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Bitter but optimistic

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Everything posted by Bitter but optimistic

  1. Here's something to aspire to. According to today's "Sunday Sin" the toiges membership has reached 70000 before Christmas. The article also indicates that there membership was around 35000 in 2010 and has risen progressively each year. We can only dream
  2. Well fellow illuminati, I'm sure you will all agree there is nothing like some intellectual stimulation while slurping down the Saturday morning chocolate filled maple syrup bathed and bacon wrapped croissants. May I refer you to today's Age and an article titled - "Men- only day spas the new gentleman's club". The article focusses on a New York clinic that specialises in various medical and beauty treatments for blokes - no sheilas allowed. "Non invasive penile enlargement" is available for a mere $6000 but there is a catch - it only lasts 2 years. In what I thought was an interesting juxtaposition, "anal tightening procedures" are also on the menu. There is a "laser treatment" option for this.
  3. You should have a double whisky Moonie - that is one [censored] joke!
  4. Run that past me again please Luci. Are you saying people go to a stadium to watch a computer game?
  5. I have a rather alluring photo of myself at a nudist beach but I imagine posting it would overwhelm the like button.
  6. Let's not jump to conclusions here! Sexual assault can mean many things. We have no idea what , if anything, happened.
  7. Agreed dc, however, if there is any substance to it, it is a major major [censored] up and a PR disaster.
  8. Well Moonie, one has to keep an open mind and be prepared to .... err experiment .. in all aspects of life.
  9. You do exaggerate Saty! I was at training last Friday and observed them. I have a man's body and they look nothing like me.
  10. Goon! Goon is forbidden at The Manor dc ( well unless I'm very short of the ready) Biffen, however, considers it the ultimate accompaniment to a fine meal of baked beans.
  11. I've always been under the impression it was a pro not a prue.
  12. Apples and bananas dc! Try comparing pumpkins (or, as the more rurally challenged might say punkins) and golf balls! I've spent the best part of today doing just that. Poor old Bitter is a tad cash strapped at the moment so the notion of changing gas and electricity suppliers held some appeal. I've spoken to a variety of people with a variety of accents and it seems impossible to get a direct answer about what said services will cost. Good Lord, I even resorted to studying things called websites. There is no standardisation in how deals are framed. Even my good self who can claim to be at least moderately literate and numerate is left flummoxed. If you crave a little self flagellation, don't bother dusting off the whip, just start researching energy costs FMD And ... just to top a shitty day off - there is a suggestion that the tax on vino is heading towards the stratosphere FMD again.
  13. " Good afternoon Uncle Bitter ... I'll get you a shiraz. Oh ... please have your manservant wait outside"
  14. Yes well ..... a splendid idea picket and no doubt if it would be of great value to your social climbing aspirations. However, your poor old Uncle Bitter is persona non grata at Royal Romsey. There was an unfortunate incident in the rough during a mixed event. Ball tampering was mentioned. An unfortunate misunderstanding really.
  15. You been on the cryptic crossword juice dc? Ha ha !! That is funny Frogger. A bloke named Roland Barthes did that many years ago and ..... ironically ... he was a Frog.
  16. I'm with SWYL on this Wise. Coaches are supported by a raft of professionals - Physios, Sports Doctors, Dieticians, Psychologists etc etc. I presume decisions like a boot camp are not made on some ad hoc basis but are part of a planned pre season regime. The fact that the players, "just felt the boot camp wasn't worthwhile" isn't good enough for me. They are very well paid employees of a professional organisation. They need to suck it up and do their job. Obviously I make this judgement without being in full possession of all the facts but, on the face of it , it is not a good look for our club.
  17. So .... you are a carnivorous Frog! After all I've done for you Frogger, you stab me in the back. Arrgh .... what a cruel and ungrateful world we live in.
  18. I'll withhold judgement on this and see how it pans out. It couldn't be any worse than the total [censored] up that previously existed ................ could it?
  19. Bitter's observations Snags and coffee were very good but I managed to show reasonable restraint. Saw Hogan run a bit a have a couple of kicks. He didn't train in the main session but seemed to be moving freely. Saw the Weid but he didn't train. Neither did Trac but I was told he was there. Max looks like the world's tallest marathon runner. He took a couple of clean strong grabs in the match simulation but, in fairness, there was no opponent near his height on those occasions. Pedo also looks like he has kept off the cheeseburgers and got a couple of slick handballs away during the simulation exercise. Balic, who I have never seen before, also showed a bit. He maybe a surprise. Tmac looks great. He left the main training and finished running some laps. Jeffy looks really fit. As you would expect he showed form in the sprints and was certain in set goalkicking. I never really watched Lever before. But he did everything well and was always near the front in running drills. He gave the impression that he's going all out to show what he can do and set a positive tone and example. Very impressive. Generally kicking looked good but a couple of easy marks were spilled. The stand out for me though was Clarrie. He looked mean and lean and had very safe hands. He appeared to have more of the ball than anyone. Like Moonie above, I did not see Jones injured.
  20. And you lot think you have problems! I find myself attending football games in the swinish and vulgar company of Biffen and Moonie.
  21. Well, actually it was prays together but ... we are all allowed a little license.
  22. Tony, do you know the old Catholic precept - the family that plays together stays together.
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