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Posts posted by kallioota

  1. Luke Tapscott will be an absolute Gun for the MFC....There you go i have said it!!!! B)

    good call was draft as a forward done every thing right in the back line as well as being our best long kick.

    ABSOLUTE GUN in the making spoke to him at family day and is a really nice guy too :lol:

  2. ok what is it that REACH do ?

    Jimmy has spend a few years doing this to help people out that have gone off the rails.

    no matter how many times, some people have to hit rock bottom before the penny drops.

    66 days in rehab maybe just maybe he needs to be close to family which are in casey.

    if you are going to go off the rails it,s not going to happen just because Fev is there.

    half of you sound like mother hen get over it.

    in all the things he has done can some one please tell me just once when he has taken any one else down ?

  3. ok he stuffed up at the blues and got the chop but he then was sent to brisbane where his betting problems came out and so did those photo,s which had been doing the rounds for a while.

    then his wife packs up the kids and runs back to victoria, he has put his name threw the mud no one else come on.

    let him spend this year building some credit back.

    l hope that if he keeps him self clean for the rest of the year we pick him up with a one strike contract .

    we need a full forward and Watts could learn how to be more harder to the ball.

    l no you will slap me on this but l hope to god he can get his life back on track and Melbourne just like Jim Stynes at Reach give him one more chance.

    what do we have to lose and he has every thing to prove just like Ben Cousin,s and some of those collingwood players

  4. We are stupid if we don't recruit him.

    He'd be cheap now, has got his act sorted out and would be able to teach Jurrah & Watts how to go about it (& protect them).

    This would be a flag-securing move.

    The gun gorilla FF we've been waiting for.

    Do it Bailey!

    you are about to cop it wait for it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Here is a post from Bigfooty I just made:


    Originally Posted by ROB48 View Post

    The first I heard of Scully going to GWS was on a big footy thread and the poster said he heard from a North Melbourne official or something like an official, who told him Scully had signed a $6m, 6 year contract with them.

    Then that rumour was mentioned on the rumour file on 3AW so a poster on Demonland heard it and started a thread on that site. Then the HUN and its ever vigilant reporters ran with the now proven fact that it was a fait accompli and that he would be heading up north at the end of the season on this incredible contract.

    I actually read somewhere yesterday in the HUN that there was so much talk about it it must have some credence, another brilliant piece of reporting in that rag.

    So there you have it no facts no substantiation just pure speculation and a lot of hot air and hope from other jealous opposition supporters. I'm not saying that he won't be offered a contract but how in God's name would a North official know anything about it? How would he get this information and from what source was it derived?

    GWS will be after a player from every club so all those on here that are saying Melbourne will get their just deserts, remember, they will be coming after you too. Don't expect any sympathy from us when they do.

    Funny because I was that poster. I hope I haven't started this sh^t fight because here is the timeline which looks interesting...

    1/ I found out the rumour Xmas eve.

    2/ Spoke to Scully about the rumour Boxing Day... had a laugh as he hasn't discussed his contract with anyone. (the rumour was he had signed)

    3/ After the rumour hasn't come out for a month thought it was sh^t and a mate pulling our leg... hence posted on the 26th of Jan in reply to someone concerned on the Melbourne Board about GWS and mention this rumour as an example of crap we will here over the course of this season especially as Scully won't discuss his contract until the end of the year which was planned since May Last year.

    4/ Rumoured as fact on AW on the 1st of Feb

    5/ reported in the Herald Sun 3rd of Feb httphttp://www.heraldsun.com.au/sport/af...-1225999109227

    6/ Jon Ralph joins the debate http://www.heraldsun.com.au/sport/af...-1225999851531

    7/ effects the AGM and Mark Steven http://www.heraldsun.com.au/sport/af...-1226000621248

    Overall it looks a simple post stating the sh^t rumours you will hear can effect mainstream media... that and Mark Stevens definitely uses Bigfooty as a source

    Sorry if I started this sh^tfight because timeline looks like I may have...

    if you have started this rumour WELL done !

    we should have a beer and started one about collingwood god l hate those pricks

  6. l was thinking that I am hungry for footy to start this year an thought that it could be a good idea to take a drive to Adelaide.

    For $20, I get to watch 3 AFL games which would give me a big hit that I need and also help out with the floods but then thought HOLD on !!!!!!!!!!

    There will be a heap of Crows and Power people there what about the Dee's - is there many from Demonland going or many Demon fan at all?

    I have never been interstate to watch the boys would like to be around Dee's fans not dead heads.

    Should I go and take the kids for a weekend trip or just stay home and watch on TV? :rolleyes:

  7. I find it very annoying that they are having it on a Friday. If you are retired, unemployed or someone who has felxibility with their hours then it is fine, but the vast majority of us just have to miss out. Why not Saturday?

    why oh why not a saturday what a dump idea to have it on a thursday. makes no sense to me ? but what do l no l,m just a person who cant make it there thanks to living in Ballarat and working.

    if a saturday would go and watch as would otheirs

  8. it's the same every year just as they are about to bounce the ball in our first game.

    love the hole build up the days before when the kids keep talking about the game and how we will go for the year.

    then then the hour or so drive to the game where we always listen to the demons cd as we leave home and the chat in the car the hole way.

    then as you take your seat's at the MCG no matter if in the cheer squad or with the members and the cheat with friends and strangers about how we will go that year .

    Then the team rans out the song my blood starts to rush the family sing as one the crowd cheers.

    all this build up and then that siren sounds as the ump holds the ball above his head.

    anything is posable at this point,

    Bring on 2011

    Cant wait

  9. I got my membership pack today (hooray) - and included are two plastic banners and a little straw. I think these must be the thunder sticks referred to in the cheersquad booklet. I always thought I had a reasonable IQ, but I have to confess to being completely stumped by these. What are they and do I assemble them? I can't see any instructions anywhere, so I need help from someone who is more stickly aware than I am! Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeease!!!! :blink:

    what type of pack did they come in ?

    my kids got what we thought where flags with the new emblem on it but as age shows l was wrong.

    they are jackets for the kids to wear

  10. I don't particularly think that Kallioota feels disrepected, if so I apologize.

    However you also must understand that when going on an iphone and doing other things at the same time, it isn't always possible to provide reasoning straight away.

    I would have PM'd, but I think this information should be open so that other posters know Demonland's stance.

    all ok just wanted to no why it was removed

  11. is he out of control ?

    moved on to brisbane never wanted to go their he wanted to stay in vic and was hoping for the saints.

    since he has gone up their he has moved away from family which live in Narre Warren.

    lost his wife and kids which all where home sick and moved back to vic.

    he has a club around him but does he want them around is the question.

    loins should let him go and focus on his life issues for the rest of the year like benny Cousin's did.

    and l hope to god to see him again on a AFL footy field soon.

    lets face it he is good to watch and can play when he is focused

  12. Although you're right and there are people in the world ( like yourself ) that only ever think in terms of money, there are others that don't and value themselves somewhat higher than the dollar. You may not have met such people in your gordon gekko type of existence but that doesn't mean they don't exist. The corporate world will end up climbing up it's own anus and destroying itself. Admitedly it will take a few fine people and institutions with it

    ( football clubs etc. ) but it will happen and it will keep happening until we evolve enough to stop eating our own babies.

    what a load of sh#t when it comes to work my family comes first !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    and what's best for them.

    not what's best for my boss or patients.

    l give my all but if l was offered 20k more l would have to think about it.

    and lets face it you would only leave if it was best for your family .

    think you need to evolve caveman !

    loyalty ( a strong feeling of support or allegiance ) which many of us have to family first

    unlike the sounds of you that would eat our own

    grow up smell the flowers and get real.

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