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Everything posted by praha

  1. One of the most frustrating gameplay elements. Especially evident in the first game against Hawthorn. The ball would be kicked into Hawthorn's 50, we'd have about 5-6 players around the ball to their 4-5, all of whose Melbourne opponents are pushing back to protect from the short chip, while the original 5-6 players Hawthorn opponents linger around the 50. We would bash the ball out and get it straight back to a Hawthorn player. It was awful football. God 2011 was a bad year. Worse to watch than 08 and 09 by a MILE.
  2. praha

    Neil Craig

    Beggers can't be chooses. He's been one of the more successful coaches over the past 10 years. Some fans need to stop acting like Melbourne is a successful club. The guy's a genius and a very good coach. Everyone at Adelaide loved him, but it was ultimately time to move on, ala Daniher. Can be extremely beneficial in another role. See Balme.
  3. He's great, but the last thing we want to do is put another media shy player in as captain. It has to be one of Moloney, Jones, Trengove or Watts imo. Watts is superb in front of the camera and on radio.
  4. There are a few threads like this from the end of 2007, just as we hired Bailey. With inexperience, you just cannot go in expecting much. Talk is cheap. Melbourne helps define that saying. I won't be satisfied without a flag. I don't care how good a coach this guy is or can be. It's always the start of a new era. Because the era that precedes it is always rubbish. You wouldn't want a good era to end, would you? So obviously, such frequent "new eras" means a lot of rubbish.
  5. Daniher unleashed some mighty roars. The one against Carlton after the match when they reduced the 54-point three-quarter time margin to 18 points is a memorable one. He really let them have it. Daniher teams were pretty well drilled imo. But I think he was too kind to certain players, had favourites. Bailey was the same imo. Balme had an awesome team in 94, but injuries killed us for the next few years. His last few years were filled with moments of fury, but mostly out of desperation more than anything. I never once saw Bailey go off his rocker.
  6. I love the Melbourne jumper atm. Still need to buy
  7. I want to be optimistic, but Bailey came to Melbourne is high praise, and 2008-2011 is by far the most frustrating as a Demons supporter. I don't dislike Bailey and I think he's put together a ripping team, but the capacity of head coach is different to assistant coach. Some make it, some don't. I want to see results.
  8. No offence but you're kidding yourself if you think I'm ditching my AFL Gold membership. I'll be buying a membership next year too though. And I haven't bought the record since 1994.
  9. Any teams want to trade an experienced leader for two high draft picks in a compromised draft? The club has immense potential to bring in someone considerable. Look at teams like Freo, St. Kilda, Doggies. We can fill some current voids on our side with experienced players. + Ross Lyon = flag within 3 years. Do it Dees.
  10. Saints fans were destroying Lyon on the radio on Sunday, saying they are hoping to see him go. 1 flag, 26 spoons. 3 GF appearances in 2 years, came VERRRRRRRY close to winning 2 flags. Not sure what they want from the man. Mostly old hags ringing up though. Sydney won a flag using Lyon's style. Pies and Cats both have relentless backlines. Defense is key. As the saying in basketball goes: "Offense sells jerseys, but defense wins championships".
  11. Scully? Guy has played 30 games. Will be a star. Sour grapes much?
  12. praha

    Weak Club

    I think the club has handled it well. Not sure what people expect. I loved Lyon's response on FC, that the tables will turn. Loved it!
  13. I think making any trades should be at the decision of the new coach and his staff. Signing Morton is ultimately the better result as opposed to not signing him and seeing him walk, all in the name of seeing if the coach can trade him for someone he wants. We signed him and at least have a player with potential who is playing under a new coach. It's a new slate now. We have the team. Time to start performing. Morton deserves his other chance under the sun. Same with Newton. They've been taught one way. Now let's see where they can go under someone else, because, arguably, none of our prospective young stars has gotten anywhere close to reaching their potential yet.
  14. From what I've heard, the trip gave Scully an insight as to the team dynamics -- relationships within the team, player personalities etc. -- and this has fueled speculation that he returned home after feeling, erm, out of place on the trip. Maybe he clashed with certain players, or perhaps didn't see certain leaders directions as especially beneficial for the team. Each to their own.
  15. My finger is directed more at the AFL for putting a 20 year-old in a position to chose between a contract 200% higher than his market worth, and a contract 1000% higher than his market worth.
  16. Confirmed via DemonsHQ TWitter. Melbourne FC @DemonsHQ Melbourne FC As you have probably seen/heard Tom Scully is going to GWS. The Club was advised a short time ago and will respond later today.
  17. Melbourne is not the pinnacle of success. Therefore, comparing Scully leaving to other clubs losing established Premiership playing players also from the first round is a stupid comparison.
  18. Of course its a beatup. Why did the Herald Sun have a reporter sitting BEHIND the Collingwood cheer squad? Clearly in anticipation of this.
  19. I agree. I'm not passing on criticism to other facets anymore. It's time to start performing as a club and an organisation, keep these players around. If the Pies could match offers for Thomas and whoever else, Melbourne should be able to as well under the same salary cap scheme. Why doesn't Melbourne have more third-party potential? No more excuses. He's gone. We move on, be professional, and start performing. But the past few months for me as a Melbourne supporter, I've been utterly livid. That loss to Geelong I can't accept. I'm still hurting. It was utter rubbish. If Scully is on the move, club has to counter this. This moment has the potential to define the club for decades. How we respond is so important, and I'm just not confident, because I'm constantly let down. I can accept him moving on, but I'm not pointing fingers at others or the circumstance. This happening to Melbourne is not surprising. If we weren't such a rubbish club to begin with, one that constantly bottoms out, we wouldn't be in this situation. We wouldn't be losing the very players we got for bottoming out. See Sydney for an example of a great club.
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