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Bitter but optimistic

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Everything posted by Bitter but optimistic

  1. Indeed I am 'Bub, however, it is largely discredited these days.
  2. An interesting piece topiary I observed while in the ‘burbs this morning
  3. Hahaha, that's funny, my response to @Redleg above, must be approved by a moderator!
  4. Nasty retort as usual Red. And, for that reason (among many) ..... I do admit to taking delight in offending you. However, and let's be clear on this, I do have my limits. Even I, at my worst, would never say that "WCW is nicer" than you. I mean, that is way beyond the pale, outrageous, egregious etc. etc. I do have my limits after all.
  5. Excellent work DD !! I shall be nominating you for post of the year.
  6. Luci, your post is underlined by a number of assumptions - none of which is complimentary to my good self. Nonetheless , my companion was defrocked Demonlander Biffen, a noted abuser of drugs and alcohol. So attempting to hide the bottle would most certainly have ended in a violent altercation. As to the polystyrene cup - I have no recollection - but, be assured, it was not used for any form of libation.
  7. Wonderful time saving creation !!!! Where can I get one of those?!!!!!! In this case I mean the bucket .... not the classy sheila.
  8. Not sure about this D Spencer! Fritsch isn't a big bodied bloke and trying to bash and crash could end badly. He is a very smart footballer - let him play to his strengths.
  9. That is terrific news - he will only get better during those 4 years!
  10. I doubt it will break too many ratings records!
  11. That first quarter stat (above) for Oliver is rather curious. From my memory he had a squillion disposals and was bog quite clearly. Am I missing something here?
  12. That over the shoulder not paid to the filth is about as bad as it gets.
  13. Very difficult tonight Petracca ( couldn't do much more) Oliver Chandler ( developing superstar) Brayshaw Grundy ( not a bad pick up) Kossie
  14. Well we supporters demanded a statement tonight ... and the boys delivered!!!!
  15. I've worked hard to model myself on Sir Les. Outstanding chap.
  16. They obviously stole the tickets so tell them to [censored] off!
  17. Fair point f d but I'm managing to keep myself reasonably coherent.
  18. Correct Goffy - wrong thread. Green had just produced some magic ..... and I was opening a refreshment .... a tad confused.
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