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old dee

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Everything posted by old dee

  1. Police have dropped the case now so just wait for the weasel words that flow from the AFL.
  2. Yes a bit like Dentist and Holiday never in the same sentence. DF
  3. Even you don't believe that Bbo!
  4. I think it is time to change the title by adding "No W" every thread on Demonland descends into a JW discussion. I am well and truely over the discussion.
  5. Incorrect DF Jack Watts is to blame.
  6. Your lack of enthusiasm is glaringly obvious Mr. Leg. I am concerned!
  7. Spot on as you say reasonable chance he could be a useful player when settled back in Melbourne.
  8. My suggestion forget the FD reasoning and the panadol. Just concerntrate on a good single malt.
  9. We have sold the farm for this guy. He has a lot to live up to, I hope his is that good. but I do agree with Stigga early draft picks have no guarantees.
  10. Sounds a lot like Demonland Ernest. Finding the truth can be difficult.
  11. After a 54 year wait DA I will be happy with a fluke flag in 2018
  12. Hope you are right but I just don't see the talent. He looks to me to be one of those players that is very good in the VFL but just not good enough at senior level.
  13. I think you have under estimated the size he currently has bb.
  14. Someone should tell Tex to stop digging!
  15. Constantly kicking points loses games DA. Not for me I am afraid, reasonable fill in player when injuries happen.
  16. I know a little bit more about this, it appears he was offered another one year contract just before the "night out" and rejected it because he " was getting offers from other clubs" . Club evidently suggested he proceed in that direction and night out followed. Me thinks he shot himself in the foot.
  17. Average player who cannot hit the side of a barn from 30 metres. Doubt he will be around in 2019
  18. I find it difficult to believe he could be worse than having Kennedy on our list. Worth a try for a fourth round cost IMO.
  19. I don't disagree with any of that but it does not alter the fact their supporters will be cheering from the sidelines. I hate this mob with rare intensity.
  20. It will not make the slightest difference to their band of dick head supporters Mr. Leg. Right now they are all saying" yah man tell the MFC to get stuffed"
  21. Yes just tell me what it is!
  22. Not pleased Steve I just knew this would be the result. I have said this from early days if you are short you have too be very good and he was never very good.
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