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Posts posted by gsmith12

  1. For Niall to suggest that MFC was in any way responsible for the downfall of LJ is disgraceful, after all we have done for Liam during and post his time here, nothing could be further from the truth.

    The club should ask for a retraction.

    Niall has learnt how to besmirch MFC from Smith and Wilson ?

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  2. The floggings that GWS are currently copping are not good for the competition, of that there is no doubt.

    On the other hand they do help us retain Chip and for that reason I'm reasonably comfortable with the results.

    Let's face it, who in their right mind would want to settle in Rugby League heartland playing for a non contender, regardless of the financial return ($cully aside of course).

  3. It's a donation Graeme you contribute $5k and that's i,t you don't have to put in anything after that or you can if you want.

    You get an invite to the dinner after that every year.

    Just one other thing the players are a bit jack of the media always finding an excuse for the other side for losing and not recognising the fact that we've played well.

    The boys are stoked at the moment and want more wins, they genuinely believe they can take on any other team. It's been a while since we've had a team with that sort of self belief.

    Roos is a genius, he's turned a bunch of disbelievers in to a team of believers.

    Thanks for that. We haven't been a fave with the media since Northey's stint and the players will learn what a selective mob they are when we return to being contenders.

    Difficult times for us supporters especially when we have to put up with vindictive germs like Barrett, Denham and Russell.

    Incidentally I was at my old club in Ballarat last week, Northey coached them to a flag 5 years ago and I see he is coaching Learmonth in the district this year. The guy is a legend in the Ballarat area.

  4. Just got home a very good night no announcements just a few words from PJ, Josh Mahoney, George Stone and PR about what it takes to be a successful team and how you need good people in all positions. They are convinced they have those people in place and that the team is good enough to take it up to the other sides.

    Sat next to Jeremy Howe and he's convinced they have a chance to beat any team they play and they are looking forward to playing Port next week. I suggested he should take Wingard and he said he'd love the opportunity, then Chip came over and he reckons he should, it will be interesting to see who does.

    They followed Roosy on match day when we played the Bulldogs and it was great to get an insight in to what goes on. They had him miked up and showed him talking to the players before and after the game as well as at all the breaks, plus what instructions he was giving during the game from the box. He challenges the players about what they did during the game and why didn't they do it differently as they were told.

    They had an auction which went extremely well and the FH raised in excess of $600k. PJ said we need to get more members and the figure of 35k is unsustainable if we want to grow as a club the players are starting to show some improvement so they are hoping that the membership will as well.

    Chris Dawes got up and spoke on behalf of the players and I'd have to say he is a very impressive person, he feels the players are capable of matching it with the best and wants the supporters to stick with it as we are getting there.

    All in all a good night and if anything else springs to mind I'll post it.

    Thanks RF, I'm certain the increase in membership required will take care of itself should we continue to improve onfield and win more often.

    Out of interest, what are the qualifications for membership of the heroes club ?

    If the info is any way sensitive could you shoot me an email please.

  5. The win over the Crows makes it harder in many respects for border liners to crack the senior side particularly as Roos rightly seems to consider team stability important.

    Hope the incentive burns, looking forward to reports on today's game.

  6. I would've liked someone to snot Robinson and it would've been nice for us to, for once, take advantage of his ordinary disposal.

    But, it he's out then that's it for the tough guy act

    My sentiments exactly Rowdy.

  7. The Northey brigade never took a backward step, went on to win this one and as we all know, played off on the last day in September after beating the Blues in the Prelim the week after...

    Was there at the G that day along with 87000 plus others, enjoyed every minute and we were far the better side.

    Some interesting personnel in the Pies line up - Manson, Taylor and Shaw for starters, very little grey matter to share amongst those three.

    Shane Kerrison, now there was a dog of a bloke who compares favourably with Mitch Robinson.

    Enough said.

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