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Bitter but optimistic

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Everything posted by Bitter but optimistic

  1. "Primordial oozes" !!!!! What an outrageous way to describe the scholarly discourse that this thread is renowned for. I'm sure @Redleg will impose a stern penalty on you Goffy
  2. Of all the contentious decisions of late, this maybe the silliest yet!!!
  3. Geez, the Saints getting an indecent run from the umps ! FMD
  4. No mate. That seems far too logical or sensible to account for the rubbish umpiring I see every week.
  5. I've only watched since half time Dub but they are poor beyond belief. On what I've seen, the scoreboard is actually flattering them.
  6. This idiocy/inconsistency goes on in every game, every week. Nothing changes
  7. Geez, Freo are barely getting a touch That draft pick is starting to look very good again.
  8. Tiggers and Giants winning would be a very satisfactory result.
  9. Thanks @Rod Grinter Riot Squad and all the rest of you for your answers and advice/info. I now have a number of ideas to research and consider. One more question. What is the best/ safest/ cleanest caravan park in town. I have a very mature 14 year old young lady making her first road trip with me so facilities and ambience are an important consideration.
  10. Yes.... but I'm towing a camper van that is suitable only for moderate off road.
  11. The suggestion certainly has merit deever, however, I fear I would never be seen again.
  12. I should have added that I'm driving. I intend to take a fairly direct route there but I'm not sure what I'll do for the return. Maybe Uluru , maybe go north for a while and come back through NSW. Suggestions welcome.
  13. First time for me also old. I travelled all around Oz but never to Alice.
  14. I'm going and have ordered (and paid for) tickets but have not received them yet. (Dealing with Ticketmaster must surely provide some atonement for my many sins) I'm not sure about sitting with the Demon Army though, as I might run into Demonland's resident nut case @WalkingCivilWar - scary thought. I wonder how many Demonlanders are heading up for the game?
  15. Sarsaparilla and Ginger beer !!!!!! Bah sheila's drinks!!! FMD !!
  16. The oven is on and ... hopefully the beer is chilled .... perfect conditions for considered deliberations.
  17. I hadn't seen any media follow up to this story so I rang the club ..... and yes .... the game is going ahead as originally scheduled. Tickets are now available but you have to go through Ticketmaster's convoluted hoops to get one.
  18. Bah, it's Dangerfield, [censored] being sympathetic!
  19. I realise it's only June and there is a lot of footy still to be played but after yesterday's game, I'm tipping a Dees V Filth Grand Final. For mine Brisbane's loss to a developing Hawks team has cost them all credibility as a Premiership team. Port will have a say of course but both ourselves and the Filth have them covered. Forget the rest.
  20. The Betty cuthbert bar was pure but 2 filth Sheilas just staggered in
  21. There is a serious crowd here already More pregame than Anzac eve I reckon
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