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Posts posted by gsmith12

  1. Hi Smithy, I do remember asking you when requesting confirmations prior to last season ending, if were playing this year,you were undecided. And you didnt put your name forward when the 2014 thread started up. No biggie.

    You do not need to be invited to play, or join a league. You and anyone just need to post an expression of interest or confirm you want to be added to a league. The invite (league code) is sent via PM to make sure the correct players get into their correct league. I hope that clears up any confusion.

    I'll probably call for confirmations near this seasons end from the existing players from all leagues to get an idea of how many leagues need to be reserved and it also helps getting a heads up on who will be returning in 2015.

    The demonland "Group" league is open to anyone feel free to join the Group league

    Group code 32ECDP3H https://fantasy.afl....t?code=32ECDP3H


  2. If you want to see a tide turning go to the beach, ours is no chance until we can resolve injury issues and address mental scars.

    Exactly, we need a break from injuries, pardon the pun, and the sooner we get key personnel back on the park the sooner confidence will kick in and you will see a competitive Demon side.

  3. It has been a long while since I had the opportunity to watch the Dees live because I have been living in Europe for a number of years. When possible I watch replays and every now and then a live streaming. I have been able to watch replays of the first two rounds and my observation is that I really feel for the players and the way that they have been coached and treated for the last 3-4 years.

    They have had to go through 3 different coaching setups and styles. 3 (at least) different game plans. That is assuming none of the three Coaches Had/have a plan B. They have faced the internal upheavals to the club management and the death of a club legend who was the President and driving force. On top of that, a media blitz and detailed analysis of every event.

    Early on in Neeld's coaching stint I questioned his methods. I did not think his 'My way or the Highway' attitude to the players was correct. Instead of looking at any strengths there were within the group and working to those strengths while also working towards a game plan, he stopped them dead in their tracks and said 'This is the direction you are taking. No exceptions. Do it now.' To my mind this completely demotivated individuals and destroyed any group culture. It sucked the life out of the team and there was no enjoyment in it for the players. Over the last few seasons this has just compounded into to an endless downward cycle.

    The task Roos has is a formidable one. He has to restore the individuals and also the fabric of the team. To my mind, work with the individual players as closely as possible. Give them the framework in which to work (game plan) and make sure that they know they will need to take risks to succeed. Some of those risks will work and some will not. The only repercussions of failure will be because of failure to learn from the mistakes.

    I would love to see my team winning. It has been a while and that will take a bit more time to come about. What I want to see every week from my team in the interim is that they go out there and provide some excitement. They go out there and show enjoyment in playing the game, some passion. The game plan is important to long term success but to expect them to go out there and execute it 100% from day one is a fantasy. We are playing a high passion game with limited skills and practice at doing so. we have had exactly 2 competitive games to express this style of play and very limited opportunities at turning possession into attack with confidence and speed. In any team sport one of the keys to success is sped and precision of transition from defence to attack and vice versa. Our team has not had the experiences to execute these important phases of play.

    Look at he West Coast game. Their speed and precision on the turnover was great. One big factor in this was that they knew that their team mate would compete for the ball and they started their movement for space half a pace (at least) before we could react.

    With our lack of a workable coaching structure and lack of success over the last few years the club has retarded the development of a number of key players. We will need time to bring them on and make sure we can get the very best out of them. 1 pre-season is not enough to complete the job. I will be very disappointed if Roos walks after 3 seasons and equally disappointed if Jackson leaves after this season. The team and the club need a period of continuity and stability if they are to survive and give themselves and opportunity to thrive.

    I am as [censored] off at the results such as last weekend as the next supporter but I believe I have an understanding of how we came to be in this situation. I still need to see that we have the tools to dig our way out of the present situation.

    All I ask is that the team and coaches give me a bit of excitement each week. Something to enjoy. Forget about media scrutiny and Political correctness. I know that the team is just as [censored] off with losing as I am. Be mindful of the long term ambitions of the GAME PLAN but play with passion and enjoyment each and every week. Do handstands, climb a goal post, run circles around someone that is standing you. Enjoy yourselves, take us along for the ride.

    I care about the results and will always follow the Dees but I would like return on my investment of time, money and passion over the years. Not asking for much. A bit of excitement and a bit of enjoyment, a laugh or two.

    End of rant and if you have read this far, I salute you.

    Nice to see you're still in the land of the living CHF, no answers for you unfortunately. Very very frustrating start to what looked to be a promising 2014, injuries are killing us and although we are getting our hands on a fair share of the Sherrin we continue to butcher the thing. Check out demonology.me if you haven't already done so.


  4. I'm as frustrated as I ever have been in the team I have supported with much passion for over 60 years.

    When I read the team for the Eagles clash on Thursday however, I thought a belting was almost a certainty.

    Missing 6 automatic selections when fit, most of them talls, and with Fitzy and Tom under fitness clouds, I knew what was in store against a very good side stacked with quality big men.

    I am comforted by the reality that we are getting more of the footy, not so how we are disposing of the Sherrin.

    Roos is only two weeks in I'm telling myself.

    • Like 1
  5. Australia 57 off 55.

    Meg Lanning 126 off 65.

    Can bat.

    And now the Dutch are doing it again!

    Meg bats like a bloke and I don't mean any disrespect to her.

    She has all the shots and is a pleasure to watch.

  6. Just look at most of the crows supporters Grapeviney

    They are only 50 in the dollar most weeks

    They don't get too much right over there old dee, I'm currently pursuing my family tree and compared to all other states, SA's records are a complete shamozzle.

  7. ok lets put some ill informed posts and rumours to bed. My sister happens to work for the media and has alittle (not all) knowledge of whats going on.

    ok. firstly mitch is in Melbourne. he and jones even posted the other day pics of a photo session they did together that day.

    Mitch daughter lives mostly with her mother in Brisbane. comes down every now and then and stays with Mitch and his now gf.

    Mitch has depression from a lot of different areas that he is dealing with. ie: not seeing his daughter everyday. not playing the sport he loves for 2 years. getting over a injury and then getting a new one over and over.

    Mitch is away from the club but still in contact with some players and the medical staff. he is doing his own training so we when mitch decides its time to come back (hopefully at the end of his 8 weeks off) he will be still fit and injury free. He will prob have to do acouple of weeks AFL training to get that fitness back and then a couple of games at casey to get match fitness. So in my understand and beliefs he will return to the club and he will play this year but not until the second half of the season.

    Sounds plausible, not surprising that Mitch is low in spirit given all the setbacks he has suffered.

    Must be so frustrating to possess the ability he has yet not be able to perform.

    I'll keep faith.

    • Like 2
  8. Graeme i have been reading this twits posts for years. He is a cheap sniper who spends most of his time slagging off at anyone who has an opinion different to his. He is a first class clown.

    And you are being a suckhole.

    Disagree emphatically , will leave it at that.

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