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Status Replies posted by binman

  1. Hi Binman,

    Just have a question for the podcast or you may already have a view. There seemed to be a tactic that GWS were using when our players were on the mark

    There seemed to be an inordinate amount of time for them to "play on".

    Was this delay due to the player or the umpire? This was replicated at every opportunity. It seems a strange occurrence as I have noticed that in previous weeks that the umpire has been lightening quick to call "play on". 

    This tactic used by GWS seem to allow them to set up ahead of the ball, which affected our ability to defend in our usual way.

    1. binman


      G'day df

      Good question. i will put it to the fellas tonight



  2. Thanks for that - appreciate it. On a side note, I have an afl live pass and have been trying to access the stats pro - I get all the way to being able to click on Wiederman (or whoever) video... and it bloody wont let me in (even whilst logged in) - have you had any log in issues?

    1. binman


      No log in isues for me Danelska. By the by I have put up my comments about Weed's involvements 

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