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3183 Dee

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Everything posted by 3183 Dee

  1. Also 10 tickets per barcode?! I shouldn’t be allowed to get 40 tickets with my family membership (I’m not, obvs).
  2. Stupid idea to put the 2 games on sale at once.
  3. Absolutely - on the Herald Sun app, there is no report on the game, just two stories from last night: the Petty incident and BBB getting his face cut up. Real low quality stuff.
  4. Why should he walk now? He has the upper hand in any discussions - he would know that he’s not wanted now, so he should be getting the Bombers to pay him to walk. If he resigns, his payout will be much less. I’d suggest that he probably has no stress now - he’s been treated so appallingly, that he has the sympathy of everybody. Plus, he could land a plum assistant role, while he waits for his shot at the big chair again.
  5. Totally agree - the footy media is appalling: I can’t even think of any exceptions. Dumb, sensationalist boys club, based partly on guesswork and partly second hand gossip. They wouldn’t have a clue.
  6. Although, a distinct home advantage and a more favourable draw may skew things for the Cats? I don’t know - just clutching at straws!
  7. Much as it pains me to say it, I think the Cats will win it this year.
  8. Thanks for posting that - I saw it earlier: absolutely hilarious, we should be keeping him for his comedy value alone!
  9. Who knows what the deal will be? Maybe the Pies buy him out of his contract and he starts afresh with a new one at the Dees. With our.current cap tightness, there’s no way that we will pay overs for a very good, but injury-prone number 2 ruck.
  10. Max gets that treatment every week.
  11. That is annoying to hear, as I tried to get a Family Redlegs membership, but was told they had all sold out, so am down on L1. Which, by the way, pi553d Pies supporters still managed to infiltrate and spill beer over everyone.
  12. I think we cannot discount the run of injuries this year: effectively, we are in almost the same position as last year (albeit with a harder run in) but our run with injuries has really stunted our flow. As I’ve said in another thread, the loss of TMac has been huge for us: he straightens up the forward line on so many levels and, in my opinion, is good for a +2 or 3 goal advantage on what we’ve had this year. Last night was painful - mostly because we could have had that game sewn up - not once, but 4 or 5 times. To me, the forward line is the key issue, not the Game Plan: exert the pressure, have a TMac type target and you will get a very different outcome in games like last night - no question. We have a great list, a great coach and a great club. Sometimes things will not work out, but stay the course, because we will see greatness from this team again.
  13. It has definitely hurt us. As you say, TMac gives a legitimate worry for the opposition each week: there’s no way Ben Brown gets double teamed each contest if TMac is there. He also leads really well, is a pretty accurate kick, has incredible endurance and puts pressure on. It’s impossible to say for certain, but I think TMac could have straightened us up to the value of 2 or 3 goals each week. It’ll be interesting to see whether he does get back for finals or if they may throw caution to the wind and give JVR a go, who seems to exhibit some of the same characteristics in his game (although not as developed in terms of a tank and general strength).
  14. Sorry @binman - should’ve been clearer: Bala as in Balaclava! A much easier trip, but can sometimes take ages to get on the train afterwards with these size crowds, especially with kids.
  15. On another note: does anyone have any clever tips for parking at the G? Normally, we train it in from Bala’ but want to make a quicker getaway tonight with the kids. Any ideas?
  16. Are you sticking around for one of your famous reports @kev martin?!
  17. I don’t think anyone loses, regardless of what happens on Friday/for the rest of the year. I’m grateful for the considered theories on this thread - we can’t all be right (or maybe we can?!) but these ideas have been compelling and thoughtful: certainly much better than espousing thoughts of players ‘not trying’.
  18. I think - and this is pure speculation on my part - that the heavy loading has been done through (I guess) gym and track work and now the emphasis seems to have shifted to gameplay. Listen, I could be completely wrong here, but I remember watching the training vids that were released last year, where the focus seemed very much on the players as a group, reinforcing the ‘team spirit’. That was the vibe I got after watching the footage today.
  19. Interestingly, there is some footage up on the MFC socials today, showing an intense, full contact training session from this morning. In line with what @binmanand others have been saying, I remember these types of sessions starting to take place this time last year. It’s only a few clips, but it looks like the intensity and focus has lifted - certainly the ‘feel’ of the group seems to have intensified (in the last few weeks, I’d thought that the mood was quite flat).
  20. Forgot to mention that he’s using Quail eggs…
  21. At the end of the day, it is a theory - a darned good one, and one that most of us hope is true - but that’s all. It’s just an opinion, so easy on those who have formed it: they are not coaching the team nor playing. Let’s just enjoy the next month, stay the course and see what happens!
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