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Posts posted by 7-UP

  1. I don't trust these sources but i thought i should share this link with fellow demonlanders


    After i read this forum about Tom Scully, my understanding is that Tom Scully has signed something and luckily it wasn't a contract, but at the same time the forum says that

    Tom Scully wasn't happy about that and he inform demons what he has done, which might explain the defence of Tom Scully by Melbourne demons whole season and Tom Scully was trying to find a way to get out of that contract.

    Geez, I just hope Scully can find a way to sign with Dees, but again this is just a rumour.

  2. It seems that things are going from bad to worse up there in Sydney for the GWS Giants.

    The news today is that the Giants appear to have missed out on their prime target "Daisy" Thomas who is about to shun the big coin on offer to sign a two year deal with Collingwood.

    This comes on top of news that some of the other players who were rumoured as certain signings were not certainties at all as as previously claimed. Mitch Clark's manager has ruled his client out of GWS and the word is that if he goes anywhere it will be to the Dockers.

    All of this on top of revelations that GWS recruiter Neville Stibbard has been stood down while the matter of his alleged intimidation of an opposition recruiting officer is dealt with just at the very time when that club should be stepping up it's recruiting activity.

    There are still question marks remaining over whether Sheedy, as the head coach with what will be close to five years out of the hurly burly of hands on coaching at AFL level is up to dealing with the highly sophisticated requirements of the modern game.

    The Sydney market is going to be hard to crack at the best of times, let alone during an economic recession, so the game doesn't need this sort of publicity - Ground Zero: why commission must tackle 'sporting apartheid.

    Now only thing left is Tom Scully to sign with Dees at the season end and we will witness the first season a team went without a win and a legendary coach get's his reputation ruined.

  3. Coach- Mick malthouse

    Captain- Brent Moloney

    Leadership Group- Rivers, Trengrove, Grimes, Jones and Scully

    My main wish- Scully to announce he signed with Demons the night before the best and fairest and Mick Malthouse inform Eddie the fat Mcguire that he is leaving Colliwobbles after they lost the preliminary final to the West Coast.

  4. What's going on with giants. In start of the season GWS had Clarke, Scully, and Ward signed and delivered.

    Now Clarke's manager is saying he is not going to GWS. http://au.news.yahoo.com/thewest/sport/a/-/afl/10075192/dockers-still-in-hunt-for-lion-clark

    Ward likely stay with Dogs.

    And media start to change their opinion on Scully, specially Mike Shehan ( I think I spelled the name wrong. )

    So much for poaching of players out from other clubs by GWS.

  5. I think it would be wrong to expect every player in our team to be elite and super man's.

    I think every team need a player that gives the team 100% effort een though they are not talented as other players and Jonesy is one of them.

  6. Did you guys saw Mike Sheahan's article about Garry Lyon.

    After all this year saying Tom Scully is gone. In this article he says he hope Tom Scully is going to stay with the dees.

    So if he was sure Tom Scully was gone why would he write something like that right now.

  7. Oh look....an article in the paper saying Scully is not worth it and suddenly everybody who was wringing hands about him leaving has changed their opinion.........he is working his way back after a few setbacks

    Davey gets slapped in the media and same again.......he has had an injury interuppted season....that is a reason not an excuse....

    Sylvia is selfish/laxy/not a team man......let me see a few comments on tv and radio at the weekend...

    Who will be this week, we will know on the Monday and Tuesday after the game with the negative posts on a once favourite player...

    .....the cliff is over there...lets all follow the leader...

    If you must have an opinion...try and make it an original one

    Can you give me the link

  8. You're missing the point.

    Not that I necessarily agree, but the care factor for Scully leaving has gone from extreme to moderate, or less.

    if care factor has gone extreme to less why people saying scully isn't going to be a great player and his knee is going to blow up, I still think lots of people cares about his decision, but everyone's reaction start to get different.

  9. I have to say as demon fans we should be ashamed for insulting Tom Scully like this.

    The guy is a class act and insulting him because media speculation and few bad games seems to be the way some demon fans trying to overcome the sadness of Tom Scully leaving the demons at the end of the season. (Which I don't think he will.)

    So stay patient for next 3 weeks like we all did for last 20-25 weeks (well I shouldn't say everone stayed patient) and then start insult or praise Tom Scully for his decision.

    Again I asked the question, Why would you trust some tabloids media over Tom Scully ? give me an answer please.

  10. I copied this from Bigfooy

    After reading this i have much better understanding of Tom Scully's situation, here take a read

    Peter Blucher's view:

    +Melbourne came along a couple of weeks ago with a new offer, and wanted an answer

    +They then went to GWS to find out whether they were interested (they certainly were) and then asked them to put the offer in paper

    +Tom has not been told what the GWS offer is and has asked NOT to know until the end of the season when he can concentrate on it

    +Tom DOES know what the MFC offer is

    +A decision will still be made at the end of the year, just like they said, but they now know what the offers are a little earlier than was planned

    +Blucher is a big fan of Tom and says he is remarkably focussed on his footy and totally disinterested in media speculation.

    +He tried to talk Tom out of waiting until the end of the year because he didn't think he would be able to cope but is blown away with how mature and professional he is


    "All we've said to Tom is "[The GWS contract] is a significant offer that warrants your consideration". His response was "At the right time, I'll see."

    +Some factors which might affect his decision: Who the Melbourne coach will be, what the GWS facilities and structure will be whether Melbourne make the 8, free agency and the CBA, does he want to stay in Melbourne with his family and friends, does he like being in the Footy Capital or does he want to get away from it all. These won't be sorted until the end of the year, so we're happy to wait.

    +Some of the people involved in the GCS offers rushed into decisions that they're unhappy with now, we want to avoid that with Tom.

    +How much he gets in the contract is no one elses business, and never EVER trust dollar figures quoted in the papers

    +Tom's not concerned about it and is one of the most resillient young men he's ever come across.

    +When asked whether, if he signs for Melbourne, the other players will feel like he's been massively overpaid or even MFC might have done something sneaky to get him to stay... loooooong pause... Ummm... Ahhh... Look we... we haven't even thought about that.

    +The Melbourne offer was bigger than Tom would ever even think of getting were it not for the GWS.

    +Tom's really just a victim of the way the system has been set up, because it's putting undue pressure on him (even if he is ignoring it admirably and not letting it affect him)

    +One of the interviewers thought that Blucher was the head of GWS recruiting for a bit, which was odd, then tried to cover it off as a hypothetical. Blucher would be disappointed, if he was the head of GWS recruiting, if Tom didn't give it due consideration. If he was Tom's dad, he'd also tell him to seriously consider it. Thankfully the hypothetical situations didn't go any further.

    +Tom hasn't discussed it with his parents yet.

    +What happens at Melbourne in the next 8 weeks is a big factor, in that it might show how close they are to a premiership

    +Free agency will fuel this amount of speculation about heaps of players and may result in players being traded mid season and playing against their old clubs the next week. Blucher hates it, but says it's the way other sports have gone and might be where the AFL is headed

    +Again, has HUGE wraps on Tom, his values, morals, attitude.

    +Melbourne does not have a deadline on it's final offer, as GWS has been rumoured to do. No mention about a deadline for the GWS offer (personally think it unlikely)

    +Melbourne hoped that by making their final offer rather early, that Tom would sign it after a little bit of consideration without hearing the GWS offer. Both Tom and Peter felt it wouldn't be right to make a decision without knowing what was on the table from GWS and, again, were unwilling to consider that before the end of the season.

    +Decision to be made relatively quickly after the season, perhaps within a week or two

  11. Who cares what he said !!!!! It's a mum babrb get over it !!

    mate what if it's your mum he said the same thing how would you react ?????

    At the same time look at the incidence in petterd's point of view

  12. I just received my 100% Melbourne email which I presume will be followed up with a request for money. I will do my bit as I have done previously.

    What I did find startling is the chosen pictures of the players down the bottom of the page.

    Not one player in the leadership group has their picture on the email.

    Well at least it got Tom Scully lets start our opinions people ;)

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