. 100% agree with his comments about our surfeit of contested ball winners and it is a point I have made since roos came to the club (which by the by is why I reckon roos should shoulder some blame for our unbalanced list and lack of skills for that matter). He doesn't note that the he issue of too many contested ball winnets is componded by the fact all are butchers with the ball. My only quibble is that he like so many others, does not take into account that it is not injury alone that is our issue. The issue is injury PLUS a rubbish preseason (an issue that was in turn compounded by some players not coming back in great shape if Lewis is to be believed). We were never close to being fit enough as our scoring (or more accurately our lack of scoring) p patterns clearly showed.
  12. Agree, to an extent. Lever's poor kicking is a real worry as really you can only carry one poor kick in the back half as turnovers from there almost always result in a scoring opportunity. Hibberd and hore are also average kicks who turn it over too often. All of which means frost's poor kicking is even more an issue.
  13. Quick and elite skills? Get him.
  14. He said he wouldn't sneeze....
  15. The issue for players like Wagner and Lockhart is that they are not good enough to be the number 1 small forward. But if you have an above average small forward they can really provide valuable support and so be one important players.
  16. I'm really pleased he decided to stay. Great get for gws, particularly given they also secured kelly. Good for football. The game needs gws and gc to work. Players staying put is key to that. I'm not averse to gc getting pick 2 as a priority pick . But only if there are other measures put in place that support player retention and buildinf a cohesive culture (investment in facilities, support for good fitness team, greater access to QLD teams, cola, support for grass roots footy in region, resolving issues that make it hard for fans to get to the ground etc etc). Otherwise it's just throwing good money after bad.
  17. Terrific, fascinating post. One of the reasons I like dl is the diversity of poring topics and perspectives. Your use of language is instructive. Obviously you are are external to the orgs you support, but your language is inclusive and internal e.g. we, our etc. I love the idea of using creativity as a tool to help develop mission and direction. I work in the community sector and i feel our sector is often more risk averse and therefore less likely than the corporate sector to utilise left field ideas. The profit motive helps no doubt as as you say top orgs do what works
  18. Thanks for all the time and effort fellas. Most enjoyable.
  19. That may well be the case. They might be dysfunctional and in crisis. What is certain is that everyone now assumes they are.
  20. There are none so blind as those that refuse to see. The other important point about an external review is the message it sends to members, fans, the media and the footy public. Which is the club is dysfunctional and in crisis. That message creates its own self fulfilling cycle. The dees are neither dysfunctional or in crisis, however much some think that to be true. Which of course is not to say everything is hunk dory and smooth sailing - it clearly isn't. It is not a binary equation. Th other issue is that is nearly impossible for an external review of an AFL football club to be objective given all the emotion involved and the likely interconnections of board members and other involved in the a club with those doing the review. Particularly in a small city like Adelaide. An internal review is the prudent and logical thing for the dees to do. That's what Mahoney and the CEO get paid the big bucks to do. And is what they are doing. And have been doing, by the by. A process that has given us Richo and Burgess and seen the departure of Macca and Jennings (and no doubt a number of other assistant coaches and other key people).
  21. Who knows. I'm an ideas man. How about our pick 3 goes to saints who trade it for king, giving gc picks 1,2 and 3. We get saints pick 6 and maybe their next pick (pick 23?) And next year's first pick. Gc promise not to take the player we want at pick 6 and we hope blues ir swans dont grab him (Maybe the AFL 'suggests' they dont - on the down low od course).. Makes it hard for Saints to get Hill but they would have a pair of kings. We could package up pick 20 pic 23 and next year's Saints 1st rounder for Hill. That was fun. Ezy done. Failing all of that of course we could simply trade our pick 3 for King and gc' next first rounder (the lion's pick) giving us a first round pick and a gun forward. And we xould then look to trade weideman to magpies for Elliot
  22. Now that's funny. Well played sir.
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