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old dee

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Everything posted by old dee

  1. It would give Essendrug another player that could play next year!
  2. You have my vote Ernest and even when healthy I think he is average on his good days.
  3. He is going back to SA ( just like Thompson )you can put the house on it.
  4. Down with the dreeded flu today. I am reminded of what my father told me many moons ago. It is amazing how bad you can feel and not die.
  5. No DF kinder today and she does not like peanut butter.
  6. 12.05Pm banana and peanut butter sandwich coming up. Life seldom gets better than this.
  7. two in the one weekend praha. Injuries could easily determine this result
  8. Every thing except the MFC.It gives me grief year in year out. The really sad bit is I am too stupid to leave.
  9. My god we both need to get more in lives on here 7.24 am Tuesday.
  10. Oh come on R and B you were baiting me.I said elsewhere it was funny leaving the ground as I was smiling that we did not get belted.
  11. Strange MFC supporters.We now enjoy losing. Anything less than a belting is considered joyful.
  12. I suspect a few guys are playing for the futures at the MFC today. Anything less than a close loss could be the end for a few. After last weekend I think several have big ? Over their abilities be that physical or mentally. The result today IMO could be a turning point for a number of players and the club in general. A large loss means we have come very little distance since the end of 2013 and several players might pay the price.
  13. Give the kid a break he was a good player last year and this year has had knee injury for most of the year.The poor guy,s biggest problem is he is human.
  14. I mostly agree with you dc.But you are way off the mark. Instant coffee is the flaggon port equivalent in the Red Wine world. Bottom of the class today dc.
  15. Only problem Biff is I am here in Melbourne.Redleg is the man there at present.
  16. Work supplied DFI have all bases covered windows desk top and lap top, blackberry phone, bought Mrs OD a samsung tablet (she loves it ) and the bloody iPad.
  17. Spent the last hour on my desk top How much better is this than a bloody iPad? Just finished my second G and T perhaps that is the reason.
  18. Yes but only to finance holidays OS
  19. Was there last October and a good time
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