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Adam The God

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Everything posted by Adam The God

  1. I'm rapt too. Getting the deal done this early (comparatively for a standard trade fortnight) means we almost certainly have something else in the works. I reckon we're looking at packaging 2 or 3 second rounders to trade back into the first round this year. We'll then shop that first round pick around and if we fail to land anyone, take a top 20 pick to the draft. In terms of our list, our area of weakness is certainly our forwardline, but as Richmond have shown with their mosquito fleet, you can build a forward machine with speculative picks. For the moment, we need to keep building our engine room and adding that outside speed that you refer to. Hogan, McDonald, Garlett, Petracca are locks for the forward half and in 2018 Hannan will be around about too. We need some more speed and a goal sneak partner for Jeffy. Is that going to be DJ? Who knows. I'm not sure we'll be able to play Hogan, McDonald and Weideman in the same side. Not enough forward pressure, but we'll see.
  2. I've read this before on this thread and it's still just as comical. You're comparing an underachieving talented third tall with a legend of the game. It doesn't get any more absurd than that... then again, we've had some beauties in this thread.
  3. If we can package 2 or 3 second rounders together for a first rounder, I'd suggest this might be our strategy.
  4. Nope. And it was very noticeable, because he was a pivotal reason we struggled against them the second time. He's very Rance like. Sides have to keep it away from him otherwise his positioning and ability to spoil is so good that he kills the contest. Cannot wait to have him in the red and blue.
  5. I say just get the deal done and worry about trading back into the first round next year. Lever will make our entire back half stronger and this will have a flow on effect to the midfield.
  6. Sorry, but are ypu suggesting Dangerfield has a say in the recruitmemt at Geelong? If so, he absolutely doesn't.
  7. Yep, fair enough, mate. That's more of the grey that I was referring to. That is a fair debate, but how many are having that debate? I'd say it is the right call if those closest to Jack say it is. So I'd defer to backing the club on this one. Of course, feel free to disagree.
  8. It's actually laughable people are getting so worked up and emotional about Jack leaving. Of course it shows passion, but to me it's wildly misguided. Who do you barrack for: Jack Watts or the MFC? Talk of conspiracies at the BnF, within the FD and potshoting Goodwin. It's like certain supporters have hitched their wagons so closely to Jack due to the [censored] they've been through together (and the failure of past adminstrations and FDs), that they can't possibly see his flaws or, that what is best for him (and the footy club, which is why we should be here), is to move on. He has great skills and decision-making, but he rarely lays tackles and can't mark above his head. He's played one good season in 9 and played really good/great games a handful of times in the other 8 seasons. Yes, he's been loyal, but so have the MFC. I could understand the angst if this was Clarry, who appears to be a generational talent, but a football club is bigger than any one individual. How some supporters can lampoon this FD for one decision, after the brilliant way they've managed the club over the past 4 years, is absurd IMO and totally over emotional. At page 456 or whatever we're at, some need to decide whether they're rational enough to separate their support of Watts and their support of the Melbourne Football Club. The two don't have to be mutually exclusive. I'll be sad to see Jack play in other colours, but I'll support my footy club - that's why I'm here. Not for one player, particularly one that has, I think most agree, underachieved. And before some say it, no, it is not purely up to coaches to get the best out of players. It is also up to the player to take control of their own professionalism and training, and get the most out of themselves. Jack hasn't, otherwise he'd have reached the potential many still talk about. And finally, let's not make this about potshotting each other. We're all Melbourne and some love Jack and some don't, but letting one player or one decision divide us is pointless, childish and dangerous. At the end of the day, all parties need to support the club. Some can continue supporting Watts and the MFC and others, like myself, can wish him well, but purely support the MFC and their decision-making in this instance. This year I've made a cognisant decision to live in the grey. Rarely is anything black and white, except perhaps my hatred of certain opposition teams. ? Let's all acknowledge that there's a complexity to the Watts trade (the grey if you like) without leaping on each other and simply support our football club. If any one post could exemplify the grey, it's my ramblings in this post alone.
  9. I haven't seen any excitement on Demonland with Balic, but then maybe I just haven't engaged in those discussions. I'm very meh on him.
  10. Sounds like Geelong are going to go further down the path of no return, in giving up all their picks for mature age players. They don't have any serious talent below the age of 25. The cliff will come for them.
  11. Hang on, mate. Balic was a pick 38. How does this compare with Schache? I wouldn't have thought the comparisons are that striking.
  12. Yep, this is fair enough. Agree with it all, but for Bobby to say Goodwin has a grudge against Watts without any inside knowledge or shred of proof, is just pathetic really.
  13. I'm sorry, this has been said multiple times, but they say 'next year is a super draft' every year. Build for now. Worry about next year, next year.
  14. Wow, Bobby. Really? Goodwin has a personal grudge against Jack? Is my sarcasm metre failing to work here?
  15. I feel like this adequately sums up Demonland for the past 9 years. Just lacks riddles and then you'd have it all. ?
  16. Indeed. I'm glad you wrote this, mate. I couldn't be bothered editing my post with "but maybe they're not mutually exclusive". Apparently, I could be bothered writing it here though. Strange world.
  17. Have a feeling Weideman (without Watts) might become even more of a whipping boy next year. He's certainly got some talent, but has to learn the game at the highest level a little more. I want to see him work on his leading patterns. He misjudges the flight of the ball far too much for my liking. But he's a young developing tall, who may well have a good future. We measure him harshly against the likes of Jesse, who is a freak given what he's managed in such a short time in the game. Aaaaaanyway, tangential. Jack has done his dash at the MFC. We should thank him for his services and wish him luck for the next chapter.
  18. This is true too. Maybe I'm just fence sitting on this one.
  19. I'm with you mostly here, except this bit is simply untrue. Nathan Jones' success is the oft-cited example that places some blame at the feet of the individuals who have failed to get the most out of themselves at the MFC. Some players push their professionalism constantly and others coast or at the very least put in less.
  20. I don't want many old Demons near that fish head. None of them had success...
  21. Yeah, but mate, the reason his season took a nose dive is because he travelled to Byron to promote his business instead of allegedly preparing his body. It's [censored] for tat with providing the whole story.
  22. We might want to move this to the Trade Rumours thread?
  23. We tried to get Damon but could only get Jones. Still, more MFC elements the better as Joe is bankrolling us. ? So this Lever bloke. Let's hope we can get him to the club early in the week, in order to land one or two others.
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