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Posts posted by 7-UP

  1. Despite popular belief there is massive confidence at the club that Scully will stay at Melbourne as will Sylvia is what I got from the Presidents lunch.

    Peter can you tell me the reason why club believe he is staying so we can at least shut up few of those posters that think he is gone.

  2. Thanks.

    So the GWS list manager says that they gave Tom Scully an offer last year. That makes Scully's press conference a farce.

    However his management group might not have given it to tom scully, when answering question scully might not have known anything. Remeber there aren;t any mention his management groups asked him to held the press conference.

  3. We play gold coast twice this year so if we end up on 10.5 wins, that's really only 8.5 in my book. The nature of our losses too have been bad and do not deserve to play finals

    So because we beat port adelaide and brisbane that makes it 6 1/2 wins is it? Any victory should consider as a win, no mater which team we play?

  4. Well said Kento.

    And perhaps vice versa Rangey, it is you who is shutting your eyes and sticking your head in the sand, pinning your beliefs on every little possible inference that can be drawn rather than the actual words spoken by the man.

    But then again you would never acknowledge that your opinion might actually be misguided!

    The more noise I hear coming out of GWS officials the more it becomes evident that they don't actually have their man at all!

    I 100% believe scully is going to stay. but people like damian barrett, mark Stevens and Jon Ralph coming out and saying he is leaving does make me worry, it seems like everyone of them has a one source, which make me wonder maybe GWS is spreading these rumours.

  5. Damian Barrett announced in footy show that there was a meeting in MFC and they decided that they going to change the leadership group and Brad Green will not be captain 2012 and he also said Greg healy is the favourite to be football director 2012 and Garry lyon confirmed there was a meeting.

  6. So who do you belive silvagini or scully i think gws is playing a really good game of poker and i have no reasons to belive scully has agreed to any contract at last season because he is smarter than that to chase money, but it seems all journaists seems to have one resource and i believe its GWS that spreading rumours that scully signed with them last season, the intentions of that i hope i know.

    I watched the scully press conference last night i and i didn't see any indication that he is lying and i saw silvagini having a hard time than scully did answering a small question.

  7. Don't know whether i should share this but there's a rumour in bigpond that Garry lyon met with Tom Scully, his family and manager and he offered a third party deal to Tom Scully from channel nine and MMM and they agreed to those terms and will announce it at the season end, it would be a big win if garry lyon achieve that.

  8. Its frustrating to see so many people already believe all the stuff media has given us and believe tom scully made his decision. Personally i believe Tom Scully going to shock the AFL world and announce a new contract extension with the dees.

    Why do i believe that

    * First, every person that talked about Tom scully told us he is a remarkable young man who is close to family and gives his all to melbourne demons, a person like that wouldn't have made a decision without telling demons what his decision is ( right now there are no reason Tom Scully wouldn't have told demons his decesion that he is going to gws and demons wouldn't have playing him right now

    * Secondly i don't think he would have made a decision like that just when money was offered to him i think he would have want to know who's going to coach demons next season and what is the best place for him to win a premiership sooner rather than later. ( what if Mick malthouse is coaching demons next season you think Tom Scully wouldn't have wait till end of the season to find out who's going to coach demons.

    * Thirdly every time i hear Tom Scully or his managers talk ( apparently Alastair Lynch and peter Bluch both are his managers) the more i figured that Tom Scully want to stay a demon.(for example his manager told that Tom Scully didn't even want to know about gws offer why? it's up to us to assume why?)

    lets say that was a lie that mean Journalists were telling the truth and Tom Scully and his side was lying, so why would i assume that when i already know which side has more credibility)

    *last but not least do you think Journos didn't notice what tom scully and his managers said yes they did? but they don't want to change their opinion no matter what( for example i don't think mike Shehan wont to believe scully after the press conference only because he didn't want to concede that he is wrong)

    So people don't come into conclusion right now, just be patient and wait till the end of the season.. I believe Tom Scully going to made a decesion that best for him and the club.

  9. http://www.afl.com.au/news/newsarticle/tabid/208/newsid/118875/default.aspx

    Check this link it seems Daniel Rich, Matthew Leunberger and 3 others signed with Lions. isn't Rich and Leunberger suppossed to sign with Giants. Which made me think Giants might not have had any approach to any player at all that media think. For example like Tom Scully until the manager of Tom Scully asked Giants to show their offer which they did. So at the end i think the only reason Sculls manager asked a offer to scully because of Media frenzy that said GWS interest in scully which makes me really mad about certain tabloid media.

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