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Posts posted by MrReims

  1. He did break his leg last year. Considering how much you run in AFL it's tough on your legs.

    Don't worry, he'll hopefully break into the team this year if he's fit.

    I'm real sorry to get personal, but i'm laid up in bed sick so my patience is a little thin.

    If you haven't got anything to add, whats the point in posting?

    To quote your interests........ aaaaDUUUUUHHHHH!! :rolleyes::blink::rolleyes:

    That is all. Apologies again.

  2. Absolutely it can, we're coming up to the games where we play the physically stronger sides/ Port/Geelong/ then Blues, Collingwood/Adelaide/ St-kilda... we'll need to have some more big bodies to compete in most of those games. And as protection/support.

    It's also the heavy going mid year stuff. Bell may get a run soon as well.

    so in that case (obviously not all at once or necessarily any this week) it's a good time time to start resting a few of the kids as well?

  3. I'm no great fan of Brad Miller.......but I'd rather see him playing forward than Newton or Martin.

    If Petterd goes out, we need a forward back in.

    Miller has had one game this year..........a game we were flogged by the Hawks, and our midfield was a joke!

    Service to the forwards was deplorable in round 1!

    Since then, quick ball movement has given the forwards a much greater chance, and there have been plenty of easy goals scored on the rebound.

    Don't be suprised to see him get another chance, and based on no more than a hunch, if Petterd is out, I reckon Miller will be back this week.

    agree. don't think he deserves too many chances this year but this is the right time to bring him in

  4. And HT,I think you should come to training.You may learn a little from wht Bailey is trying to implement-- re the match against the Lions.Go forward- go through the guts-- not backwards which Grimes stuffed up on many occassions.And at 36 years of age-I'd say I have watched twice as much as you, coached for more than 20 years- stick to being a moderator and not tell other posters what to do.


    No, but come on.........

    REALLY?? :blink:

  5. You need Perian mate, fixes just about everything. I used to use Flip 4 Mac and i think it still runs in the background but Perian is the 'swiss army knife for quicktime'. works a treat

  6. You've got no idea mate.

    These kind of replies are my favourite. I'm not suggesting the level of intelligent debate in this thread has been high by any means, but a 5 word generic sentence to really prove a point always makes me giggle. tee hee hee :lol:

  7. We should appreciate those that find the time to attend the odd training and give us first hand information based on what they've seen, including pictures occassionally. Those that do attend, can't attend every session. Sometimes a late change in schedule for training may also prevent those intending to see training, miss training.

    So it's not really a case of those now "sick of writing" at all...even though you say it a little tongue in cheek.

    The reports provided to date have been well received. We've been lucky to be well informed by those who find the time, for the benefit to the members of this site and O'logy. I'm sure there will be another report to follow soon enough.

    Hey guys, don't freak out just yet. My friend from Germany and I were there today, in the cold and wet. I just hadn't had an earlier time to write anything....

    First things first, Sylvia did come from the ground in the first quarter of the actual scratch match, but we walked off himself, didn't seem in any kind of severe pain and was only barely limping. Up until then he had been in pretty fine form and looking very strong. Certainly wasn't any kind of panic from any of the coaches or medicos either when he came off, so i just can't see it being anything more than precautionary measures from a twinge.

    GAWN, Man-child (Tappy is freaking HUGE), Meesen and Johnno were in the initial rehab group doing those same boring tennis ball dexterity drills with no huge enthusiasm. Garland and Blease joined later to do some light kicking drills minus Meesen and Johnno who are obviously completely resting the stress fractures. Petterd, Wona, Davey and Jamar also missed the actual scratch match. However in the earlier kicking and running drills, the big Russian looked to be moving and kicking fine, so i'm wondering how extensive his injury is.

    Watts was doing solo training the whole time with three staff around him. I didn't see any kicking, but he was on the other side of the ground and i was watching other things but i don't know anymore than that. Looked odd. I also think (THINK) that he was late and got a small spray from Deano. I may be completely wrong, thats just how it looked to me.

    As to the match itself... The usual suspects played well. Jonesy never stops trying and is always sprinting when all others are jogging. Beamer was his usual vocal self, particularly from the sideline when he was rested and played quite well. Seems to be lowering his eyes more and not always going for that long bomb inside 50 all the time. Morton played well of the half back flank and had me in stitches when a 50m penalty was awarded against him. "No way in hell that was 50! F#%kin bullsh#t!" came floating over the entire ground. Even when he was rested for a few minutes around 15 minutes later he was still talking to anyone who would listen about it, he he he. Hughes played reasonably well and showed no sign of injury, as did Bartram surprisingly for me. Bell missed a lot of targets however. Trengove smashed him into the ground with a ferocious tackle right in front of us to applause from the rather minute audience. Joel Mac and Miller had a good tussle for a lot of the game, i like the way Joel is fitting in with the other boys, he seems right at home. Jurrah had some moments, although a bit innacurate. Weather was atrocious though. Didn't stop Jonesy slotting a beauty from 45 out on the boundary line though.

    I personaly thought Martin performed really well tho. Kicked a goal reminiscent of Jurrah's first goal in AFL. Fumbled a speccy then managed to soccer it through whilst lying on the ground. For me was the highlight of a wet weather match that was full of typical slippery ball fumbles and dropped marks.

    I'm sure i'm forgetting some things (and I was terribly hungover, still am lol) so feel free to ask some further questions if you want. Have a handfull of photos but not really worth posting, don't show much.

    Will be back next week for the intraclub! Go Dees!!

  8. Ok this is random, My travel agent sent me a video today because I am planning a trip to nepal. I just watched the video and one of the guys in it looks a lot like CLint Bizzell can someone please have a look and tell me I am not seeing things?

    Clint Nepal Video

    Not seeing things dude, thats the Biz alright... Nice work if you can get it

  9. If Walker is moved into the midfield full time, he could be value. Ratten seems to play him all over the shop though, sort of a jack-of-all-trades. Don't really want him if he's playing run with roles or as a defender.

    I reckon Kennelly's the pick of the long term injured. Had his best pre-season yet. Rhys Palmer's another worth monitoring. Although, I heard he's had a hiccup in his comeback??

    946005 is the new DT league i've just made....

  10. Is the DreamTeam league already full? wouldn't let me in I don't think...

    If i'm there i'm the Reimannators, if not i'll start another Demonland Dreamteam league..

    946005 is the new DT league i've just made....

  11. Hell Bent is on the bandwagon. Looking forward to it!

    Is the DreamTeam league already full? wouldn't let me in I don't think...

    If i'm there i'm the Reimannators, if not i'll start another Demonland Dreamteam league..

  12. I'm going to say Jamar, he is primed to really stamp himself on the game. He absolutely loved kicking that bag of 5 and I think he got the taste for it. For a massive lump of a bloke he never really threw his weight around before like he did in the last few rounds of 09. I remember the Ox commentating that day against Carlton I think it was, saying that he must know something because it was the first time he was playing without stress. He just looked like a weight had been lifted from his shoulders. Maybe he had been told he was safe for another year. But whatever it was, it worked. He almost had an arrogance about the way he crashed packs and jostled aggressively and it bluddy well worked a treat. Given the opportunity again he will do it again i think. Maybe not 5, lol but I can see another couple of 3 goal games for the big fellow. Plus, his tap work has improved out of sight, he's at the perfect age for a ruckman to come into his own and barring more tragic injuries I see 2010 being his year.

  13. Yeah big thanks Steamin. For guys like me living OS, posts like yours are just so rewarding to read. I come back to Australia for 2 months in about two weeks and just worked out that I fly back to Germany the day AFTER the big Rnd 1 clash with the Hawkers. So I am an extremely happy man at the moment. A day at the 'G with my brother who is a Hawks man will be freakin fantastic after almost 18 months away.

    Also, I'm bringing a friend from Germany to Melbourne with me for the first two week. I have slowly converted her into an absolute die hard fan (who is madly in love with Brad Miller and wants to make Stefan Martin sandwiches with the crusts cut off for some reason) and you have made me think that since she won't be around even for a pre season game (thanks to the Fremantle fixture) that I should take her to training. I have only done it a handful of times myslef and I think it would blow her mind, particularly if she got to talk to someone, anyone really.

    So again, big thanks for the post. Keep up the good work!

  14. Its all relative.

    59 could be a good score considering the amount of time he dedicated to his studies, due to all the time he invested in footy.

    We've all heard the stories about him training on his own, kicking hundreds of shots at goal on the run on his right, because he missed a few at training -- doesn't leave much time for algebra homework.

    Thats all i said! Jeepers, people are sensitive on this forum some times! As for this 59 meaning he ranked 59% bullsh#t, sorry deanox my man, you are completely wrong. But nevermind all of that. My point was only that he articulated himself extremely well so hopefully it was more a refection on his dedication to football than his actual mental prowess. Damn people, i know the footy season is a fair way away, but for petes sake switch to decaf. I wasn't meaning to offend....

  15. Ball did get 98 point something, solid effort with a heap on his plate at the time.

    59 while above average technically, that is a bit misleading. Its a pretty average score. Yes its above average but then there are a lot of people who just put their names on the final exams to ensure their completion of high school and a lot of other reasons for the state average to be brought down. Not a lot of people are happy with 59. Good thing he can seriously play football and will most likely end up earning more than whoever got dux of his school!

    Thank you! Let if firstly be said that I am in no way trying to attack the kid, but come on, for the sake of argument I think most would consider 59 to be a pretty ordinary score. I graduated WAAAAAAAAY back in 2000 (lol) and I know some kids who were devastated by roughly the same score. And I went to Wangaratta High School for pete's sake!

    Absolutely agree his time was probably spent far more on football. But from what I have read about him and the articulate way he speaks I wouldn't have put him in the "typical meathead jock" category. So either he just winged his exams and hoped for the best or he (i hope not) just ain't that bright. Sorry.....

  16. I go to Mt Scopus

    Great school yeh we dont bring out the best sportsmen! but hopefully i can change that :P

    i had a christmas party with the whole melbourne fc team on friday night.

    spoke to scully for a while he hit 59 in VCE and was very happy

    either the system has dramatically changed or he ain't the sharpest tool in the shed. did you mean 95?

  17. Funny. The players have voted Brad Miller back into the leadership group again.

    Maybe they know more about what he actually does contribute than you do.


    Miller is a player of limited talent but wonderful application. By all accounts a terrific person with alot of character and personal integrity who is highly regarded around the Club.

    He deserves better than some of the treatment he receives on these forums.

    I've said the same before, absolutely agree RR. Attacks on his skills and abilities is one thing but some of the personal attacks on here are completely uncalled for.

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