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Adam The God

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Everything posted by Adam The God

  1. Yeah, it is... It doesn't tell you anything. Of course being smashed in clearances is unsustainable, that wasn't the issue earlier in the year... And how about you give it a rest. You don't read my posts or comprehend them, so what's the point?
  2. Eventually Petty will go back, but it may not be next year. I'd keep May, Lever and TMac back.
  3. Winning today was the perfect antidote for the tumultuous week that was. You're running a ridiculous argument here.
  4. Winning centre clearance out the front always makes a difference. Winning clearances doesn't tell you anything innately about a game. It's how you win them. Which was my point earlier in the year.
  5. We are going to have some genuine competition for tall forward spots next year. JVR and Turner have to be locks for mine. I'd love Petty to play back, but where does TMac play? May and Lever are locks at the back. I'm so excited by Turner and have been most of this year. He's quick, he attacks contests in the air, and he's a good kick. He still fades in and out of games, but that's natural at his age and level of experience. Jack Viney, Max Gawn, Alex Neal-Bullen and Ed Langdon were incredible today. Possibly the best game Jack has played. Absolutely bossed it.
  6. But do we shift gears now, if there's no Houston?
  7. If Houston really is off our radar, do we still target Cumming? Obviously, Houston would have been part of midfield rotation, so it'll be telling if we don't target another half back.
  8. I'll tell you who would make a great CEO? Josh Mahoney...
  9. And what happens if the fish rots from the very head? We won't get meaningful cultural change until the closed shop at the top is dismantled. We have a bunch of fly in Melbourne supporters seemingly more interested in their own careers than the interests of the football club. Josh Mahoney for Pert for mine, and Todd Viney for Richo. Thank you very much.
  10. Unless the decision is taken out of Goody's hands. Which, btw, could well have a destablising effect, if Goody isn't on board with it.
  11. I reckon most people that are saying Trac shouldn't have done it through the media and crudely he "looks like a sook", also acknowledge that there are clearly issues at the club, and obviously these are issues that have been festering for a while and previously not dealt with properly. Otherwise, I agree with your sentiment. I don't however trust our admin, so I wouldn't expect changes there.
  12. Tom sets high standards on the training track and has constantly reinvented himself, which shows great commitment. Like, say, his management team? 😉
  13. I've already covered this. You get the leadership group together and you voice the concerns with management in the FD. If it was raised in the past and it hasn't been addressed, and has clearly derailed us, the conversations need to be more forceful. Not more manipulative.and external. And that's all I'll say on this.
  14. I think so too. But the funny thing is if we win a flag next year, all of this will be forgotten. Equally though, the next time there is adversity, the playing group will wonder if Trac is going to whinge through his management again. It's toxic.
  15. I never said it was a crisis, but Trac has made it so much harder to have constructive and grown up conversations when he's been seen to be whinging about standards through media outlets, instead of having direct adult conversations, face to face with his peers. Come on, I can't believe this is debatable.
  16. Each to their own, Unky Bitters. I'm happy to shoot from the hip on this occasion.
  17. I remember how annoyed we all were the last time the tail started trying to wag the dog at this football club. I'm surprised you've changed your tune. Again, we need rigorous internal discussions and IMV a proper external review of the entire club, not just FD, the admin as well, but you don't it through the media. It's manipulative, shows poor leadership and threatens to undermine more than resolve issues. Which begs the question, is he trying to force trade or is he just a poor decision maker with poor impetuous advisors around him?
  18. This is very likely what's happened. His concerns were previously brushed under the rug and now he's decided to go the press route. Again though, not a good strategy, and does more harm than good. You're a leader of the football club. You have to be able to galvanise people and convince them that the standards are not good enough. I think Trac is getting some terrible advice from somewhere. And he's going to need to do some work to patch this up with the leadership group. I can only assume May, Lever and Viney are furious.
  19. Me too. I had him as a leader of the football club, perhaps the next captain, and said as much before this story broke. But he's shown he shouldn't be the captain with this.
  20. I'm fine with the internal discussions. That's what will make us better. It's the playing it out in media that potentially undermines the goal of getting better.
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