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old dee

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Everything posted by old dee

  1. I am full of excitement chook! Not sure which to watch Charlie or the Dees. No.1 wife will be keen on Charlie so might have the lap top on Dees with sound off as most weeks.
  2. And the reason why I don't go to night games May to August Steve.
  3. Especially when your pre injury form wasn't great
  4. Geelong is 60 mins from Melb and offers more to young people. Remember draftees are barely 18. The cats have had their share of go homes. Why do you want to deny it will be a problem for the Tassie team?
  5. Thank god this game is on the Gold coast, can you imagine going to the game this Saturday at the G for a 4.30 start. Max temp 13 for the day with showers. Kayo with a nice red sounds like heaven by comparison.
  6. I think it is more likely aimed at the Tassie team. what WA or Qld kid would want to be sent there. Before 3 years is up they would experiencing " mental problems"
  7. Well at the very least everyone is keeping their sense of humour about it. No big deal to me either way.
  8. Yep that will surely fire up the team.
  9. The postive I see is we are not trying to erase history.
  10. Trouble is 19 teams is a horses [censored] bb.
  11. Send them to Tassie it's easily the best option.
  12. Then you are very lucky, I have had flights delayed 9 hours, flights cancelled. Numerous flights run 4-5 hours late. My daughter stuck in Bali for 3 days. No I don't expect the same as Qantas. I have had numerous flights on cheap airlines e.g. southwest and Scoot. The flights left on time and did not land half way through the flight. Why can't you accept that Jetstar is an airline that quite often cannot get the basics right. The only think they have done right in recent times is to not buy 737 max planes. Thank god the Irishman is leaving.
  13. It's all about the media rights and there aren't many eye balls in Tassie. They are going to struggle, the go home factor will be large. Imagine 20 year olds sent to Tassie wanting to stay past 2 years. Qld and WA 20 year olds already want to go home now.
  14. Oh Bob what a load of old [censored]. Me thinks a few around the AFL in Tassie have been imbibing of the local whisky.
  15. I stopped going some years ago. Sadly an influx of poor behaving Aussies and Russians have ruined a paradise some years ago.
  16. Have you ever been on a flight to Bali?
  17. Jetstar is Bogan 1, on account of a high percentage of those who fly are B-----. It also acts like one. Goes whenever and quite often decides half way through it cannot continue.
  18. It seems there is a long way to go before any team hits the ground. Clearly the Labor opposition is not keen on the idea their leader did not attend the announcement. The money so far announced won't go close to building the stadium. There is a lot of opposition to the idea and location in Tassie. IMO it won't happen before the end of this decade if at all.
  19. Yes and could quickly change to spuds!
  20. You mean in 6 months he will be gone! Let's hope the new chief does something to improve her second airline Bogan 1.
  21. Simple won't happen, just a continuation of the old boys club.
  22. I wasn't suggesting we are, I was meaning they beat Richmond, it was hard for us. On that basis I was suggesting that the sun's will not be the push overs that a number on here were suggesting they would be.
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