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Everything posted by praha

  1. Brock is a scrumber. Like Jones. Too slow and not a good enough football brain.
  2. *sigh* We don't have any silky smooth players besides Davey and Sylvia. We have a non-existent forward line. We have 2 players under 50 games holding up our back line. Our "leaders" back out of contests and spray at goal. Our one true leader in McDonald just isn't AFL standard anymore. What do you expect? Rebuilding. That is the word. This is the first year of that rebuilding. Last year didn't count because the list was still infected with Daniher's duds. Slowly cleaning them out and slowly pulling them in. Hence a 3-4 year plan. It's one game, against a team that is flying, on the big stage, of which hardly any of our players have played on.
  3. Wrong. Jack Watts is the best player at the club. You don't hype up a player like that, before he debuts, without claiming him to be the best at the club. /sarcasm.
  4. Wow. did you people really expect anything other than that?
  5. I've heard that everytime he blinks, the Melbourne Football Club signs a new member.
  6. It was a joke people. As if to say we MIGHT be hyping him up over nothing, or that he might not even have an opportunity on the day to make the hype worth it. Some people take things too personally me thinks.
  7. Talk about over hyping. I'm looking forward to Harry O'Brian knocking him out 2 minutes in.
  8. Yr 12 is important, but not the be all and end all. If you're intelligent enough to continue studying, you should focus on that. Giving up an education just so you could take up the chance to be a successful athlete, which is never assured, is ridiculous. He's smart and dedicated enough when it comes to school, so he should be able to study what he wants to study and as dedicated as he wants to. He realises that he might not be earning 300k in 4 years and if he doesn't have an education in a particular field, he'll have to be a labourer (NOTHING WRONG WITH THAT!!). Believe it or not, but not every male on the planet wants to be a brick layer or an electrician. Some men just aren't interested in that. He wants an education so that at least when he finishes football, if he doesn't have investments or if he hasn't made it, he can go into a profession he always wanted to go into.
  9. Absolutely ridiculous thing to say. VCE is important, whether you want to go to Uni or not. If you have that mentality, it says a lot about your character imo. Nothing is better than a good education. I don't care what anyone here says. To assume you're going to be earning 200k within 4 years is the biggest mistake an athlete could make. He has no idea what could happen between now and then. The good thing about Uni is that you can essentially do it for as long as you want. Plenty of players juggle full-time AFL with part-time studies and eventually get their degrees after 4 or 5 years. I have no doubt that each club encourages players to have a university degree or TAFE diploma as a back up.
  10. Jackovich was a God. Still is. He is part of some of my earliest memories as a Melbourne supporter.
  11. He resigned with one game left and said he didn't want to coach them next season, even though the club had every intention of him staying. The Bulldogs pretty much said that if he didn't want to be there anymore, they didn't want him to coach again, and so had a caretaker coach for the last round.
  12. Tasmania Inbreeds (Sorry to any Tasmanian's)
  13. I'm sorry, but there is a distinctive difference between a good VFL player and a good AFL player. If a player plays well in the VFL, it doesn't automatically mean he should be playing AFL, in reference to Newton. Some players thrive on the bigger stage, whereas some thrive in the VFL. Him playing better than players who would normally be in out top 22 is hardly a good indication.
  14. http://forums.demonland.com/index.php?show...15041&st=40
  15. Great news. I hate Etihad/Telstra/Docklands and want to play as few a games there as possible.
  16. Smash Collingwood with Davey holding the Cup up!
  17. No. It was the first of our 7 game losing streak. We were 2nd, WC were 1st. You're thinking of a game from a few years early.
  18. Drop our spiritual leader and oldest player with the most experience. That will lift the boys' spirits.
  19. AdamFarr - When we were doing well in 2004-2006, I'm pretty sure we were a top 5 team when it came to crowd averages. Something in the 45k range. We almost got 40,000 at the G on a Saturday afternoon when we played West Coast in 2005. We can pull big crowds. Had we been up a flying, there'd had been 50k there last night. At least.
  20. With all due respect, 10,000 of those members are in Tasmania, with another few thousand interstate. Melbourne would probably have 25,000-28,000 members in Melbourne. Consider that probably only 60-70% of members attend games, even when the club is up and winning, and that brings you down to 15-18k, plus probably 2-3k casual fans. That's when we're doing well. +30,000 Hawks members/supporters Add on roughly another 10k if we were a top 8 side. We're not, so obviously less people are going to attend.
  21. I thought the turn-out was decent. I was sitting on the wing in the southern stand, first level. We were outnumbered, but that is to be expected when the bottom side plays the reigning premier. Let's look back to when we played the Hawks in 04-05. They hardly had any support at their games. Saints. Bulldogs. It's to be expected. We'll all be there, but the casual supporters won't be. Them's the breaks when you're a struggling team.
  22. Let's see if Sylvia can keep it up with a solid performance (at least) next week. I don't expect another blinder like today, but I want 20+ possessions with 80%+ efficiency and at least one goal.
  23. In all seriousness, he is a lovely lead. He presents well off the forward flank and down the middle and when we are flying out of defence is when he is at his best. But it's as soon as he gets within that 50 arch that he does a complete 180. He has no confidence and has a veteran of the side, I can't see him turning the tide. Unless he plays further up the ground permanently, he will be a constant cancer in the forward line, which I think he is.
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