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old dee

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Everything posted by old dee

  1. Try single malt it works way better.
  2. Losing sides very seldom raise that one Earl when really it is the only stat that counts.
  3. That may all be accurate but we have only won three of the seven. We are losing to the poorer sides not the ones on the up BM. The draw starts to get harder over the next month. I fear we will be 3 and 8. Glad to see you are still going older Dee or should that be oldest dee? Not sure why I am so annoyed in 2017 I have had plenty of practise at this saga.
  4. Without our decades of support you would have no club to follow in 2017
  5. You are on the way you just don't realise it.
  6. The line flung in his direction has to be close to the best so far in 2017
  7. You sound like me twenty years ago Wise.
  8. Bloody sad deluded lot MFC supporters.
  9. So far BM the position we are at is down on 2016. Mr Roos got us to ten wins I have yet to see anything that suggests Goodwin will pass that mark. Early days I know but the progress seems to have ground to a halt.
  10. It has not achieved much ignition and it is not this guy humiliating the MFC they can manage that well without his help.
  11. Best comment yet sprit. Covers it perfectly.
  12. If we are capable of winning why don't we? We don't because a we don't have enough talent to pull it off IMO. but if I follow your idea that we do have enough talent then it has got to be that we do not have the mental where withall.
  13. Don't shoot the messenger ignition. The MFC have decades just made up the numbers. I am bloody tired of it too. Talk is cheap action is the requirement.
  14. Your mistake Dockett is expecting the AFL to be consistent.
  15. It is the cumulative effect Jaded.
  16. So that makes his JKH comment wrong? Rubbish he is spot on re JKH
  17. I agree with You and wolfmother. For decades we have meekly accept mediocrity and we still are. while I don't propose similar action I understand his pain.
  18. Perhaps 2018 adc. I can guarantee you there will be no finals this year let alone a flag.
  19. If I did I would be his best customer RN.
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