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Everything posted by binman

  1. You do know it's not real lava don't you LG....
  2. Good point. Though I still reckon from a health and safety perspective it is strange move as the roos have to take two more flights than they otherwise would have. Surely to goodness they would want to minimize travel where possible. Ok for the dees though. I heard talk there is a hotel at, or right next to the ground now. Not sure if true but even if not we will probably be I walking distance to the ground. Four days in a nice hotel and a stroll to the ground. If we played in qld we'd be facing up to a four hour round bus trip.
  3. A bit surprised tmac comes in. George on the outer got it right on the dl podcast. He also made the point that they have a sketchy backline, particularly in terms of their bigs. Even thougj I expect tmac to play high half forward, almost a winger (which is how bennell was used) the three talls will really stretch their defence. Should have guessed benell might be out, one for management but more that I doubt goody would have been thrilled with his intensity. One example stood out - his half hearted attempt to tackle 'Rainer man' (Gerard please stfu) who bounced off him and went inside 50. Like swallow in. New players bring an energy. Expect he will plays jetts role.
  4. Good point. Tmac should be able take his share of down the line kicks from defence and give maxy a much needed chop out. Brisbane smashed him at every opportunity. The blues raised the issue of the treatment cripps cops, and no doubt with justification. But I doubt there is a player in the league that cops what maxy does. Im sure he wouldn't want it raised but the AFL should with the umpires, behind closed doors.
  5. Seriously what the hell is that about. Surely that can't be right. Both metricon and the Gabba are free on the Sunday. What possible benefit is that to anyone? And leaving fairness aside, from a risk perspective it is completely ridiculous as it about 70 odd people traveling interstate with all the attendant flights, contact with people at airports etc etc. Talk about being shafted.
  6. I though the roos are in the same resort as us
  7. 3.18 mins of blues 'highlights' for the self flagellators among us. It features just two kicks from player in a Melbourne jumper. Importantly though it is representative. 50% DE and 50% kicked the our forwards disadvantage. Fun times https://www.carltonfc.com.au/video/783199/reserves-highlights-scratch-match-v-melbourne-?videoId=783199&modal=true&type=video&publishFrom=1595748773001
  8. Really terrific post A F. I read the stats after the game on scrolling across the bottom of the screen and was amazed how close almost all were, which is why the ground ball differential jumped out. Realised i must have misread the clearances when i read WJ's post a little while ago with that stat. You are right we got smashed didn't we. Totally agree on what that would have meant for us in previous seasons and how much our defence must have approved to avoid that. I made the point in another post that our defence has been terrific all season, and even last year really. When was the last time we were flogged? Teams are finding it super hard to score against us. Have done since mid 2018 Kept us in that game yesterday. Credit where it is due, a big reason why our defence works so well is the zones, systems and structure Goody has put in place, and not just those in the back six. Look at how often teams get stuck now moving it forward. And i total agree we our fence should be a bit bolder with their ball movement and taking the game on. I was thinking exactly that in the second quarter. May looks to sometimes, Omac less so and Lever never. On Lever (who i think has been really good in the last few games). He often does not even look to the fat side and just goes down the line very time. Often to max, but even if he marks it the opposition are all set up on that side. Ironically on the utterly stupid and frustrating score review we took an attacking option only for it to come back and have that option taken away (hear that Alanis, that is ironic)
  9. Spot on. Silly example from me. His effort was awesome in that example. Was busting a gut. He has been fantastic the last two weeks. Good doctor if you reading this i'm well on board the oliver train. How about you give a one off amnesty to all the non believers. I'll join your crusade against any future doubters. If you need a reference, please see my history of impassioned defense for number 28 (who i do note you are pretty harsh on - but believe me you will come around). Now about that gus fella.....
  10. Burning Hannan was a really bad mistake. A mistake he compounded by missing a soda with his shot (by a fair margin it must be said). An absolute gimme goal if he handballs (even a poor one) as there was not Lions player in coee of Hannan. A strange decision as he surely he saw him and so far in his (very) shorter career has often looked to give it off as the first option. So much so that a few times i've thought just take the shot yourself Kossie. A rush of blood, which happens for young players, but it was terrible timing as we had finally got back into the match and were starting to swarm them. And simply couldn't take advantage of that pressure.
  11. Top post. Pretty much how i saw the game. Totally agree with the comment that unlike last week we had too many passengers. And on who did. What did you make of Jones's game?
  12. Only if i can share a cigarette lighter with a colleague. Too soon?
  13. We obviously see that one differently. Happy to agree to disagree on that one For mine, no way was kicking it off the ground the right play. Very low percentage and high risk for almost no reward. Particularly because if he had picked it up he could have still got it to Langdon. And also would have the choice to milk a free, force a ball up or hit it through for a point. As it was he cost us a goal. On Cameron you right he was pretty quiet up til then (though it is worth noting that by games end he was their leading scorer with 2.2) but it has to be said jetts spent a fair bit of time off the ground in the first half. And it was instructive that immediately after the choice not to pick it up and gifting Cameron a goal they moved him off him and put Hibberd on him. And i don't think he played on him again for the rest of the match. Given that goal was in the first half (i think?) Jetts didn't actually spend that much time on Cameron.
  14. Disappointing loss? Well i was very, very disappointed but i'm not sure it was too disappointing. Semantic distinction perhaps. We'll see. I'll keep Grapeviney's seat warm this week and channel his cautious positivity to counter any veil of negativity that might be present. I reckon if i am in the hosting seat and therefore can't call (which is why we lost of course) we need a caller, so when we win this Thursday night they become the lucky charm. Not that i'm in any superstitious.
  15. Nup. But you might have missed his first which was result of Jetta having no confidence picking the ball up off the ground and instead of doing so gifting a goal by kicking it out of bounds deliberately. Perhaps he was trying go for a point but that may still have been a free against. it goes without saying that the play was to pick it up, absorb the tackle an either lock it in or give it to the free player next to him. Something he would have 999 times out 1000 in his career. You don't drop a player for the one mistake of course, but as much as i love Jetts but he is off the pace at the moment and is the weakest link in our back six. I expect he'll be dropped and would not be surprised if he doesn't get another shot at it this year.
  16. Seriously Buzzy? He is literally just reactive and slow as a person? He plays one of the hardest positions in the side, one that requires an elite ability to read the play and know where to be. As evidence of this ability his captain has said he is the best reader of the game in the team and has been effusive in his praise for omac and the key role he plays in the defense unit. The proof is in the pudding, we have looked much, much better since he has come in to the team. Only someone who doesn't get it would suggest that is happenstance. And leaving his role and importance in the structure aside has he done his job as key defender. His direct opponents have barely taken a mark or kicked a goal on him this year. Don't believe me? Go back and look a the stats of his opponents. And then compare those to stats to his much more highly paid and rated teammates Lever and may How many goals did Mcstay kick yesterday? That's right zero. And he only took 3 marks for the game, with only one being contested (that last one). Compare that to Hipwood who was May's opponent. May did a good job, no one has suggested he didn't. But his opponent kicked a goal and took two contested marks, one being a critical one in the last quarter where string bean hipwood beat him dead to rights one on one. And May cost us the first goal of the game with yet another shocking turnover, this one under no pressure from a kick out. Given you assessment of Omac his hundredth game of AFL football next year will come as surprise to you. Sanctimonious? Perhaps. Be that as it may, you simply don't get it.
  17. Good post. I stand corrected. Was really doing a bit gentle trolling to troll the good doctor, who seems to enjoy trolling! And i got a bite!
  18. You might be right actually. So perhaps not great evidence of being unfit. I'd be dead after that run. Even when i was his age. I might be wrong about his fitness but sometimes the simplest answer is the right one. I actually think he has been pretty good this year. But wasn't ladt night that is for sure. No chance he us dropped.
  19. Not sure about harmes but I reckon the answer with gus is that he is not fit enough. He came off at one point, having not been on long and looked totally cooked. And many of his disposal errors look fatigue related. Gus is not quick. If he is not fit enough he will be even slower than he would be if super fit. He would also be more powerful in contests.
  20. That would be half of demonland? Because that is how many you reckon wanted Oliver dropped. Are you a doctor of applied mathematics by any chance? Or perhaps you are posting from North Korea and you once shot 23 under in a round of golf. By the by on Oliver, you should worry about his pace not Omacs. Mids need pace more than key defenders. Oliver is slow as treacle. I reckon Jones would beat him in a sprint. And Gus would would get close Want an example. Look at Cameron's second goal. I absolutely love he was busting a gut to chase Cameroon. Awesome and exactly what we need to see. Love it. But Cameron was gliding and nowhere near top pace and Oliver looked like a choo choo steam train struggling to get up a hill.
  21. Exactly DZ. Once again it was there opposition smalls and mediums that hurts us. And that is because we turn it over too often, have a number of players who struggle to get back and cover free opposition players running into space (either because they are slow or unwilling - or both) and with Jetts not in great form (and now too slow it must be said, sadly) we have a defensive weakness with our small defenders Their goals were kicked by smalls and mediums, and really Cameron was their only forward who kicked goals. And even one of his was after he ran from outside 50. Which goes to my point of some people not understanding how football is played these days. All that said, a bit of context is important. Look at the scores we have conceded this year. Our defense is not the issue.
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