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Everything posted by praha

  1. We've cost ourselves as much as 10k additional members on the back of that colassal round 23 failure. From a membership perspective this year will be just like any other: hoping members from the previous year sign up, and promising hope and progress to the disengaged. We have nothing tangible or historical to back up any campaign we come up with. Gonna be another tough season for the marketing and membership team. They've been stretching the figure for years. They do a fine job considering the circumstances but they always seem to just scrape over milestones.
  2. Well the Toyota brand that sponsors the Crows is the Toyota line of cars, not the Toyota that's the paent company of Lexus. There's a difference. While Lexus is a division of Toyota, it's its own brand and line, with its own board, branding and marketing. The audience for a Toyota is different than that of a Lexus. I think a lot of people here are making the mistake of seeing Toyota and Lexus as one in the same, which they're not. You have Toyota the corporation, then the Toyota line and the Lexus line. I don't think there's any sort of market cannibialisation there. Besides, Lexus has lent its name to Collingwood in the past.
  3. It's the ultimate test for us. I'd be pretty disappointed if we lost.
  4. I'm 31 and so do I come to think of it.
  5. https://www.instagram.com/p/BdCP2DFjHb0/
  6. I use twitter daily. You are 100% correct.
  7. I think that part of the appeal of esports is that anyone can compete "competitively" in video games. Professional competitions are a league above, but anyone can jump into a game of Call of Duty or Overwatch, and play the "competitive" component to receive a skill rank. Most professional players start off this way and if you play for long enough you'll eventually climb the rank and work up into a ranking where teams are looking to recruit you. So for a young kid, it's fun but always a way they may be able to turn their past time into something professionally and financially viable. I have a friend that is top 500 in Overwatch and received a nomination to represent Australia in the world cup. Didn't get beyond the shortlist, but once you make that tier you can join a team and earn anywhere between 10k and 200k a year competing in competitions. I used to work in game publishing and went to Seoul to see a World of Tanks tournament, just for a bit of research (South Korea is the esports mecca). With World of Tanks, all of the teams are owned by Wargaming (maker of the game), and each player gets a base salary (starting at around 50k). The Overwatch League is similar but teams are privately owned. Players are given a salary and bonuses for performance. It's essentially the NBA of esports. Evidently, there will be an NBA 2K league (that's the NBA video game for you oldies), and most teams are actually owned by Nba teams. As I've mentioned in other threads, esports is still finding its feet and isn't a guaranteed money maker. At the least it's a branding exercise, but gamers are fickle, albeit with high purchasing intent, so if AFL teams can build teams that are competirive on a global scale, the money will roll in. But it's not easy. You need to attract the best players, and the brand needs to be engageable enough and successful enough to attravy the right sponsors.
  8. actually the primary demographic is on the 18-35 range.
  9. how much more serious can you get on the sexual assault scale than...sexual assault?
  10. true...same goes though. "rape" is never used in legal or media reports.
  11. Argh....I immediately think "this club is cursed" but then I'm reminded someone may have been assaulted sexually and the football is secondary. I just can't fathom how anyone could assault a woman against her will. It's so foreign to me, the idea that would force yourself on someone. I'll admit I've made [censored] advances on women in the past and made them visibly uncomfortable, I'm sure we all have, but once I've realised I've always backed off. Problem for this woman is that it's a legal matter for Indonesian police. There's little Vic police could do except refer it to the department in that jurisdiction. Have you been raped before? I'm sure that if you'v been treated that way by a person in power, you'll do everything you can to ruin them. The girl has to know that this havng happened in bali means the player will almost certainly never face the law.
  12. as a side project definitely. as a money maker...it's a long term branding project more than a money maker imo, something a club that can hardly secure long term sponsors can afford. point being that clubs like the crows have the capacity to invest and fail, but Mfc is still finding its feet. I'm not convinced about the long term viability of esports as it currently is, blizzard is shaking it up with the overwatch league, you'r also dealing with a temperamental and fickle market that is still being established and analysed. atm this club needs to focus 100% on long term success and the brand building that'll come from that. esports isn't in a place right now that a club like melbourne can invest in. we need to be funneling everything into our football department because we simply dont have the flexibility to invest otherwise atm.
  13. Posted this in the sponsorship thread: " I'm not entirely convinced with esports. it's a super competitive market and unless you compete successfully in NA and Asia, the financial benefits are minimal. You also won't attract good players unless you'r prepared to outlay most of the winnings to the actual team. Some smaller esports teams only give a small percentage to the players because they'r seen as a stepping stone to more reputable teams. it's the kind of thing where you need to invest millions in order to start off high from the very beginning. I don't think any of the Afl teams getting involved are going that deep. imo some AFL clubs are seeing the financial benefits based on the success of NA and Asian teams, without truly understanding or appreciating the cost to actually set this up. Blizzard was asking for tens of millions just to buy a license for the Overwatch league. This is a league that atm has appealing projections, but there are still huge question marks over the viability. ultinately it all comes to sponsorship money and purchasing intent. Gamers are traditionally firmly in that high purchase intent category, but they won't get involved if the team/players aren't competitive on a global scale."
  14. The MFC has always been trend setters.
  15. I am certain we used a similar shot in the mid 90s as the backdrop for the team photo. edit: close
  16. bandaid solutions. the only way to make money with a snall fanbase is to win games consistently over a sustained period.
  18. word of advice: "neoliberal", "cultural marxist", "altright" and "SJW" are used either when the person is too lazy to form a coherent argument, or don't have the mental capacity to. I doubt you'r in either of those so please don't fall don't the rabbit hole of Millenial arguments 101. I wasn't trying to be political and I'm not (overly) anti union. In a sports environment I think it's pointless having a union that does anything other than negotiate pay and player movement. A fwiw, you used "free market" in a negative sense but it's the union pushing for a more open free market of player movement. An AFL team isn't a construction site The players are a team's greatest asset and aren't anywhere near as replaceable as a guy on a construction site. It is within a team's utmost best interests to ensure players are safe and healthy. That players are running to the union in this instance undermines the club, its coaches and medical staff. It's not the same as a kid on a construction site running to the union because he feels unsafe. the kid knows he's expendable and his safety isn't a priority. He's not a key to finish the project. Players running to a sports union because they feel "unsafe" is an embarrassment and major indictment on the club's intentions of gaining respect. I'm not antiunion. I'm anti players running to the union because they train too hard. I'd love to see them put on a hardhat for a week.
  19. true. but I didn't know that at the time. it's even more worrying now that we have players running to the union. Michael Jordan managed to get Steve Kerr, head of the player's union, to do the team thing and go above and beyond. They clashed, punched on (literally). But the two of them sealed a championship (Literally. Google "Steve Kerr finals winner"). This is another major concern I have now. You have some players actively undermining the coaching department. This is the first news story ever of players running to the union about training. It's embarrassing. The club can't actively address this. What can it say? outside of what it's already said? You can't ignore this. With any work place if the union needs to get involved you've got a problem. What do players who wanted to do the training say? They'r scabs if they say anything. That creates division. This isn't a construction site. It's a football club. Team cohesion is so important. And now the coaching department's efforts to work on this area have been compromised. The reports were that players were struggling...but they pushed each other. They pushed and pushed. Then 8 months later round 23 happens. A few months later we heard that someone or a few are worried they're being trained too hard. Why does this club always set the worst records, the worst stories, the worst standards? We are the new Richmond.
  20. Bernie is generally good from kick ins and Salem fluffed a fair few this year.
  21. I don't care that it was cancelled or the reason for it, but again i think this is just amateur hour from the media department. They don't owe the fans or media any reasoning for it. I don't think many people would have even realised if nothing was said. At the most all they had to say was "We've cancelled the camp to focus on a different training approach". Even that is too much because it creates questions. Had nothing been said, would people have even cared? Or realised? Now we're once again the subject of media and fan ridicule. Regardless of the legitimacy of the reasoning behind it, and it does some like a reasonable decision to make, you simply can't ignore that to the general football world, it doesn't look good. The club's PR and media department is just full of nuffies. This is bad PR. And we wonder why we struggle for sponsors.
  22. yeah no doubt but better crowds and the NT games have netted us a profit. Sponsorship is a reflection of purchase intent and amplification, and so long as we struggle to net long term partnerships, we'll never truly be able to compete with the big boys. Missing finals this year would have been a massive hit to the 2018 bottom line. it all flows on.
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