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Bitter but optimistic

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Everything posted by Bitter but optimistic

  1. Red, I am very pleased that you are suffering WCW’s company - far from The Manor!
  2. So Martin Flanagan has a delusional mate. What's this got to do with anything Stiffy? I have delusional mates ...... FMD ..... I'm delusional most of the time. I just don't know when.
  3. Is the new Pres any relation to Bert?
  4. I have only scanned this thread ...... but my tuppence worth is .... I'll stick to real footy ( Aussie Rules) and cricket ...... the rest can GAGF !!!!
  5. I haven't looked at the survey LDC but I'm guessing the typo refers to non victorian clubs and/or players.
  6. Perhaps your good old Uncle Bitter should join the DA. Maybe even have a barbie at The Manor/
  7. Talkback radio is best described as " a pooling of ignorance". I cannot listen to it.
  8. !!!!!! As if The Manor's wine cellar would contain anything as vulgar as " comesting" quality!
  9. Any chance of a shiraz or at least cold stubby WCW?
  10. Well I'm certainly confused. As I understand it we have pick 13 ( which is really 14 .... or is it 15) ...... but according to another thread pick 19 is better! However, we are also going for pick 5 ( or 6) both of which seem unattainable ...... is that correct? Of course we've also got pick 37 but apparently all the decent players will be gone by then.
  11. Well, well ....... as usual, whenever I try to upgrade the level of conversation on this thread I am mocked and belittled. Bah to you all ! As punishment I shall deny you mangy scoffers my intellectual contributions for the next 24 hours.
  12. Yeah, and she's one of the smarter ones I've come across of late.
  13. This is apropos of nothing really but I just had to share it. I was speaking (well listening) to a female acquaintance yesterday and she saw fit to inform me of of the cause of our rather odd weather conditions. Apparently there was an earthquake last year ( location unspecified) which " knocked the Earth off its axles" and thus our our current extreme weather. Simples!
  14. No doubt I'll face the charge of being insensitive, but I must admit WCW, I found the mental image of a deranged ranga being mummified in crepe paper so sidesplittingly funny I almost spilled my shiraz.
  15. I've been watching the game RTG ( and I know we've discussed this previously) but I'm certain the umps deliberately ignore all but the most blatant in order to keep the game flowing. The appeal of the sheila's game is its pace and constant play on. I reckon this has been recognised and is being encouraged by keeping the frees out of it.
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