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Everything posted by DV8

  1. Yes, we need others to step up to the elite level, instead of watching others do just that. We have talents, but we need them to become, their own Max'd possibilities.
  2. Is he related to Daniel ? younger brother perhaps? Daniel Mark Bradshaw
  3. Glen Barlett above, starting to look a bit like Maxxy. Bring on the facial hair Demons... hairy Demons.
  4. Clarry has a bit of Jazz about him. ... but more Clarinet than Cornet imv. can he sing?
  5. it is easy to blockout conscious distractions or persistant distractions from our minds, or like adds, or a song you don't like. But unconscious reactions to, are different and not easily recognised once they are in our minds. Like an American spelling of words on auto correct in Windows... or American accents and terminologies... learnt by our infant children from watching Sesame Street on a daily basis.
  6. they need an electric type car... like an e-type jag or a quick saloon type. https://www.jaguar.com/jaguar-range/xf/index.html Expect the vehicle to be delivered sometime in the beginning of the summer of 2020.
  7. I think you would be surprised Smokey. I've been close to that action, and other areas in my life. I've learnt a lot of things that most would never go anywhere near in their lives. So those things have shown me a different prospective to most, in thinking about things. Players, even today's, are still human beings, and especially so when in their first 25 Yrs of life. They do and think much the same way as ordinary lay people. They are Not super humans. And so don't think of many things differently. They will usually only think of things that come to their Minds naturally, or are taught to them, or they learn as they read... all things of life. papers, books, mag's, internet, even forums. Attitudes spread around, like virus's do... by word of mouth. IF the word is of arrogance, that can catch on... and it can go unchecked, and it can rub off on all humans... like footballers, without them even realising the changes, before the postmortem at end of season. Yes, it is a fine point to discuss this... but we are nearing the pointy end, the business end of the rebuild... & the smallest percent of gains are critical, from this point on, for us. Everything from this preseason onward, is huge for our future, right now... more-so, than after the 1st H&A bounce of the season.
  8. the players can take the lead... from the supporting masses. and vica versa. This has happened to us in the past, in the 90's. It can become a silent negative snowball that 'feeels grreat' in the midst of it... But is a disaster in the end result. It is up to me to say in a forum what I think and have learnt. I cannot make people do anything... so telling people to do something is not something I have the power to do. "telling" is your interpretation, for you to inwardly explore, for your own personal inner meaning of it. I am allowing you to have yours, or I wouldn't be responding to you. I would just arrogantly block you. but I choose to read with interest, your thoughts and feelings.... cheers.
  9. DV8

    Demon Legends

    I never thought of Billy Goggin as a head hunter, but i didn't see him play much from memory. And I think 'we' (the team, the club) are close to being "Ready". and willing.
  10. I have subscribed before.. a couple of times. But then get hounded for some profanity which everyone does now... but the site filter blanks them out. and they continue on without any land comments. I've been hounded by the likes of that whiny rhino, for daring to be different to his views... I've been suspended/banned for daring to resist the ideas that treat women different to men, that they deserve more respect... I differ, after being abused and molested by that same gender. And then get banned. I have already payed many times, including donating to resurrect Demonology... when it was offline. I have subscribed, and without any income... no pension no dole nothing. no income of any sort with the interest rates. Living off the bank account, until I run out, of time.
  11. DV8

    Demon Legends

    Thanks, I haven't seen that image before. I was a 1Yr old, back then. I hadn't heard of the Demons, until I was maybe 5Yrs .
  12. DV8

    Demon Legends

    Cowboy Neale, Carl Ditterich, Every club had them. We were one of the few with the least. Biffen, Grinter, not enough. The Cats did they have many mongrel head hunters ?
  13. DV8

    Demon Legends

    My dad was a bluebagger and my old sister. Dad took us all to princes park (must have been trying to convert me)... and one day I saw from the fence, John Nicholls dueling a young Len Thompson at a boundary throwin. Something happened to Nicholls, and the ball was punched back out of bounds, metres away... Next throw in, and Nicholls whacked the ball, and Thompson's nose at the same time, smashing Thompson's nose over his face. game over for him. I remained a Dee, against all the odds along the line... with everyone else having success. Even the Sainters got theirs. It's been a long, long time. .
  14. https://www.google.com.au/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.bigfooty.com%2Fforum%2Fattachments%2Fshaun-smith-mark-1995-jpg.388419%2F&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.bigfooty.com%2Fforum%2Fthreads%2Fshaun-smith-mark-of-the-century-1995.1170185%2F&docid=917IfeT1DaPXdM&tbnid=IXYqDAaoXG9QvM%3A&vet=10ahUKEwiTz-KDh7DgAhXWXysKHdjMAcAQMwgxKAowCg..i&w=958&h=720&bih=1058&biw=1920&ved=0ahUKEwiTz-KDh7DgAhXWXysKHdjMAcAQMwgxKAowCg&iact=mrc&uact=8
  15. DV8

    Demon Legends

    Yes. and barass beside him. Who's in front of Barass... looks a bit like Parkin, but I'm not sure.
  16. We don't need him and our oldies in top flight, early in the season... we'll be needing them through the heavy going, Winter and into Spring. We'll need the extra leadership in the last 8 H&A matches. The shuffling of the deck. Finals is another matter, depending on ground conditions, IMO.
  17. dabbled ? Whatt, the Lipton jiggler.
  18. Absence, makes the heart grow fonder.
  19. DV8

    Demon Legends

    so few playing images of our olden days. It's hard to find many.
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