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Posts posted by ox_5

  1. Forward pressure is non existant in the entire melbourne forward line not just Liam

    Incorrect. Forward pressure is a strong aspect of Howe'a game and Clark also provides some quality pressure. But two out of six isn't enough.

  2. martin is tremendoudly out of form and is miles away from the form of mid last year

    Martin all this year has looked like a basketballer trying to play football.

    The guy is not a forward (im not even sure he is a ruckman) - doesnt know where to run and has terrible awareness. Cannot kick for goal to save himself either. I never actually want the ball in his hands because it will most likely lead to a turnover or a missed opportunity because he is so fumbly for someone who is meant to be so athletic.

    Time to sit him at Casey for a while. He has plenty of mates, but bloody hell he frustrates me.

    • Like 1
  3. the more i read about ew and BP, the more this view is not so left field, By demons, rebels and victory ending agreements, millions have been saved for EW

    He can break as many sponsorships as he wants, but if this Phoenix activity proves correct that will be the end of EW and Polis himself.

  4. We're wrong but not because he played a good game last night.

    A great team player.

    May be given a rest by the match review.

    Unfortunately, I think he will be getting a little holiday.

    Nice first test for the MRP.

  5. They reckon he's the smartest guy going round the AFL .

    Which is kind of like saying the most honest investment banker .

    But still -he got his HSC I believe .

    He is studying a Law/science degree at Melbourne Uni. Not sure if he has finished it as yet but definitely was doing it on a part time basis.

  6. Really? Why doesn't the real Mike get it taken down then?

    I was a bit surprised to read it to be honest, thought Jack had shown some good signs last year, and was positive about having Mitch Clark around. He's still only young - the same age (give or take a few months) as John Butcher at Port (for example), who's only just now starting to be seen as a regular first-22 after a couple of decent games late last year. Not comparing ability, but more the time it takes for these bigger guys to even start to get it together.

    Anyway, sorry for the footy discussion, back to the puns ... larfing so much it hertz.

    One of the tweets on that account very early on...

    @Mike_Sheahan: Hey tweeters stop tweeting to carowhine wilson. She's faker than I am & 500+ fell for it in 24 hrs

    There are thousands of parody twitter accounts

  7. Gonna be quick cause I am on my phone with no computer available at the moment.

    Firstly, if you want so badly to ask those questions, why didn't you just go to the AGM and ask them?

    Second, membership has grown year on year for many years now. So not sure what your no growth stat is based on. Have a quick look at the link below for a few figures.


    A few key points from the article:

    1. 11% growth in 2011 against 2010 numbers.

    2. Since 2003, membership has increased 78%.

    Please feel free to comment on the above and tell me we have had no membership growth.

    • Like 1
  8. Mike Sheahan (@Mike_Sheahan)

    2/4/12 6:29 AM

    Never mind missing out on leadership group. 2 senior Melb players (not Green) yet to prove worthy of a game. Coaching staff unimpressed.

    Make of it whoever you think the "2" are.....

    I'm sorry if I have ruined a page of speculation regarding who the 2 players are, but that is a fake Mike Sheahan account - just somebody taking the [censored]!

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