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Posts posted by gsmith12

  1. I think the supporters would like to see Mitch Robinson have his last tooth knocked out.

    Tappy and Jetta are the only players with the requisite amount on c--t in them to do it.

    You nailed it, Robinson has the most punchable head in the AFL by a long margin with King a distant clear second.

    • Like 1
  2. How spencil gets a game after having his opponent get 60 Hitouts is totally mystifying!!!

    Get Pedo and or Georgio in Ruck as it will be wet and bring in another in and under! Jetta desperately unlucky not to get a gig, should have replaced Bail.

    I reckon Jetta deserves another crack, sadly it's not possible from the rokie list.

    Nev doesn't mind the bruises.

  3. I agree with that completely. Both my children, a son and daughter, now adults, are fanatical Dees, like their parents. I also find the worst thing about our situation, is the look on their faces.

    I have now come to grips with our situation and am trying to not let it hurt me, but I can see it hurts them.

    As my son said to me recently, I just want to see us playing good football, it has been bad for so long. He goes to every game in Victoria and even to Geelong, which I swore off going to after 186.

    It is very hard to remain passionate about the Dees, but and here I go again, I can see a light at the end of the tunnel.

    Diehards, we can't help it, it's in our DNA.

    We need some genetic modification.

  4. Given the Blues have gone quite small and it's probably going to be wet, it is likely he will only have to last until three quarter-time and then be subbed out for either JKH or Kent.

    Have a look at how many last quarter possessions Fitzy has had in three weeks if you are still thinking it is a bad move!

    A point well made however if we cop an injury early to a tall ?

  5. I've been through all the tough times since 1964 and just could not believe the rapid growth of support in the members sections of the crowd as we sustained a winning run in the in the late eighties.

    They literally jumped out of trees onto the bandwagon.

    May it occur again soon.

    • Like 1
  6. Latest epistle from Nineteen

    Two nights of kicking around the boundary this week.

    Thanks this week to Geoff, Peter, Judy, Julian, Graham, Anne, Liz, Daniel, Geoff & Tim last night AND Perrin, Steve Pete, Judy, Trish, Cheryl, Geoff & Geoff for Monday.

    37 sign ups from 941 dial ups.

    PJ was in again to Tx us for the ongoing effort.

    Next week an ex player, who kicked 4 goals in a grand final, will be in to meet & greet.

    We have now experienced a ripper week, a good one & a grinder. . What is in store for the coming week???

    I know you guys aren't looking for repetitve pats on the back, nevertheless accept our thanks for the wonderful job you do under difficult circumstances.

  7. At least your grandchildren are demons.

    Mine are lost to the game, except for one who follows the filth - I can't find it in my heart to disown him, though.

    Sorry to hear that.

    My Grandchildren really had no choice, swamped with Demon gear from an early age courtesy of uncles etc, learnt the Grand Old Flag early on etc etc.

    Just hope they see some sustained success soon.

  8. We are currently sitting on 32324 which would be considerably less if not for our tireless band of membership volunteers.

    MFC have thousands of lapsed members who will return once we have a period of sustained success similar to the late eighties, early and late nineties.

    Easier said than done obviously however we must retain faith in the Jackson/Roos process.

    • Like 2
  9. I started following the demons when I went to my grandmother's house on a Saturday in late September 1958 and watched a game of a very foreign code unfold. I found myself barracking for the team that was losing, sadly an inclination that has shadowed my life: my daughter said to me 6 years ago, Why do you always back losers? I grew up in Bulldog territory, had Teddy Whitten himself bring round a Budgie I'd won in some crappy competition, a budgie I soon released to its fate because of all the maintenance requirements.

    So, as it turned out, I chanced on a winner. The demons were in every final till 1964. I was at cricket practice as Neil Crompton replied to the infamous Gabelich wobbly run and goal. Then came the drought we all know about. But, there were glimmers, Hardemann, Alves, Wells, Dillon, Parke - though I wished he could kick! - Sullivan, Baker, Fowler, Smith, the might Flower. Then came Northey, a night premiership, five years of finals, then Schwartz, Charles, Tingay, Lyon, Neitz, the Daniher years of one up, one down, and the chaos that followed.

    I started following Demonland during Mark Neeld's reign. I met him at a bottle shop where I work part time. He was/is a lovely guy who was passionate about what was happening and about to happen with his team. It didn't work out. Along came Roos. The saviour, I welcomed it because my brother always barracked for the Roys and I ended up watching as many Fitzroy games as Melbourne games in the late 70's and 80's. I read all the training reports, and do report that before I opened my computer the day on the day Jess Hogan's injury was reported I had a premonition about our boy Jess.

    So there's the NAB cup, then I await the announcement of the first team before the St Kilda game and I despair: there's no forward line, it's totally ad hoc because of INJURIES.

    Round two: ditto, no tall forwards, the Ruck position totally compromised by the fact that Spencer is the ONLY man standing.

    Round three: Ditto forward line, ditto the Ruck, and who is Spencer's opponent: the one and only Lewis Mumford, world famous ruck man and philosopher.

    In the meantime, I'm reading the pathetic doom and gloom posts on this site and finally I can't take it any more. I want to say to you doom and gloom mongers that the Demons will only START to be competitive when and if they can field a side that contains the likes of Garland, Hogan, Gawn, Jamar, a fully fit Dawes and quite probably Riley and Michie.

    Till that happens, why not watch the evolution of something that is potentially very good and allow time to heal what was obviously a very deep-seated cultural problem at the Melbourne Footy Club.

    Understand your frustration dieter however you are not Robinson Crusoe, in fact there a many posters on this site of your vintage or older who are suffering the same feelings.

    What hurts me more than anything is the disappointment I see in the faces of my sons and grandsons when we continue to suffer heavy losses.

    All we can do is soldier on and hope for some injury relief.

  10. It sucks but unless things change this is where we are at. I still think we can improve in the second half of the season but whether that will amount to many W's is to be seen. At this stage we're tracking for a less than 4 win season, following 2 wins last year and 4 the year before (both figures artificially inflated by the expansion clubs).

    Fair point Doctor, if however Dawes remains on the park and Jesse returns prior to mid season, which is entirely possible, we may well look a different and more competitive unit.

  11. Jurrah, Schwarz, Jackovich, Clarke, Wonna, Lyon....

    Haven't we been teased by some serious talent in the last decade or so only to see their careers cut short or seriously effected by injury or other circumstances. Arrrghhh!!!!!!!

    The first dozen or so games from Mitch were awesome for us. A real ray of sunshine in a pretty dark place. A wonderful mark and such a reliable set shot for goal. On top of that he was very dangerous with the ball on the ground. We all knew he was going to be wonderful for us as the midfield developed and he got some mates up forward to occupy the other defenders. And then... a rare foot injury, complications and a long term, frustrating stretch out of the game that combined with who knows what else away from the game and he is gone at 26.


    When will it end?

    Been mulling over the same thoughts since the Clark announcement.

    Seems we are cursed.

  12. Yep, I once thought there wouldn't be many more passionate supporters than myself. But now I know there are, my passion is bleeding out.

    I rarely even check in here these days, and when I do I see thread titles like 'Changes for next week' and I think to myself how can you be [censored]? We've seen a thousand changes and none of them make a [censored] of difference to what happens at this club.

    Good on those who keep the faith and enthusiasm. They are made of stronger stuff than I.

    The only joy I get from footy now is watching teams and players I hate fail. And even that is losing its appeal.

    I'll keep watching, and start playing Candy Crush the further we fall behind. I'm on level 500 for those interested.

    Go Dees, I spose...

    Never mind buddy, if all else fails you could always resort to watching replays of Marat, Marcos and Anna. :rolleyes:

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