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old dee

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Everything posted by old dee

  1. Interesting grading system Mr. shadow. i think we used this same system during the Neeld years.
  2. The end is near Ernest. Cannot see him playing in 2019. Good try and cost relatively low amount but is over. Two weeks will become four and if yes big if we are playing ok how does get back in?
  3. He has had two games ET the first was against lower level opponents and was good, the second last weekend against better players and not so good. Like you not before June IMO, needs to have his confidence up and that wont happen against the Tigers. Pedersen has the runs on the board not a great player but knows how the game works and is more often than not serviceable and Occasionally has a very good game..
  4. I actually think T Mac is the biggest loss, he can play both ends of the ground and makes a fairly good job of the ruck role. we need him desperately but before July seems wishful thinking.
  5. We had quarters where the other team played all over us the difference is IMO that the Hawks did not let us back in. But it is all only opinion and as you say we have different views on that. Enjoy today week. Go dees.
  6. It is actually four poor games in the last six Dr and only one of them was against a team that figured in last years finals. the tend has been there ever week.
  7. I just find it interesting willmoy that people believe if they mentally will someone on it has an effect. In someway I guess it is like religious faith. I just don't think it has the slightest effect on how a player performs on the field, if we send him hate mail or yell at him as he comes off the field it may have an effect but people taking to each other! No effect IMO
  8. This always amuses me dm. I don't believe it matters a tinkers curse what we supporters think or say on here about him. Probably does not even know we exist. He will make it on ability or he wont our support does not matter.
  9. You have a lot more faith than me I seriously doubt he would be on any other list let alone Hawthorn.
  10. All true but I am beginning to think we paid way overs for him, right now he is at best an average HB flanker we have plenty of those at Casy for a quarter of the price. Will need a very good second half of the year or DJ's spot could be filled.
  11. X footballers are seldom the best judges especially ones who have just left the game they struggle to get their minds around the fact they are no longer players and so take time to judge players and stop identifying with them
  12. Well said bb due to going os and family duties I wont get to many games at the G this year charitable contribution covers it well.
  13. If we could get a first round pick then tomorrow. But that wont happen and I am still delusional enough to think he will come good and live up to his first round pick status.
  14. Planning to go DJ but have a couple of family issues to resolve. That will be my last game for a while am off OS in a couple of weeks and cannot make the Tuesday night game.
  15. I don't disagree on that statement but we have too many who are just not up doing a good job as foot soldiers and IMO he is one of them. I am not saying he does not give his best but I guess we are just going to disagree Wiseblood.
  16. Fits my point LH there are no big offers out there for Brayshaw and lets be honest right now who would pay big money for an average player. the shine of a first round pick has faded long ago.
  17. We seem to have had that disease for half a century nutbean
  18. They are just being sharpened Bossdog. If another thumping happens today week we will need the Red Cross as a sponsor. Jokes aside it is not a new experience we have been doing this for half a century situation normal.
  19. There lies our problem Wiseblood we do have too many and while we have the likes of ANB as a regular in our best 22 we are not going above eighth. He is a depth player and should not be a regular in the team.
  20. I seriously doubt there are any big offers for Brayshaw floating around, no doubt his injury problems have not helped but honestly at senior level he looks slow and does not impact the game. Right now he is an average senior level player at best who could be out of the game after one more head knock.
  21. There is no choice we sold the farm for him! We seem to have bought him on the basis that when he arrived we could then use T Mac in the forward line, sadly that has fallen on its arse through no fault of his however would he be playing against the Tigers if T Mac was available?
  22. Just another average player on his good weeks, we still have too many of these players.
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