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old dee

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Everything posted by old dee

  1. Oh Joy my day has blown into a full shiny summers day The world looks so much clearer now.
  2. Yes but just the mood I am in today. Struggling to see the sunshine, that could change dramatically around 2.30pm.
  3. I think it is philosophical friday Redleg.I have a couple of friends who have serious aliments and are looking emaciated. They would love to be a few kilos over weight. When every I look in the mirror and think I could do with losing a bit I think of them. There are far worst things than being a bit over weight. Enjoy the extra kilos.
  4. From having it twisted by WJ is what I was referring to.
  5. I bet your arm is not the slightest bit sore
  6. I can imagine how much trouble he had.
  7. Excellent. We are with you!
  8. So you chew on a cocoa bean?
  9. Wow I reckon we could sell tickets to that.
  10. That may be because the loads are low !
  11. Yeah right! if you believe that you will believe anything.
  12. Funny how opinions vary Bbo I think that Dairy Farmers are the toughest of all farmers some of the others are [censored] by comparison.
  13. Oh please redleg I am about to eat.
  14. Glad to hear you are doing well
  15. I like the way your mind works R and B
  16. I seriously doubt that dc he could not possibly desert D Land
  17. Well fire up anyone would think you are on holiday!
  18. Zero Bbo I was referring to the FMD comment
  19. Sad but I would prefer not to BBo
  20. You sound a bit hot and bothered Bbo?
  21. Same story dc the only way was up it just took three years to find the start button.
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