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Everything posted by mdemonski2

  1. West coast bog s turnover.
  2. Another good question. And also, why do we start so badly every week? And why when we needed to stand up in second quarter did we rely on a first year player in tapscott to crunch someone? And another, why do I feel so tense?
  3. How can west coast get so much space? How can brad green be so good in 2010 and so poor since been captain in 2011? How can morton only touch the ball twice and turn it over each time? How can bailey possibly earn a coaching extension? How can the umpiring be so appallingly against us interstate? How can I find any positives apart from watts? How can I have so many questions but so few answers?
  4. Yeah I noticed this. Every time he is on the cusp of selection he seems to get injured or suspended. Who knows, maybe the grass is greener for him at Casey?
  5. Spot on deemolition. But your post is far too logical for posters like gotzy to understand. Not sure Gotzy has got much in the logic department..
  6. Spot on re maric. I really thought with the pre season he had, he might just do really well this year (put him in my DT). A mate of mine pointed out the same things you did and we concluded that it looked like he was going for a stroll with the dog sans dog! Needless to say I have traded him and his dog out of dt. He does not have the desire to make at afl level when the heat is on.
  7. Mate u obviously don't have young kids. I love the club as much as any other die hard but with two kids under 4, twilight games are the pits. Day games I take the older ones and night games I can sneak in at bedtime. Despite that, the missus has given me a leave pass for tonight!
  8. Shaw coming to the bench 'what the hell just hit me out there, a russian tank'. Trainer 'no you've just been tapscotted!'. Kid played an awesome debut game. Where is curry and beer now. Quote 'I have never seen him play but he is just a one trick pony'. C and b sorry mate but you've jist been tapscotted!
  9. Anyone got an update on today's game at casey? Would love a score check and an update on how some of the mfc boys are going..
  10. I am not a smart man, so I need to clarify what you are saying here. So you haven't seen him play but he is a one trick pony? I say with all due respect, this is one of the most idiotic comments I've ever read. Perhaps wait till he plays a few games huh?
  11. Jury still out on his kicking skills I would say. He has a few colleagues in that boat. Hope he proves me wrong cause as u say he can certainly run and carry...
  12. very nice choice. love a nice GSM. The mrs is watching lakehouse (some crappy chick flick movie). we both imbiding in a nice wynns coonawarra cab sauv. im hearing you - a glass only goes so far! only way i can get through lakehouse (along with the laptop).
  13. chill mate. long way to got yet...better still watch the game feed with a glass of red!
  14. Spot on. I was at game and the movement of the ball into thr forward line was excruciatingly slow. On the few occasions it got there watts contested well. His hands (normally sure) just were not quite working and he juggled and dropped a number of marks. Problems marking but not contesting or marking it. Not sure whether c and b was watching closely enough.
  15. Wasn't there an emmett dunn that played for richmond (maybe 70s or 80s). Yep showing my age here! Can anyone confirm?
  16. Yeah he has spilt one or two today. But give him a break, has laid some good tackles and contesting well. It'll come..
  17. My four year old loves tommy. Fave player (along with ronald deeman!) and she wants a jumper with a number. Having experienced much angst (and some good times) with the dees, I have been weighing up whether I go the 31 or not. Well after today, I am going to go for it. Unlike some posters (cough, cough curry and beer) I am not going to convince myself that doom is nigh and there is no chance he will be here next year etc. So I am taking a leap of faith for me and my little girl that us as supporters can trust him and the mfc. Not a decision I would take lightly for that all important first jumper. Tommy we are right behind you and can't wait to watch you this year. She will wear the 31 with pride and hopefully you and the other lads can take us to the promised land and a premiership (I just want one in my lifetime although more would be a bonus!).
  18. I'm not a smart man but I had no idea about some of the umpiring decisions tonight, none whatsoever...
  19. Careful what u wish for nutbean! Go for it mate. Why not put a piece together. You have a logical, well constructed article and it would be great for a different perspective on this issue. I also think it was a terrible piece of journalism but let's do something about it, rather than limiting to just demonland. May the demon force be with u nutbean!
  20. It certainly has gone quiet on the jack watts will he ever make it issue. I want to know where all those on demonland that were taking a crack at watts, the softness of private school footballers etc have disappeared to? One poster even had a crack at his school team (I still think one of the team must have stolen his girl or something like that). Those with chips on their shoulders should not swing axes!
  21. Two words in relation to how excited I am: pumped and very. Or is that three?
  22. Yeah but we (I believe) gave up our number one draft pick for white. If scully (and I hope to hell he doesn't go) leaves, we will not get a number 1 pick for compensation, judging by the ablett to gc deal..
  23. Again training loads. He played intraclub, so expect to see him at some stage in nab cup (probably couldn't get a big enough plane for him to get to adealide tonight!)
  24. Spoke to cam schwab at intraclub last week. Both tapscott and gysberts are on modified programs due to last year's injury problems. They probably both need to be treated as first year players would in that respect. They also need to rebuild their bodies in terms of core strength and some guys who look big are not neccessarily strong in some areas and vice versa. So neither are injured (good news) but neither are ready and they arte taking an ultra conservative approach due to their first year injury woes so they don't break down again. That is my understanding anyway...
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