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old dee

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Everything posted by old dee

  1. Not confident of that DC. There have been times when he wanted to close us down.
  2. I knew this would happen as soon as you let demosaw off the hook. Tough decisions need to be taken against these infidels. A big of concrete is needed Mr. Leg.
  3. Must be the Christmas spirit from you Mr Leg. I think you are weakening in your advancing years.
  4. I think that is a light sentence your honour. I might have to appeal to a higher authority.
  5. Well I did not get what I deserve as the Porsche did not arrive.
  6. Don't wish your life away or more importantly mine? they go fast enough.
  7. Merry Christmas everyone and here's to a big year for the Dees in 2023.
  8. I don’t disagree Dr. But is seems that will not be resolved anytime soon. We have to get a location and right now Zero.
  9. I doubt we would ever leave the G, why would you leave our home and the best stadium in Australia. With 60k+ members we need the space.
  10. Those time frames are probably Optimistic NC. Some time ago I decided that I would probably never see the MFC home. I am now convinced I won’t. I will just have to enjoy the team as is.
  11. As you said each to his own.
  12. I may have worded that incorrectly. The club will look at any site. Have investigated 30+.
  13. Just my personal view nothing was said but I just don't see near the G getting up. Development in Docklands is our best chance. We are not taking away current green open space.
  14. If you are going to dream then dream big is my policy.
  15. That would appear to be the case dc. at 60k+ the benefits of being a member start to appear slim to those uncommitted supporters. I would consider a higher membership without GFG to get a better spot for viewing etc.
  16. Interesting I just looked at the membership department on the MFC site. With the exception of the lowest level memberships everything else is "wait list" so it would appear all except general admittance memberships are sold out. Not so long ago you could buy any level and they were happy to upgrade you.
  17. Its obviously me Roy11 I just don't get it. we waited 50+ years and I Had no desire to run a muck.
  18. I just don't get it dc.
  19. Ok here goes I was rung by a person from the club, not the President or Gary Pert. However they were of some importance and I believe they were well informed and honest. Basically what I have thought for some time appears to be correct and the information provided by Dante is correct. WE are now in a long term situation meaning nothing is going to happen fast. We have little power and are at the mercy of the Government, AFL and MCC. The club is bound to a secrecy agreement that they will not disclose details of discussions. The reason other clubs are getting money is because they have a site to spend it on. We do not. They have looked at approx 30 venues within the middle ground of Metro Melbourne and while they would prefer to be close to the G they will look at any venue that the Government brings forward. He was adamant that the Olympic park Magpies episode would not happen again. Currently we are using Goschs and Olympic park facilities and Casey. He believes that between the two we have facilities as good as most of our competitors. The club is committed to both venues for Girls , boys and VFL teams. also said they need both as one venue is not enough for the three operations. He also said that contrary to popular beliefs the players do not see travelling to Casey as a big problem in fact they enjoy being able to train in privacy. While admitting that it would be good to have one home for the whole club he did no believe the current situation was placing us at a disadvantage to other clubs. Now some of the above you can say well he would say that wouldn't he. My view is we are some time away from a central home for Players and fans but currently we are not at a disadvantage.I firmly believe it is not for want of trying, there is just currently no spot.
  20. Hi everyone I posted the link below I hope it works. It is about the fans when the World cup winners tried to do a city tour. I cannot imagine this happening in Australia for anything. I have said in the past I don't understand Soccer/ fans. https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Flionelmessi24h.vercel.app%2Fchao-argentina-riots-in-the-parade-forcing-messi-and-teammates-to-change-plans-immediately%2F%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR2jdXQCEtfwU7ApZuJ_UUEk9oDcBuNUEMEjfO-iQIQHBT1_RaUhu0ZZ2RM%23utm_source%3DTrinhVo%26utm_medium%3DMessiFansForever&h=AT2qTRy1RQpgyDCKHxesIwzaxPLYGGnxr590Jv6_01fCWu48fi2qDghJCOwJRhMuAO0oqvfkHZlG8R15JZMUgWTX1nD1KpePPJuD91m6mgFtZFk8aLhyuBcyudV2dVKldP6D&__tn__=%2CmH-R&c[0]=AT3GMitazQbOlXbjFJMcdXTfXq8u_Hn6v7pycWqS8h9_B53SgJjazXZin9NQ_0EE_xV5h5b-IEdCwlb5_LOhAjBJ2D2OILrATjRXsfhG6vosoimx5z-BwKgix8tNsXa50aFzAoDE3oVkp-NCAGgvb1b4w4X4MeGNlu7xljE0bUIM-h6_DGxyzfXEAL-RseC4w83PnB715BwYjhcARHQ
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