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Everything posted by binman

  1. Overs and unders on expected scores anyone. I'm going 90 - 64.
  2. He looked gone. I was watching him come off and it looked all the world he had dislocated his shoulder. Maybe he did! He is a serious unit when he plays like he did today. Which is how he plays every big game. Bugger being his opponent.
  3. Who then are the AFL players you consider to be elite kicks. By the by, I'm not sure how, but I forgot fritter. In my book, he absolutely is an elite kick. Can't think of many other AFL players, maybe two or three tops, I'd pick ahead of fritter to nail a set shot from anywhere inside 50 to win a game after the siren. That's five elite kicks, by my defintion.
  4. Can't innovate either apparently. Fritter playing on Moore and dragging him deep must have really confused Mcrae then. On that match up, on the way home one of the sen pundits, I think Gerard heally, who by the by gave us a big wrap, said he had that battle as even. Moore, who is a gun, had six intercepts and played well. But fritter kicked 3 of our 8 goals, so surely he gets the points.
  5. Has been a real issue for us for as long as I can remember. I'm trying to think when it wasn't. Even one more truly elite kick would make a huge difference. I reckon we only have four elite kicks - in order, hunter, bowey, salo and mcvee. In that context, it's worth noting bowey's absence. Missed him today.
  6. Has played something lime 60 of our last 62 odd games. Any suggestion he is getting dropped anytime soon is completely laugable.
  7. Viney was clear best on ground. But how good was salo? And Tomlinson was just fantastic.
  8. Yep. And all three goals were as a result of poor skill errors by us and resulting turnovers. More nervy errors than pies pressure I reckon. I think they scored 5 goals from turnovers - three in the first q. So we sorted that issue well.
  9. Then he'll get dropped then won't he. Not. Coz a premiership coach understands footy and knows just how hard he works and the incredible amount of ground he covers. Were you at the game? if you were you would have seen a player push himself to the limit and beyond. He is almost always completely spent. But sure let's knock his skilll errors under intense fatigue. How many other dees players would have had the aerobic capacity and speed late in the game to mark that high kick from kozzie. Not one. He won us the game and you want him droppe. I edited my comment because it was unnecessarily snarky. Snarky, maybe. Accurate, absolutely.
  10. Right. You are going to be really disappointed for the rest of the season then. I mean really. Clueless comment.
  11. I'm pretty sure the lions were favourites, just, against the lions in round 2. But you'd probably have to go back to the 2021 season for the next example (maybe the dogs round 17 loss?).
  12. Where we started: 'Lot of Collingwood supporters here but all I see are gate receipts' Nek minnit: 'I pay good money so I don’t have to rub shoulders with filth.'
  13. Is that a question? Or are you making another statement telling me what I think.
  14. I agree with all points here. And 100% agree that posters have the right to reserve their judgement on team performance and shouldn't have to be told what and how they should feel on current team performance. I don't think I do so, but acknowledge that I probably get close to the line. I really don't mind where people land on assessing us. Where i get frustrated is when all of the factors are not properly factored I and/or considered. Particularly when it involves parroting media contender or pretender talking points.
  15. Nice bit of revisionist history dazzler. I absolutely agree last season that i said we should have had faith in our training program and that it will set us up well come finals. I believed it last year, and I believe it this year. NOTHING that happened last year invalidated that opinion, despite what the ‘I told you’ crew all crowed. Even with the benefit of hindsight I would say the same thing about our training program last season. I stand by those comments. I made clear - on many, many, many occasions - there were no guarantees, there were multiple factors at play (many of which the club, rightly keeps mum about), there are any number of things that could impact their preparation (like having multiple players battling injuries) and the reality is we won’t know until finals if they have got it right. And I accepted we had some specific weaknesses, highlighting our dependence on Tmac the week before his injury, noting our poor kicking skills and challenge shutting down oppo small and medium forwards. I have acknowledged that I didn’t put enough credence in criticisms about our forward half pressure. I also made crystal clear, on so many occasions it’s not funny, that whilst I thought we would win the flag, I accepted there was every chance we wouldn’t. It’s not my fault some posters can’t do nuance and see everything in binary outcomes. Like calling the game today a must win game if we are to be considered a real contender (I’ve even heard some media and fans say we can’t make top 4 if we lose today – sheesh). I was quiet after the Lions finals loss because I was absolutley devastated. But also, seriously what was the point of making any comment? All the usual posters with their ‘I told you all along we were no good, I was right’ rhetoric would have just completely drowned out any nuanced discussion of the factors impacting and/or contributing to our performances (eg as we all now know, after flogging the lions in round 23, we came into the finals with as many as 11 players carrying an injury – something that was pretty obvious if you didn’t have the ‘stop with the excuses, we were just not good enough’ yada, yada, yada blinkers on). And I’ll point out I didn’t play the ‘I was right’ game in 2021, when my predictions about it all being about being cherry ripe come finals, and what that meant for our chances of winning a flag, were proved overwhelmingly correct. Point me to one post where I crowed about being right to the many, many nay sayers. On predictions, I’m batting .500. Pretty good strike rate when you are talking about predictions of winning a flag if you ask me. So not awkward at all. To be perfectly honest, just no patience for back and forths with binary, I was right you were wrong, black and white thinkers who can’t do nuance (not saying that is you Dazzler). So, to avoid any future confusion or revisionism, this is my opinion on how we are tracking this year: Goody has taken every opportunity to make clear everything is about being ready come finals (a point I have heard Mcrae and Howes both make when asked about their scrappy performances in the last 3 weeks) Last year we only had a 9 day bye break. Unfortunately the same is true this season. Selwyn Griffith has said that this creates significant challenges with planning when and how to doing the heavier blocks of power and aerobic conditioning required around the bye period – no doubt they would have learned things from last year in terms of how best to manage this issue I think our training and load management program this season will set us up well come finals I love that Goody is clearly experimenting with all manner of things - even though that decreases the chances of us winning individual games (it’s all about the finals) I love the fact that goody has taken cues from the what the Cats did last year, for example managing hibbo – things many posters were crying out for him to copy last season I think the Pies are an excellent team, but have not achieved anything year and are ridiculously overrated (including by many posters on DL) I think we are a better team than the Pies I acknowledge we have some key weaknesses – eg, for the second year running the second tall forward is an issue, with salo in Mcvee helps address the small forward issue, but it still concerns me, I prefer Petty back and worry about the third tall if he doesn’t play back, Hunter and Mcvee have improved our overall kicking skills, but it still concerns me We are not playing in a vacuum - ALL team have key weaknesses, including everyone’s favourite team the Pies I think we will win the flag I think we should be favourites to win the flag – if I was framing a market, i would have us as $5 favs, with the pies second favourite at 5.50 (pies are currently fav at a ridiculously short 3.50 – we are equal second fav on 5.50) But to be CRYSTAL CLEAR that doesn’t mean I think there is a chance we won’t win it $5 is 4-1 in the old. Which means that if the season is played out 100 times, even as 4-1 favourites we lose 80 times and only win 20 times (On the pies everyone seems to have them as lock to win the flag. Well, except punters that is. Let’s say you think the Pies should be even shorter than their current 3.50 quote. Perhaps you are really bullish and have them at $2. That’s even money. Which by the by, is the price of the dominant tiger’s team at the start of 2018 finals. Meaning if the season is played out 100 times, even as even money favourites they only win 50 times ie they lose as often as they win) So, if it easier for people to process – what I mean when I say I think the dees will win the flag is we are the team most likely to win the flag (but another team winning the flag is the most probable outcome)
  16. Really? Ok, you've got me. It is a must win game. You know it. I know it. Only fools pretend otherwise. Sheeple. I will be furious if we lose. Inconsolable. Doubly so because I shelled out big bucks for a reserved seat to get a guaranteed Grand final ticket. Lose and the season is over. Can’t make top 4. Can't beat a team decimated by Covid and the worst flu known to man. Can't win a flag. Today is basically an elimination final. THAT'S HOW BIG TODAY IS!!! Stop the season I want to get off.
  17. Massive given neither bb or tmac can get on the park and schace is seemingly not in the frame for selection.
  18. Sure, it might be. Might being the operative word. And any players who had say, covid might have been completely asymptomatic and only had their preparation impacted. My point is the pies have been the one letting people know about players being crook. On the timing of the announcement of the teamss, I checked the afl site on Friday, assuming the teams would be announced then. The site said today's game would be announced Sunday evening. You might well be right that it was delayed because of covid etc. The question I have is, is that ok? Why should the pies not have to announce their team Friday, even if there are some queries about individual players? I mean it happens all the time players get selected even though there is some injury cloud. More AFL kowtowing to the pies?
  19. Never listen to sen breakfast. Figure, why not, it kings birthday. And who is on it? Tom bloody morris. He an cornes (who I don't actually mind) doing a mid season review. Tom Morris's assessing football teams? Please. I listen to 4 mins and they are reviewing the suns. Instead of talking about theIr FOOTBALL, all Morris talks about is dews future. And 3 mins talking about hardwick coaching them and Hinkley's future. That's it. Nothing about how well they are going, their game plan (contest, contest contest), their strengths or their weaknesses. Everything that is wrong about the footy media in 240 seconds.
  20. Six of their starting 23 were crook during the week? According to whom? I find it curious the pies have been the ones who have leaked this palaver out. Howes talked about it on fox footy for petes sake. Preparing their fans for a loss and giving the media (and DeeSpencer) their talking points to explain/excuse their lost me thinks. Didn't hear us talk up the fact that we had mutiple crook players coming into the bombers match.
  21. 'Too many people get caught up in the immediacy of results, but winning a premiership is the execution of a long-term plan, rather than a reaction to a win or a loss.'
  22. To be fair, all the coked up dees supporting lawyers need their dealers.
  23. The pies fans must be excited this morning, seeing ots their grand final. We've had ours. And unlike the pies last real GF, we won ours.
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