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Everything posted by hardtack

  1. Damnit!! Media adviser!! How embarassment! Why am I unable to edit from both my mobile and my PC? Is there some sort of a time based window for editing that closes after a certain period of time? As I am unable to edit the original post, I will repost the edited version here: "So Junior, why are you going to so much trouble to show transgressions only on the left side of politics? The issue I have with Joyce is that he pushed the No vote on the basis of good old family values, whilst at the same time porking his media advisor, who was then set up with a nice position in Matt Canavan's office once their relationship came to light within party ranks, and then into a position in Drum's office that appears to have been created specifically for her. Of those cases you cite above, and in particular the Tony Burke case which comes closest in terms of scenarios, it would seem that the right (or, in this case wrong) side of politics learned nothing in the interim."
  2. You’ll never hear me accusing the US of being a great country. Back to those figures, if you’re talking of a period starting in 2003 and continuing through to recent times, then in that period, the US would still have a gun related deaths figure that comes close to being 50%. Not something to be proud of.
  3. You’re right, I don’t know, just as you or I don’t know Lever’s aspirations nor whether he would be adversely affected by taking on a leadership role.
  4. Over what period are you saying there were in excess of a million deaths? My example covers a three year period, not the entire conflict.
  5. Yes... and they were managing to kill more of their own at home than the estimated number of Iraqi deaths (both civilian and troops) that occurred in the war in Iraq over a similar period of time. For example, from Wiki (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Casualties_of_the_Iraq_War#Various_estimates): "A June 25, 2006, Los Angeles Times article, "War's Iraqi Death Toll Tops 50,000", reported that their estimate of violent deaths consisted "mostly of civilians" but probably also included security forces and insurgents. It added that, "Many more Iraqis are believed to have been killed but not counted because of serious lapses in recording deaths in the chaotic first year after the invasion, when there was no functioning Iraqi government, and continued spotty reporting nationwide since." Here is how the Times got its number: "The Baghdad morgue received 30,204 bodies from 2003 through mid-2006, while the Health Ministry said it had documented 18,933 deaths from 'military clashes' and 'terrorist attacks' from April 5, 2004, to June 1, 2006. Together, the toll reaches 49,137. However, samples obtained from local health departments in other provinces show an undercount that brings the total well beyond 50,000. The figure also does not include deaths outside Baghdad in the first year of the invasion.""
  6. So Junior, why are you going to so much trouble to show transgressions only on the left side of politics? The issue I have with Joyce is that he pushed the No vote on the basis of good old family values, whilst at the same time porking his Chief of Staff, who was then set up with a nice position in Matt Canavan's office once their relationship came to light within party ranks. Of those cases you cite above, and in particular the Tony Burke case which comes closest in terms of scenarios, it would seem that the right (or, in this case wrong) side of politics learned nothing in the interim.
  7. My concern with Lever being in the leadership group is his age. He may be AA quality, but that doesn't necessarily translate into maturity when it comes to leadership; you need look no further than what happened when the two Jacks were given the captaincy. Jetta on the other hand, has been involved in mentoring and ambassadorial activities (if I recall correctly) with no impact on his performances, so I can see him being able to make a pretty much seamless transition into the leadership group.
  8. That scenario could be applied to any one of the four players you mentioned earlier. I doubt it would have much effect on him one way or the other, but it would be a significant recognition of his efforts at the club.
  9. Regardless of whether he is in the leadership group or not, Nev has been and always will be a leader on the field. Perhaps, as he does in the media, he flies under the radar at the club?
  10. I would consider paying good money for an experience like that!
  11. I would have thought that Spargo and/or Baker might get a run just to see what they’re capable of at this point.
  12. Nonsense! It was obviously (well, to blind Freddy and his dog at least) referring to the fact that Hogan’s investment in a game has in the past dropped off rather severely when things weren’t going his way in a game. Hopefully he won’t, but if he does continue to do that, it’s not much of a stretch to see him being disciplined, which could include relegation to Casey; it certainly wouldn’t be the first time that has happened to a player. And that behavior is something that he was being criticised for on here, well before his personal issues came to light and had him taking time out from the club.
  13. Yep, it’s not what I was hoping for, although the second game wasn’t too bad. I was expecting a much faster game than they gave us. At least we got to watch it before passing judgement ?
  14. I love the way people dismiss this without having actually seen the game being played. Sure it's not the real thing, but who cares... it may still be an entertaining event and it will, if nothing else, give us a bit of a look at some of the skills that the likes of Baker, Spargo and Fritch are bringing to the club. I'm no fan of rugby league or union, but the stripped down versions (7's) of their games are very watchable.
  15. I would prefer to see some sort of a sin bin option... if the runner stays on too long at any point in the game, then the team is no longer allowed a runner for the next 15 minutes of the game (excluding breaks between quarters). If it happens a second time in the same game, then no runner for the remainder of the game and fined.
  16. Yeah, it would be nice if the guy (Danny Trejo) would revert to his Machette persona.
  17. You've got us finishing 10th anyway... so does it really matter?
  18. Ok, my mistake. I didn't realise he had hurt his knee on Wednesday... I thought this was in reference to the fact he had been in the recovery group recently.
  19. Read the opening post in this thread (and see Saty’s photo a few posts down) and I think your question will be answered.
  20. There are a few on here that might be disappointed with Goodwin’s own comments on this whole “saga”... https://www.foxsports.com.au/afl/melbourne-has-moved-on-from-playerled-training-camp-revolt-says-coach-simon-goodwin/news-story/be4e29682323745eab927896650808f3
  21. In this case there’s no glass... just a mug and one that’s more than a little full at that!
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