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Posts posted by 7-UP

  1. I can feel the leather boot coming again, and why not, we just lost watsisname(good luck up there), now all the innuendo about why we lost him and who's, or our professionalism (culture) to blame.............sticking a big leatherbound book down the back a my pants.........beware some of the sh...t will hurt when it's the truth I fear

    If that's how you feel?

    How do you think Demon players feel?

    All of them coverd for tom and this is how he repay them?

  2. I think we have to make sure we sign other players before next season.

    I lost my trust to AFL 100%, I wouldn't be surprised if they change the rules so GWS can poach other players from our club.

  3. There's another one from Tom Steinfort from twitter

    "Sheedy just hinted very strongly to me that Tom Scully will be announced as a GWS player next Monday""

    Then he tweeted

    "To clarify - I said "what day next week will you announce Scully's signing?", Sheeds said "the early bird catches the worm"

    Hope not true.

  4. A bit of a Hutchy-esque scoop... although it has already been mentioned, so this is just confirmation. I recieved a call this morning at 8:20am from one of my best mates who is jetting off on a holiday. Anyway, Tom Scully was two people in front of him at check-in... flying to Sydney. Apparently, Hutchy was there with a film crew too

    There is confirmation that he must be checking out the facilities today.

    So Scully was going to Sydney alone without anyone, just by himself? :P

  5. This is something i copied from Bigfooty from someone that support GWS.

    Yep congratulations are in order to you guy's I have just heard on very good authority, from someone from gws he has turned down the gws offer. I don't know when this will be confirmed but gws were hoping to have a presser on tuesday but were informed at 4.30 this afternoon that he will not be taking up the offer. I can see the egg on faces now, anyway congratulations if that's the young man's wishes I respect him


  6. Talking this morning to a player manager. Fairly new to game, firstly he has no idea about scully but said GWS have missed there main targets and pretty much throwing a blank cheque at guys like scully and ward, who at the start of the year weren't high targets.

    Also he said Merric Buchannan (spelling maybe wrong) will be a gun and should look at. He is also a gun Australian U/19 cricketer. Brother of the Brisbane bloke.

    Which might prove Scully didn't lie.

  7. The only reason i believe scully is staying because his teammates believe he is staying.

    I don't think I heard one player that said they are not confident scully is staying.

    It's different from other scenarios (coincide with GWS) because I haven't seen this much support for a teammate from other clubs in this unique situation.

    Which makes me proud of our playing group.

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