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Bitter but optimistic

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Everything posted by Bitter but optimistic

  1. Never as bad as the spitting ferals at Windy Hill though Red.
  2. Nah the pie shop's kosher picket but there are a couple of old sheilas at the Opp shop that I reckon might be "acquaintances" of dc - if you get my drift.
  3. You should have taken my advice and chilled Biz, because having fired your shot you then had to expose yourself as just another weak debater who is left with nothing but the most base argument of all - personal attack.
  4. Given our pre-season form (not a great indicator I realize) and provided we have a halfway decent run with injuries, I am now confident we shall make the eight. That's about as much optimism as I can manage ATM.
  5. Take some sort of a chill pill Biz (Biffen can supply them if needed) and don't take anything that is written here too seriously - especially on hangover Sunday morning.
  6. How beastly of you Biffen! Don't you dare try to defile the reputation of the great man!
  7. Wise, I reckon it is a long bow to even mention Slobbo in any thread/subject/sentence about journalism. Unless of course it is journalism at its shittiest.
  8. Correct dc! Picket seems a dubious character at best and, to think he had the effrontery to try and get an invite to The Manor.
  9. Your poor Old Uncle hasn't been able to respond to some of the offensive comments above due to being laid low with health issues. I have been afflicted by gout. Arrh, if only the sensitivity in my big toe could be transferred to other more useful areas. Anyway I've cut those beastly tomatoes out of my diet in a move to improve my health. I actually appealed to the good doctor Hopping Dick for some alchemic advice but now that he has discovered electricity, he seems to have become obsessed with its evil possibilities. Then the old choppers started acting up so a visit to my local dentist cum butcher was required. I must assure my avid readers that I tried to man up during the ordeal but , you know how it is, once the tears start ....... Very embarrassing, as even the receptionist was laughing at my unmanning. So in the face of all that, the slings and arrows of my jealous detractors count for little. However, I must defend against the accusation, from our dead alcoholic writer, that "floggings are a little passe these days" . What a silly comment. Where in the world or netherworld, could that be the case? Ernie, either return to the real world or go and bury yourself, properly this time, under some back alley bar in Havana. PS [censored] you too Biffen. It's about time you stopped being the ugly Australian in the colonies and returned to wallow among your own in the fetid inner suburban drug sub culture . PPS. I note in today's Age that the Germaine Greer Collection will be available to public researchers this month. No doubt Biffen will trot along to continue his studies into a subject close to his heart.
  10. God, can't you Greenies even have a proper spew?
  11. Not at all Leon. The short sleeve allows me to show off my "guns" while allowing my pecs to peek rather alluringly out the side.
  12. Perhaps you could send a dozen to The Manor OD and I'll give you the benefit of my destroyed palate.
  13. Well things are a bit quiet here. I must say I'm a tad disappointed with the less than totally enthusiastic response to my return to Demonland. I thought Ernie, for example, would have been overcome with joy at my return. But nary a word. I know he's dead and all but that doesn't excuse rudeness. And what's happened to my old mate Stu? Oh and a bit of news. Biffen emailed me from the colonies. (BTW he's currently hunting those dangerous water buffaloes with an anti aircraft gun) He's begged me to tidy up some of his sordid business affairs. A nasty matter indeed but he's only offering a pittance for my services and want's to pay me in Dong. What a thankless world it is.
  14. I'm with you skinny - lack of eftpos at significant venues or events is a [censored] joke. I rarely carry cash unless I'm doing err... "business" at establishments like the GAT.
  15. Biffen deserves a jolly good thrashing. I'm sure he'll be a reformed man after a few doses of the good Doctor Hopping Dick's electrodes.
  16. Although I praised Special Robert (above) for his upward social mobility in moving to digs under the freeway, I fear that attending The Manor is an aspiration beyond you at this time picket. You may, however, drive past and admire my wealth. As to the size of the screen, it is like everything else at The Manor, outsize.
  17. Don't expect a reply for a few days Moon - I believe Biffen is having a short term of rehab.
  18. My BDSM club would be willing but, unfortunately, we're strapped for cash.
  19. Unfortunately Special, I shall be watching the game, with the lads, in my luxurious home cinema at the manor. A young lady of Biffen's acquaintance shall be on serving duties. However, I am very pleased to see that you have moved up in the world. Thank you OD. A cursory reading supports your view.
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