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old dee

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Everything posted by old dee

  1. Not sure how you tip your cap on here bb but I am open to suggestions.
  2. Oh thank God you are back Bbo demonland has not been the same without you.
  3. Sorry to disagree DF but it is about the Tigers in this house. Well the lack of them actually.
  4. Probably not the right spot but my second sporting love is Basketball. I feel a little joy after my team was replaced by a soccer team i.e. melbourne united. The regular season finished on the weekend and MU has missed the finals for the third year in a row. Oh joy! I hope that makes the Tigers return one year closer.
  5. Spot on description bb. I have all the equipment right here but alas we are out of ice cream or I would make one right now. I must have consumed 1000 before I was sixteen.
  6. My memory of milkshakes is they always had a scoop of ice cream. A thick shake had 3-4 scoops.
  7. If you say something loud and often it begins to sound true to large numbers of the unwashed dc.
  8. Well after this afternoons game I don't see my interest increasing any time soon.
  9. Enjoy mate sadly I cannot raise the same enthusiasm. It might have something to do with the time of the year.
  10. So there are four of us dpositive
  11. I agree ET perhaps it will appeal to me over time. I cannot get into the Big Bash. I like cricket but the sides are made up with no history and no tribal back ground As well the players change each season. Perhaps i will get into Female footy at least there is a established team to support.
  12. So I am not alone there is at least three of us Mr. Leg. You me and ET. I am glad you started this because we are going to be call sexist by the PC I hope you are ready.
  13. I am very close behind you!
  14. Yes and like me you probably regain it by 8pm
  15. So that must be about 480KG you have lost over the years Mr. Leg!!!!!
  16. That is the wisest thing said on Demonland so far in 2017. In fact it could take the crown for 2017.
  17. Your presupposing the life line person was looking for a shiela dc
  18. Or a wife with little idea!
  19. It is the new year br we are all allowed a couple of errors at this time.
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