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Posts posted by gsmith12

  1. Here is my rough run down, I don't pretend I am anything more than a rank amateur but here goes.

    It was a fairly ordinary game with lots of errors by both sides in the first half and only improved a little in the second.

    Either side could have ended the other by reasonable kicking for goal, as the score show both licked 14 points and lots of then were not hard shots.

    I thought only three players played well enough to be included in the seniors, I would add that they would only get games at the MFC.

    No idea what happened in Sydney other than losing by 5, probably some spots available for next week.

    Jamar easily beat his opponents all day as he should at this level. NOT the level of 2010 but I would play him next week in the senior team.

    Mckenzie had a scratchy start but improved to be IMO in the best three.

    Clisby was solid and kicked a beautiful goal in the last quarter after a hard attack down the Bowling green side of the ground. At that point I thought he had sealed the Game.

    Jetta IMO he won the game for Casey in the second half when shifted from the backline to Mid / Forward. Very good game pity he is on the rookie list was way better than about most of our listed players.

    The rest should be playing with Casey next week.

    Nicholson played well but his disposal was the normal, he is a VFL player.

    King tried hard but with lack of weight is easily pushed aside, 2017 before he is more than Casey

    No. 76 VFL standard IMO

    Trengove better second half but he looks nothing like a number No.2 draft pick, had a reasonable game but again barely made the distance when kicking from about 40 out in the last quarter.

    Toumpas played mainly in defense, average game, did do a couple of beautiful kicks out of defense in the second half.

    Blease played well in the second half but is still a flash in and out of the game for me.

    Michie reasonable game but VFL At this point.

    Riley got a fair bit of the ball but was either too slow or tried to do too much, got caught with the ball a lot.

    Hope that gives a bit of info

    PS Dawes and Garland were sitting 5 meters from me in the third quarter, story of our year.

    Fire away guys I will do my best.

    PS Great to go to a game and see a win

    The only KPF on the ground IMO was Smith for Casey I think he is way better that any fit KPF on the MFC list.

    Thanks for your report old dee, more than modest for mine.

    How was Clisby's disposal other than the topnotch goal you referred too ?

    We sadly lack running defenders who are able to provide effective disposal, Terlich, Grimes and Nicholson are all offenders and judging by the spray Roos gave Terlich during the game today, I reckon he will be at Casey next week.

    Interesting that the Demon website gives Trengove and Toumpas a rap for toda's effort, not so all the reporters on here.

  2. I've loved the Dees for well over fifty years, but right now I just don't. I'll keep going to games for the rest of this season, but if I'm still feeling this way at the end of the year, that's it. I've spoken with a couple of sixty-year members who still take out memberships but never go to games and just detest the changes in the game. Good on them, but as for me, it'll be a clean cut.

    My earliest memory is of the GF loss in 1954 ET so I am of your vintage.

    Just won't be the same, sitting in the backyard with the thermos.

  3. why can't you?

    he's the 1.5 million dollar man and he's just coached a 93 point loss, i think some bold statements are entirely appropriate, if not necessary

    If the team was selected solely on form, one third of the side would be at Casey.

    Team balance is an issue for a start and of course common sense also applies.

    Given the heads who were rolled this week, bold statements as you put it have commenced and the rest of the boys are now on notice that Roos means business.

    • Like 1
  4. as I said : "according to Roos himself, winning games at this point is secondary to installing a properly functioning culture"

    in other words I don't care how good their forwards are or who would play FB

    we won't win either way

    how are you supposed to overhaul a shoddy culture if you don't make a few heads roll

    He has rolled two heads with this weeks selection Stakka, can't do them all at once.

  5. hey dudes while I agree with a lot said and fair enuff to , but gotta realize with no biggies in the forward line blokes like Howie etc are getting the best backmen , no freedom to do there thing , lets just hope that dawes hoges can get in there and take some heat off howe etc , am I dreaming ?

    That's not dreaming, it's common sense, if Howe gets the third defender it's a completely different ball game.

    • Like 2
  6. The sooner the matter is resolved the better and for this reason the meeting next week is a blessing.

    The majority of folk who post here would want a result that is best for Clark and his future despite the nagging selfish thought that we want him to continue with the MFC at all cost.

  7. Barlow, Fyfe, Dawson, Bradley, Silvagni, Clarke, Griifin, Sylvia and they lost Ibbotson very early on.

    Hawthorn were far too good and may well repeat the dose later on however Freo were well below their best both in personnel and performance.

  8. Not that much, you wouldn't want to be relying on 2 or 3 players.

    Hawthorn had more missing, they cover it better.

    If you were going to pick the Grand Finalists now it would probably be Hawthorn v West Coast/ Port...but it's a long season ahead

    Hawthorn did not have more missing, by a long stretch.

    Check the injury lists on the AFL site to confirm should you be in doubt.

  9. Why would he be meeting with MFC and together with his manager if he wanted to stay?

    It ain't gunna be good news.

    Dam it he's my daughters fav player too.

    My Grandson was rapt to pull Mitch in the last packet of footy cards.


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