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Everything posted by binman

  1. I just posted this on the podcast thread: Thanks AF for that info. The coverage of football [censored] me to death. Collective memories of particularly slow gold fish. At this point last year the media were all the cats are dads army, the cliff has come blah blah blah. Cut to the finals and the media is lauding their fitness, their experience, their slow build and banging on about how well they managed their players (echoed on here too - suddenly the cats were the exemplars in terms of resting players, more players thru the middle etc etc). And then they trot out the line that clubs always look to the previous flag winner for cues. And that is exactly what the cats did - copied our preparation and essentially game plan too. Well, it would very much appear that is what we are doing this year - ie copying some of the things the cats did to win the flag last year. And as we approach finals, after a couple of months of pearl clutching about the dees form around the middle of the season, and the dees start stringing the wins together again and begin to look very ominous, the 360 and first crack peanuts will suddenly have the exact same revelations they have every year - the flag is not won in May and June, there's essentially two seasons - H&A and finals - and it is all about peaking in September blah blah blah. And then, like this has suddenly dawned on them, despite having put much the same graphic up every year, they will put up a graphic with the sort of info below to support the idea that dees are building very nicely thank you very much: W-L record of last 10 premiers after round 10 2013 Hawks 9 wins 1 loss 2014 Hawks 7-3 2015 Hawks 6-4 2016 Dogs 7-3 2017 Tigers 6-4 2018 Eagles 9-1 (ironically massive flag favs all season, tigers, were also 9-1) 2019 Tigers 7-3 2020 Tigers 6-3-1 2021 Dees 9-1 (but in next 7 games went 2 wins, 4 losses and a draw) 2022 Cats 6-4 2023 Dees 7-3 10 seasons is a pretty good sample size. The pattern is pretty damn clear. Seven of the ten winners not better than 70 30 after 10 rounds. But sure, let’s write off the dees premiership chances at round 10 on the back of a 4 points loss against a team coming off six straight wins. on their home deck, in conditions that suited them better and off a six day break plus travel. It’s like some weird footy take on the quote from philosopher George Santayana, ‘those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it’.
  2. Thanks AF for that info. The coverage of football [censored] me to death. Collective memories of particularly slow gold fish. At this point last year the media were all the cats are dads army, the cliff has come blah blah blah. Cut to the finals and the media is lauding their fitness, their experience, their slow build and banging on about how well they managed their players (echoed on here too - suddenly the cats were the exemplars in terms of resting players, more players thru the middle). And then they trot out the line that clubs always look to the previous flag winner for cues. And that is exactly what the cats did - copied our preparation and essentially game plan too. Well, it would very much appear that is what we are doing this year - ie copying some of the things the cats did to win the flag last year. And as we approach finals, after a couple of months of pearl clutching about the dees form around the middle of the season, and the dees start stringing the wins together again and begin to look very ominous, the 360 and first crack peanuts will suddenly have the exact same revelations they have every year - the flag is not won in May and June, there's essentially two seasons - H&A and finals - and it is all about peaking in September blah blah blah. And then, like this has suddenly dawned on them, despite having put much the same graphic up every year, they will put a graphic with the sort of info below up to support the idea that dees are building very nicely thank you very much: W-L record of last 10 premiers after round 10 W-L record of last 10 premiers after round 10 2013 Hawks 9 wins 1 loss 2014 Hawks 7-3 2015 Hawks 6-4 2016 Dogs 7-3 2017 Tigers 6-4 2018 Eagles 9-1 (ironically massive flag favs all season, tigers, were also 9-1) 2019 Tigers 7-3 2020 Tigers 6-3-1 2021 Dees 9-1 (but in next 7 games went 2 wins, 4 losses and a draw) 2022 Cats 6-4 2023 Dees 7-3 10 seasons is a pretty good sample size. The pattern is pretty damn clear. Seven of the ten winners not better than 70 30 after 10 rounds. But sure, let’s write off the dees premiership chances at round 10 on the back of a 4 points loss against a team coming off six straight wins on their home deck, in conditions that suited them better and off a six day break. It’s like some weird footy take on the quote from philosopher George Santayana, ‘those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it’.
  3. Not for our chances of winning no Not for the atmosphere. But it won't matter to our financial bottom line if it has sold out already.
  4. Yes x 1,000,000. Of course, it was brilliant to win the 2021 flag. But for me it still feels not quite real because it was in Perth. I went to the 1988 and 2000 grand finals. God awful experience both. But, living in Melbourne, the week leading into both games was brilliant. I want the brilliant build up AND witness a victory on the hallowed turf of the 'G. You make an excellent point about 'the finite window that exists for clubs to be in with a shot of a flag when everything is in order'. Even though we had poor 2019 and 2020, you could argue that window opened in 2018 given our finals run. For the sake of argument, and taking a line thru the Cats, let's say, with excellent planning and list management, the premiership window is open for 10 years. We are more than halfway thru my nominal 10-year premiership window. Five more cracks at it.
  5. Spot on. All of it - particularly the need for a public statement from the club (personally id prefer it come from the CEO or President, but Goody works too).
  6. Yep, very stressful job - particularly if you factor in the rocket science, brain surgery, constantly having to reaffirm his Catholicism and his inexplicable need to regularly [censored] in the woods.
  7. A lesson in how disinformation spreads in 2023: person x reads article by journo who's main goal is to get clicks not accurately report information person x posts their take on this grey info (on social media, forums, etc ) person y reads person x's take and further confuses the original information. Outcome - dimma says there is no more stressful job in the world, including MICA paramedics, the Pope and Thai cave rescuers.
  8. Yep. Maybe he had health issues, or has another gig lined up next season (eg port or the suns) and needs a break, or perhaps he feels he needs to support his great mate who is struggling. Or perhaps he is simply burnt out and doesn't feel he can do the job justice. Maybe it's a combo of all these things. Or not. Until there's more information I'd prefer to wait before jumping to conclusions. But whatever the reason, tigers fans will be poleaxed. They're probably still coming to terms with loss to the bombers and the fact that finals are most likely now out of reach. And now they have to deal with tgis palaver and bedding in a new coach. Wowsers.
  9. Indeed. And almost all jobs on that that long list would be paId way, way less than what Dimma would be on. My MICA paramedic mate says hi.
  10. Really? If he is experiencing personal issues and needs to get away from football for his well being then ok. But if not, surely he owes them the commitment he made at the start of this season - to see the season out, to honour is contract. Remember he must have been the driver of going after Torranto and Hopper and his pitch prusumably was we are still in the premiership window. Otherwise why tie up so much salary cap space for two mid twenties players on long term contracts? How does a new coach rebuild?
  11. This should be the Demonland motto. Perhaps a Latin translation to give it an air of authority.
  12. His worst game for some time. I found myself saying c'mon kozzie a number of times.
  13. First 10 minutes will tell the tale.
  14. Steve may said much the same thing in his Demonland interview
  15. Tmac can do the donkey work leadimng up the gound, leaving the Ruinator to prowl around conserving energy inside 50, ready to launch at every high ball that comes in.
  16. Good hypothesis I reckon. Salo can basically slot into the role he has played his best footy in - true half back, playing off his opponent, hard at it when needed, good with the ground ball and neat, forward 30 - 40 metre kicks that hit targets. Mcvee plays as more a lock down defender and bowser can sweep up out the back and push forward and get creative. So we have three tough half back flankers who win their own ball and have elite kicking skills. And Salem will relish that we are taking more risk with our kicks this season. For a team that is already one of the best at scoring on transition, a set up with Salem, McVee and Bowey is something to look forward to.
  17. Yep, good points. But they could have swapped the round 18 Lions v Dees game with the Cats v Bombers game, which is on the Saturday night (which by the by is at kardina park, not the G which means a small crowd given the stand won't be completed). The bombers and cats both play the previuous Saurday, so no issue with the break between games or fairness. And the lions rond 19 game is on Saturday and ours Sunday so issues with breaks for either team into their next games A Saurday night game would still mean a free to air game in prime time- albeit not the friday night which i assume is the most valubale slot from a commercial perspective. And given that lions and the dees will almost certainly be the match of the round, i'm guessing Channel seven would want that game on a Friday night.
  18. As i understand defamation, it is the publishing of alleged defamatory statements that is actionable. The media have an obligation to have some level of confidence that what has been said is truthful if it chooses to publish potentially defamatory comments - or i assume at the least include some sort of disclaimer. I'm sure the ABC would have done their due diligence in their initial exclusive report, but if they didn't i would have thought they could be sued for defamation. If they are sued for defamation, truth would be their defense and that would be tested out in court. And surely Hawthorn had a responsibility to properly manage how the information came out - my memory is that sat on the report until forced to release it when the ABC were going to run with the story. So perhaps they can't be sued for defamation, but surely there is some legal remedy for the appalling way they have handled this situation. Hawthorn are the villains here. And the AFL too because it happened on their watch and in the context of their pathetic response to the national shame of Goodes being booed.
  19. That makes sense. Hopefully then Chaneel 7 and the AFL will pour the sort of promotional resources into the game they did a few years back when it was 'the heart of the country', or some such, game.
  20. Yep. And this is one reason why being 7-2 is so important - the hardest part of our fixture in terms of travel and breaks between games is behind us.
  21. Travel is never ideal. But you're right, it helps big time that the Saints travel in round 16 - and to perth at that (for a twighlight game. meaning they will have to getthe red eye out). Does anyone know if we charter a flight to and from the Alice?
  22. Not sure i follow your logic here. Why couldnt we play the round 16 Alice Spings game on a Saturday arvo? Our round 15 game is on a Thursday (against the cats) and the Giants are comng off the bye. So no issue there in terms of fairness. A Saturday arvo game would mean a seven day break into the round 17 Saints game, mitigating the impact of having to travel (clubs basically lose a day when they travel in terms of prepartion and recovery - partic to a venue liek the Alice). And really the big problem is back to back six day breaks with travel. Playing the round 16 game on the Saturday would mean the six day break into the Friday night round 18 Lions game would not be an issue, partic because no travel is required.
  23. So we travel to and from Alice Springs for our round 16 game. Then we have a six day break into what will be a critcal game against the Saints in round 17. And then another six day break into yet another critical match against the Lions in round 18. Thanks AFL.
  24. 1. Agree. 2. Strongly disagree. The 'accusers' don't owe anyone anything. They voluntarliy agreed to participate in a HFC initiated process. 3. Agree. But if they want to so, then they need to seek damges from the HFC and/or the media for its reporting.
  25. Sometimes offence is appropriately taken when it is unintentionally given because people are not culturally competent (you don’t know what you don’t know). And sometimes victims of a lack of cultural competence are asked not to take offence (when it is completely justifiable to do so), or worse are criticised when they do - or even accused of a having a 'victim mentality'.
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