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old dee

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Everything posted by old dee

  1. The sad part is this always seems to be the case LH. The thing that has become apparent to me over the last 18 months is that there are far more idiots in society than I thought. Beggars belief.
  2. They are from Adelaide remember.
  3. I think I find myself in a similar position Polly. Not being able to see my GD's as often as normal is my big problem. Your last line says it all " what were they thinking" I suggest not a lot. The other problem is we have moved firmly into the " it won't happen to me" phase. PS I have 2 friends who yesterday told me they are waiting for the Pfizer vaccine. It is more effective and less chance of problems. But that could be next year! Yes but we don't do much we won't get the virus. So why have it all? Silence.
  4. I don't fancy his chances come the new group in power.
  5. I would not be surprised if we pass. With the VFL now out for at least another two weeks minimum where are we going to use these potential additions? Add in extra cost when we will experience serious revenue drops this month. Could it all lead to PASS!
  6. Can I ask why you are buying a membership now when you are not in Australia?
  7. It seems not without being branded negative AF.
  8. I really think that will be a hard sell to the players after 2020.
  9. Yep! But greater minds are at play here BBP.
  10. Perhaps we should all pay a levy on our membership? After all we will be spending very little attending games in the weeks ahead.
  11. My God what a hell of a situation facing the AFL. I often criticise them but I don’t envy them through this crap. Whatever you do will be wrong to someone.
  12. Even if it is played at the G it is very difficult to see there being any crowd Roy. Yes a big hit. I think the only thing left is how to cover the lost dollars.
  13. We all lose sight at times that the players are just like everyone else human! can you imagine your employer saying to you a week or two before the birth of your child you are going to another state and you cannot come home for a month?
  14. Now there is a comedy for these tough mental times. The lower they sink the better the pick for GWS. I doubt they will be accused of tanking.
  15. From the HUN today it would appear yes. If we cannot turn up no money. It looks like no crowds for certain on QB if there is a match at the G. Those two will be hits to the bottom line.
  16. Do you own a farm? Not in NSW I hope!
  17. Are we no longer allowed to discuss how a player played in a particular game now that we are 10-1?
  18. It would be difficult not to like him Dr. from the games I have seen ( not all of them ) I have yet to see him put in a bad one right from his first game. I know they are all different player types but he has been the most consistent of the three players we took in his draft year. Now that is not to say the other two are not as good but has been the most consistent. Actually I think we have selected three good ones.
  19. Is it not ok to ask about a member of the team or are they all perfect?
  20. The Last Adelaide cast off we took turned out pretty well
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