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Posts posted by Mad_Melbourne

  1. There was at least one tackle where he was rewarded with a free. I suggest you judge him on the 3 or is it 4 games he has played? I don't think I have seen Aaron Davey lay an effective tackle this year!!

    i agree but i never commended Aaron Davey for his chasing and tackling, also, yes he did lay a tackle and get a free kick, but that was only because he was jogging after his opponent to the ball, still one chase and one tackle, and i counted at least 5 where he chased, or jogged after his opponents, i dont doubt his ability, rather his application and fitness

  2. He is lacking serious fitness. Was struggling to run to the bench.

    Let's just cut the kid some slack. His run out of the pack was quite honestly the highlight of the night for me (yes, that's how bad we were).

    He has great speed and a very good kick and we know he can get his hands on the ball, so that's a start. I don't think he will necessarily end up playing down back, but it's a good learning curve for him, and I think he did OK defensively.

    no doubt he is going to be a helpful player with his style, he was very lucky defensively, in the third quarter especially he left his man, i think it was edwards 100 m in space, all the defenders were looking around dumbfounded by how a player could get so far free, and morton ran hard yards from the wing to man him , then as the ball went out of bounds, luckily, edwards pushed up to the contest and blease slowly plodded up to him, and told morton to move off.

    having said that i am a fan but i think if you cannot play 4 qtrs of football, and cannot chase in the last then vfl is where he should be playing

  3. did you guys watch the match, sam blease is a one way player, i do not mind him playing on the wing, but his lame attempt of chases in the last quarter were effectively what gave them two goals. its all well and good for a player to run fast when he has the ball, it is an entirely different matter when the same player who has obvious speed, jogs after opponents, i suspect viney will spray him in the after match meetings

  4. i disagree, kicking is something that you can work on, hard running, toughness, that is something that some players just do not have.

    having said that i think that bail will be the number one tagger in our team, but i still think there is a definite spot for bartram who works twice as hard as any of the other players!

  5. Nothing could outweigh his fatal mistakes.

    If his hands were so good, why didn't he handball it to someone who can kick the damn footy?

    because the people who can kick the footy didn't run as hard and get into the spaces like he did, having said that in the last quarter he fed it out to morton who kicked the goal

  6. just watched the replay of the match, Bartrams inside work was second to none, his quick hands especially in the last quarter were top notch! granted he should have kicked a few goals, but what he is in the team for, his inside work, his pressure, and the fact that he took daniel kerr out of the match easily outweigh the fact he didnt put those goals in.

  7. kicking was poor, if only he had put those goals through it would have been a good day for him, he towelled up kerr, which is what he is in the team for, not kicking goals!

    the problem is he is basically the hardest runner in the team and thus he gets the ball in the good spots, i wish that davey, sylvia et al would run as hard as bartram, to get into the right spots so that they could finish with the 6 points.

    its the same with jones, he runs hard and gets the ball in dangerous positions, but does not use it well in the slightest and often means it gets bombed into our fwd 50

  8. the bottom line is, we win one match in the next month, we make finals, carlton and west coast i think are our only chances, i so badly wish that we were playing west coast at the g because we would be a solid chance, its annoying that west coast will have played at etihad stadium more than melbourne this season.

  9. The Good

    For the first time in weeks, the Tom Scully thread is not on the first page of the forum.

    The Ugly

    the team not giving him any sort of help tonight and he was pantsed by picken, frustrated me so much how easily players let picken follow scully!

  10. The Good




    -Petterds mark

    -when the four bulldogs players messed it up running into an open goal, i think jones handpassed it to grant and he screwed it

    -callan ward having a hard head coz otherwise trengove would be gone

    The Bad

    -our matchups in our defensive 50, to often we were too big.

    -our midfield got hammered

    -hit outs to advantage

    -the umpiring, but cant make that an excuse

    -brad green set shot, what else ticks me off, is brad green calls the boys into a group after the freo match and richmond match and has a quick chat, after the loss the group just walked off, you are the captain, you need to address the boys after that effort more so than after the wins.


    The Ugly

    -the scoreline

    -our entries into fwd 50, long and high, like that is to any forwards advantage, other than the one petterd mark

    -no fight, three or four players had a crack the rest were sh!t

  11. wrong. sure the performance was shizen housen but having said that, the players were not playing.

    bailey has developed a list, and in his first season that the list is actually going to be developing well you want to get rid of him, maybe half way through next year if we are no good his job is in doubt, but keep him on board definitely!

    who has to go Brian Royal, out coached ridiculously, screwed up nearly every match up in our defensive 50 and often had either bennell or nicholson on the bench when both dalhaus and hooper were on the field.

  12. it doesnt really matter, if wc had the number one pick they would have taken naitanui anyway.

    none the less, on a needs basis watts was perfect for us and niknat perfect for them.

    i am biased, but will always think watts is going to be twice the player naitanui is just purely for his footy brain!

  13. one of the richmond supporters ended up with my beer down his back after he stated some harsh comments about jimmy and his torrid time he is going through referencing him as a "cancerous slime" the worst thing i had ever heard in my life!

  14. its going to be interesting, depth will be incredible, barring extra injuries it is tough to drop players at the moment. having said that tapscott will surely play vfl for one week, and then davey will have to play vfl aswell to recover, so still a few weeks off. But i definitely wouldnt mind seeing davey in the forward line then pinch hitting through the midfield, and tappy playing on a forward flank especially due to how good our defence is playing at the moment!

  15. positive = made an effect as the sub, he did have 8 touches, not all of them were the best, but he finds the ball amazingly!

    negative = disposal can be amazing, but it can be atroscious at times as well. Annoyed me today when he was on the forward flank where he should have run hard at the ball, he jogged to it and it bounced away from him and it resulted in a goal

  16. ah this bloke is such a toss, went to school with him, so many tickets on himself, but he is athletically a freak!

    wouldnt mind him in a melbourne jumper, but i think he would struggle to hold a spot in our current team

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