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Bitter but optimistic

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Everything posted by Bitter but optimistic

  1. As you know dc, I would help you out - were it possible. However, due to the abovementioned "reversals" any sort of requests (from conjugal downward) are .... off the table as it were.
  2. As a kid I used to watch Mr. Ed just to perv on Wilbur's missus. BTW. I'm sure you will all be saddened to hear that I have suffered a number of financial reversals since returning from OS and currently find myself a little short of the aarrh "reddies". So if any rich lawyers or such would care to help out please send your donations to Uncle Bitter C/- "The Manor" Romsey. A case of Pinot from anyone in a position to provide that would also be most welcome. BTW 2. I was watching the lovely Jane Bunns last night and she pointed out that it last snowed in Borewood in 1951! Apparently there is a likelihood of a repeat performance in the coming week. If that is the case dc will need a couple of grey rinsers to keep the blood flowing. I also have unconfirmed reports that Biffen may currently be snowed in at his establishment that is not a million miles from Ballarat! His hydroponic horticultural pursuits are also taking a beating from the cold spell.
  3. Don't worry Ethan it's in the bag!! I'm confident on this one and I'm sure you will relish the opportunity of being boorish, uncouth, unsporting and foul mouthed toward your fellow employees.
  4. And then you can gnaw mine off!!
  5. Bwahaha Bwahaha Bwahaha!!!! A Question. What is the relationship between drug [censored] and memory? The word fragment is appropriate I must admit. Can you remember what drug you sniffed, injected , smoked or rubbed in ....let's say ...yesterday Biffin?
  6. Actually I was trying to ignore the "conversation" while exchanging embarrassed smiles with nearby members who were offended by your ( and your Greeny mate's) vulgar and loutish behaviour.
  7. It wasn't entirely by choice Choke and, BTW they don't come much lower.
  8. I went to the game on Sunday (in poor company it must be said) but have haven't felt like posting until now. I'm "Bitter and disappointed" . Talk about snatching defeat from the jaws of victory! I actually feel worse about this loss than the Essendrug fiasco. Why?? Here was the moment to show we were a fair dinkum improver and a threat to anyone! The moment was lost because we stayed in the sheds for an extra 10 minutes at half time. I would have thrown myself in front of a herd of stomping alpacas were it not for a couple of highlights. ie Jeffy's return and the absolute excitement of Josh Hunt bravely taking the game on. Unfortunately though I'm over being titillated by moments of joy and the promise of improvement - I want [censored] success!!
  9. A big game from Tom McDonald would go a long way to getting us home. As well as the mids pushing back so our rice paper defence gets a little help. Indeed RTG. Tex has always been a problem for us and keeping him under control would be a large step towards an upset. I guess Jetta will look after Eddie but I would love to see Hunt switch on the turbo and run him down at some stage
  10. I would suggest something more powerful than flour.
  11. Yes a powerful team is building on the cross benches. The joys and wonders of our democratic system!!
  12. Ah well there is no need to despair Biff. We will all sleep better when Senator Hanson is restored to her rightful position in the House. No need to concern ourselves about "social issues" then.
  13. Just keep reading my parcels of wit and brilliance Ernie and you'll be right in no time.
  14. Who's getting your worthless support this time Biffen? Let me speculum. Drug Reform Party ...hmmm strong chance. Sex Party? .. Probably not because it would end up costing you money. I'm thinking Shooters Party. Yes that would be it. You could person the barricades with your homeless mates.
  15. Biffen, what the [censored] are you doing posting on such a sanctimonious thread? You must be lost!. Some of the stuff I've read above almost sent me to the confessional. ( Although the last time I went there, grade six, the penance was so exquisitely horrendous that I vowed never again.)
  16. Ethan your various posts suggest that you a disturbed person. This is clear to discerning readers such as myself. However that aside, you must also be a surreptitious hater of the weagles. I say surreptitious because I presume capital punishment could be enacted for one who supports a team from the evil East. Given that times are changing, do you think the moment will everarise ( in our lifetimes) when you can safely emerge from the closet.
  17. Settle down Saty. picket is most likely a lunatic but he clearly loves the Dees. We all see it a little differently.
  18. What a fair weather friend you turned out to be picket!!! I agreed to enter into "Bitter Fence" with you but the moment I made a modest request for start up capital you bail out and decide to go it alone! Well [censored] you!!!!
  19. Ha ha ha RTG !! You really are one the cunniest funts who posts on this forum!!
  20. Jim !!! Rule number 1 on Demonland. Stuie's arguments never have merit.
  21. My point exactly old mate. Your original argument was unsustainable!
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