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old dee

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Everything posted by old dee

  1. All that is true binman but the low scoring did not just start this year. A feature of AFL was always the amount of goals kicked. It seems in recent years 12 goals is often the winning score and the other team does not break double figures.
  2. You are reading too much into my comment WWS. All I was meaning was that that score is a low number re the “Game” in general. Yes it is good that we have finally kicked a good score by today’s standards.
  3. I know all teams are affected the same but having no real way of getting game time into players not in the 22 each week must be very difficult to manage.
  4. One thing I have learnt over the last year is a greater sympathy for people who get mental/ depression problems caused by physical illness.
  5. Always better when you are at the game, cannot happen this year of course.
  6. Don’t be surprised if Bennell is left out in the next game, they are quite rightly being very careful with him.
  7. That is a sad indictment on the game in 2020.
  8. With the exception of the Weid last night the rest have been next to useless and Jackson is 2 -3 years away from being a good senior player. As for Bradtke he will be cut at the end of the year with a lower list number. Petty is injured and won’t play this year and IMO is an average player who may well be a better back than forward.
  9. But we currently have nothing to offer as we gave away our first pick for this year and it might go we give up a mid for a first round pick which is on traded for a KPF. Yes I know it is not liable to happen but we need another KPF and to get one you usually have to give something be it a player and or a draft pick. So would you trade a mid for a KPF?
  10. I am just asking would you exchange a good in and under mid for KPF? Well would you?
  11. I am just talking about the principle would you trade Gus for a good KPF?
  12. I though he was part of our FD already.
  13. I think what many of forget ( me included) is that footballers have bad days and all make mistakes on a regular basis. It just seems we have a large number doing it regularly at present.
  14. We desperately need KPF if a club came to you and said we will trade Brayshaw for a good one would you do it?
  15. These are the reasons why I much prefer to go to games. Cannot do this year and my interest is less not helped of course by our poor play. Of course you can turn off the sound which I often do. It is they same with talent shows on tv it is more about the judges than the competitors.
  16. I feel your pain DD. Just remember you are not alone even if it is just spiritually. I hope things turn up a bit.
  17. And you have a nice day 58er.
  18. It’s almost like the instruction is to go long and been beaten into them for so long that nothing else enters the thought pattern.
  19. In a lot of games RN a good thrashing would be preferable to be forced to watch the game.
  20. Can you imagine the quality of game this will produce could well be 1 goal each at half time.
  21. Spot on LH that covers my thoughts exactly. Silence is not always golden.
  22. I have a feeling the maid is not adverse to his lordship advances RN.
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